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Wait, you actually messed that up? I thought that was the joke. You seriously don't know the names of the characters? "Naruto" has some of the most recognizable characters ever created. You need to get out more. Or maybe in more?

The animation wasn't that bad. It was just very pointless. Even the title is the most generic I've ever seen! At least it wasn't that hard to find. I can see why this is the lowest rated Naruto flash here.

Well, that was strange. Usually when you see a tutorial, you see the program around it. I still liked this for how unique it was. I'm not really into tutorials. This is still quite fun. I like how upbeat the movie is.

It's fun just to look at those eyes. They really are a huge part of art. Hey, that rhymes! It does comes off as a little boring and maybe not enough for a full cartoon. It's still good.

I actually thought the fight scene with Mario and Luigi was pretty good. A pity it was so short. I don't see why I had to watch this before viewing the commentary. I knew enough already. The sprite work is pretty nice. Yeah, Mario got what he deserved.

I though that bit in the middle was credits. Whatever, it was probably too long. I don't know why Mario's raping everybody. Well, he is just horny. This isn't really for me.

Wow, that was really impressive! I just loved the use of the color purple. It seems like you use a different color in all of your cartoons. This was actually surprisingly action packed. Oh yeah, of course there would be spaceships. They're on Mars!

It was cool to see all this random stuff. I don't know why a fish has an antennae penis. That's a fish, right? I need to know my species better. I just love how bulgy everything looked, like it was part CGI.

I'm glad you kept making holiday cartoons. You always manage to have something different with these. I've heard of combining Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas into one holiday. Now you're adding New Year's! Well, that actually makes sense. The animation is great.

I know you're still making Kung Fu Karl stuff. I just want you to make more episodes. It's been way too long. I love the Lincoln's birthday joke. Could you combine those as well?

I have never had this problem. Then again, I don't even really remember this from my childhood. It couldn't have been too bad, though. Seems like everyone's part pedophile. I like the voices as always. This is probably as accurate as you can get.

Well, I don't know if it literally happened to you. My childhood was better. I would choose the laser background too. Never cared for Jonathan Tyler Thomas. I am old.

You make great cartoons! I just love the animation. Shadow looks especially wonderfully animated. The humans seemed a lot cheaper though. Black Doom sound just like Doctor Claw! I wouldn't be surprised if that was Frank Welker doing the voice.

He's worked on parodies before. Rouge is still sexy. That was a great Chris joke. Shadow's hair kind of look like tentacles themselves. At least "Sonic Generations" was good.

Well, here it is, my favorite Phoenix Wrong flash ever made! I just loved everything about this! It's mostly because of how long it is. I also loved seeing that drawn stuff in it too. Now THAT was variety! My only complaint is that the Tenacious D bits did go on a bit too long.

My favorite might have been "Monty Python And The Holy Grail". Maybe that's just because I love that movie so much. "Invader Zim"'s always good. I wish there were more of these nowadays. Some memes just die. It was truly epic!

Wow, that was weird. I mean, even by your standards. I guess this was just a couple of unrelated cartoons. A lot of people do that, though. The best part was probably the last one. I hope that girl wasn't born from a rape.

I didn't see anything about seeking in this. I seeked seek! Anyway, the animation was as good as ever. You are quite crazy. That works so well on this website.

Giant enemy crab! I think this might be the first Metal Slug Rampage flash I've ever seen that wasn't a game. You really did have a story too. This was never a silly game to begin with. I just loved all the fine details. The sprite work was always great with this franchise.

That's probably why Tom Fulp liked it so much! I could hear Rina-chan's voice. She is in everything nowadays. Zombies are always cool. It could have been a little longer though.

Dusty-Gorilla responds:

Glad you enjoyed it :) It was a great time to be on the internet making stuff and I remember being so happy when Tom added it to the collections.

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