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I feel bad for not liking a Daily Feature. I mean, it just seemed to have little point. A guy uses spray on hair and some more stuff happens. I really do like the bee cursor. I think this could have been a lot shorter. The animation wasn't that good.

I guess it wasn't meant to be anything too deep. It just seemed to be too nonsensical. The music wasn't bad. I kind of like how the bees get involved. It just does little for me.

I really appreciate how good the animation is. It's great to see how far this goes. There's just always more stuff happening here. A lesser cartoon would have just stopped with the steroid stuff. I love the juice listings at the beginning. The music is nice too.

This controversy really deserves to be mocked. Everything is just so nicely cartoonish in this. It's quite creative. I don't know why the one guy dissolves in the first part. It's just good and creative.

The animation reminded me of Jhonen Vasquez. I guess the main robot just looks like Gir. It's a pity the rest of the animation wasn't that good. It just didn't seem to have much point. I admit it was kind of unique. It was also like Hotdiggedydemon. Then again, I like he was more like John Kricfalusi.

I was hoping this would lead to more. Well, some people like it at least. It just needed to have more detail. I don't see a lot of stuff about Ancient Greece here. This just wasn't done that well.

I really did enjoy this and I'm glad you're back! It's sad that you're not in a format that doesn't allow you to have Easter eggs. I'm sure you can still submit something like that. Well, not on other websites. I really like how the story is advancing. It's great to see how far you've come.

I just watched Dragonball Resurrection F so it was nice to see some DBZ parodies. The voice work was great. Rina-chan is as good as ever. I like how there are new things that really do advance the plot. It's just nice to have Zelda finally interact.

VicHD responds:

Sacrifices had to be made when fans pressure you to make things quicker.

I did consider having Cojiro Turn blue to reference Goku's new transformation, but I figured that would be overdoing it.

I admit that the animation could have been better. You yourself acknowledge this. Are you meant to be a noob yourself? I still genuinely liked this. It was nice to hear this music. I thought maybe you'd make it shorter.

It just seemed like it went on a bit too long. It still holds up well. I truly appreciate how the animation is so smooth. I think the size worked well. Most of us on the forums can be like this.

As soon as I saw this, I knew it would be something great! It's just that the game itself is so awesome. It's hard to go wrong with even featuring it. The best part was probably the last scene. I was NOT expecting that. The animation was great in this too.

It was nice not knowing what would happen next. That suits the game well too. It seemed like the mood was set just right. 30th anniversary?! I can't believe Mario's that old!

I was surprised to see a cartoon not in the standard format. That was kind of nice. It reminded me of the older times. It seems like you're just into that. Wow, these two are finally making out. I guess that's inevitable of any two characters of the opposite sex.

Of course, the fans would make you think that's inevitable of anyone. This really was quite a philosophical cartoon, at least in the beginning. I like those f*ck jokes. There should be more like those. I like how this has continuity as well.

I admit that this started off well, but it just kept getting dumber and dumber. What's with all the supernatural stuff? Suddenly, these people can control fire and heal themselves! It was nice to see the parts where they explain where corporal punishment came from. A lot of it is just too unbalanced. I appreciate the music, I suppose.

It was just too long. You tried to put in too many weird things. Woah, the website was founded around July 4th! I never knew the exact date. I am sorry, but this just wasn't for me.

I was able to understand it after awhile. It's still pretty confusing. The dial switches the seasons, okay? I just thought this was a bit too long. It didn't really do anywhere that much. I do appreciate the animation.

The way the characters move around is pretty nice. I rarely see stuff featuring talking trees. He looked more like a mushroom at first. The voices seem appropriate. It is kind of boring.

That was good, but not great. I think my main complaint was that it was a bit too short. You could have done more with this. It still works out quite well. I have never heard of this idea before. I don't even know why someone would hunt mechanical birds

For the sport of it? I mean, you can't eat them. Everything was really nice and bright in this. The music was great too. It was a nice short little cartoon.

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