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Looking back, I think this may have been one of the first Naruto related things I ever saw. Nah, they're older than that. Anyway, the sprite work is really nice. It's great to hear this theme song again. I admit that it's making me miss the series. I'm so glad it ended on such a high note!

It's simply hard to go wrong with this style. I like all the little things going on. Naruto's Sexy Jutsu was pretty funny. In that same scene, a hot Tsunade is in the background! It's quite elaborate.

Dang it, this is just so beautiful! I admit that it sometimes goes in the Uncanny Valley, but it's still great! I just love how everything comes together. I wish it was longer! Well, the second part is even better. You really do know how to do great narration.

The characters sincerely come to life here. It's nice to have everything move so fast. At the same time, it's still pretty soft. It's just such a nice cartoon. The music is wonderful as well.

I admit this wasn't one of your best works. I think you've already done stuff on shit before. Then again, it was kind of different with the baby. Maybe I SHOULD never have kids. It was at least nice to hear that song. I'm glad it wasn't too long.

Dang, I accidently rhymed. It was just nothing that unique. You draw babies well, though. The animation probably could have been better. I just don't think it's that good.

I feel bad for not liking this! I'm sorry, but I know everyone else loves it! I just thought it didn't have much to it. I guess it was meant to be a Dr. Seuss parody. It just didn't seem like it went far enough with anything. The voice wasn't bad.

The music was fine. It just didn't seem to have any point. I was searching for some deeper meaning. It did kind of work as a loop. Don't worry, I won't eat my lunch like this.

Wow, that was probably the most thought provoking thing you've ever done. I was fairly certain that it was just going to be a trailer at first. I am glad there was more. The mood is wonderfully set. The music is great. It's nice to have such surrealism.

At the same time, it isn't too strange. You really are wondering what will happen next. It maybe moves a bit slow at times. It's still lots of fun. It can be hard for us to determine what's real or not.

I was kind of bored by this. There wasn't much going on. It just seemed like the same stuff from last time. The animation was still fairly good. I do like the technique with the black and white stuff. It's still pretty elaborate.

I just found it to be too short. I like the "Pt2" title. The music is fairly nice. It's nothing to write home about. You can certainly make better things.

Gerkinman responds:

This series certainly had a lot of balance issues when it came to pacing and episode lengths, so the critique is more than fair.

This was decent. There was one disappointment for me. Why didn't you focus on the humans that much? Most of the other animals were featured. Yeah, I guess people are technically animals. I like the Yoda voice.

Another Revenge Of The Sith reference? Star Wars is just everywhere here. I think the animation could have been better. There didn't seem to be a lot of movement. It was still good.

I enjoyed this a lot. It's a pity Tifa's the only girl I'm that familiar with. Come on, we all know "Final Fantasy VII"! The animation was kind of weird. It looked sort of too cartoonish in some places. It did fluctuate at times.

For the most part, it was good. It was great to see some genuinely heartwarming moments in this. Alucard's voice actor is so good. I personally don't care for the "Xin Session" series. That was a long scene after the credits.

This was just tons of fun. I'm thinking it was made at this time because of "Revenge Of The Sith" coming out. Then again, this really had nothing to do with it. It's like how there's all these "Force Awakens" flashes out. The voices were great. I actually did find myself caring for these guys!

It was nice to see them advance. I wish there was more depth on Yoda's species. It's just never been brought up. I like this animation style. It's just a fun cartoon.

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