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Wow, I was not expecting a cartoon like this from you. You usually do such lighthearted ones. I still love this for how serious it is. You really do know how to talk to the audience. I don't know how this guy got his name. Is it a reference to Gordon Freeman?

It certainly seems like some meta reference. The animation was superb in this. His voice was amazing. You know how to intimidate someone. I've written thousands of reviews! That ought to count for something!

I enjoyed this, but I don't really think it holds up that well. I guess it's mostly because the animation doesn't seem that good. The story is pretty typical. There's still absolutely nothing wrong with it. I have just seen better. I can appreciate robots.

I understand that people love this. The sounds were quite good. The title is really nice! I think the length is pretty good. It's just a good cartoon.

I admit that it could have been better with the fight scenes. It's still quite enjoyable. I really do like the idea of squirrels doing, well, nutty stuff. When I saw the title, I thought this would be something "Neuroatically Yours" related. I am glad it wasn't. The animation was quite good.

There are some "Far Side" cartoons like this, or one. You know, where the cows are talking and then act normal when people see them. The music was nice too. Not that great, but still fun. I don't think it should have won Daily Feature, though.

I am growing fond of that Jelly Penguin thing. Another thing about Tardigrades here! I'm so glad people are becoming so well informed about science! I don't think they're immortal, though. You might be thinking of the immortal jellyfish. I guess those guys aren't as popular.

It was cool to see the recent dead celebrities. It's nice to be topical! The voices are great. It's just very entertaining. Yes, I believe all the stuff you said is true.

Wow, this cartoon was exactly ten minutes long! There shouldn't be a limit like that here or anything. It's great to see this fluid animation. I KNEW that was Brad Jones doing the voicework! It's so awesome the Channel Awesome (redundant?) people got in on this. You're all so talented.

I loved everything that was going on. Every bit with the two aliens was hilarious. I'm still glad they were killed. It's great to see people from other websites working here. I guess this website isn't dead!

This was supposed to be the most dull part in a series?! How does that work?! This was wonderful! You deserve all these awards. I thought maybe it would be something about a chupacabra. I mean, they are known as "goat sucker".

Then again, this IS more appropriate. This guy seemed more than just a stick figure. I guess that's why this isn't under Stick Flashes. The sounds are great and realistic too. I'm so glad this is popular!

I love this because it reminds me of a lot of newspaper comics. This guy even looks a lot like Snoopy! It's more noticeable with his large nose. It also seems like something that would be in "Calvin And Hobbes". With a title like this, I knew it would be good. The artwork is great. Everything works out well.

You just don't know what weird thing is going to show up next. There's so much action. It has such a cute appeal. It's weird how violence can be like that. It's just very nice.

It's funny because I was just looking up perpetual motion in this one book. I appreciate how good the animation is. I do think it's too short. Then again, you don't need to do much with it. That's probably the closest you could get to one. I think you'd have to remove all friction.

The music was really fun. It was just something done with high spirits. I hope PETA doesn't see this. The old man looked like someone from a Pixar movie. In fact, this kind of has the feel of a Pixar short film.

This seemed like it was going to be something really great. I am so disappointed that it was so short! You really did set up something cool here. The animation was amazing! I just couldn't understand the story much. Why was there a period at the end?

Why do people do that? I think you could have used voices. It was something that had so much potential. At least you got somewhat far with it. I appreciate the finer details.

It's great to see you back again! This was so awesome! It's just so nice to see this great animation. I admit that some of the jokes were a little predictable. Then again, a lot of us have made ones like these. I'd love to see more of these guys.

I love how there's so much going on. There's often something in the background. These designs are all nice. It just has so many laughs. The last jokes are probably the best.

I am one of the most prolific reviewers on this website and even on the Internet! I am proud to be such a huge fan of this website!

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Joined on 9/21/08

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