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I must say that I'm surprised this was in the collection. Well, I guess one of them has to be the lowest rated. This was just way too short. I guess these guys weren't technically stick figures. They seemed more like Knox's klay men. It's just two people with love.

You need to have a lot more of a story. There is just nothing unique about this. I guess I rarely see stuff this short. That's still not a compliment. Anyway, Happy Valentine's Day!

I am surprised this has relatively few views. Then again, there's no porn involved. It was weird to see her with lipstick. Was this based on a Powerpuff Girls song? I hope you don't get any ideas from that... The artwork was great.

While not much went on, it was still enjoyable. Happy Valentine's Day! It seemed like a lot of people have forgotten it. It's my first in this apartment. The colors are wonderful.

Most of these jokes were good. I just felt some of it was too repetitive. It was like when you kept using the same sound effects over and over. Some of them were still pretty good. I also think the animation could have been better. It still isn't bad.

I guess it just doesn't hold up that well. For the most part, it's unpredictable. I think you used some sound effects too much. It's still a cool idea. I'm glad you told how many of these scenes there were (ten).

Well, at least it wasn't a giant enemy crab. It's great how this goes on fairly long. There's really not much else to say other than that it's hilarious. I'm glad it does this over and over. I live in Florida and have had some bad encounters with crabs. Everything just gets wackier as it goes along.

I see a lot of Metal Gear parodies at this time. This must have been when the third game came out. I guess it could have had more jokes, but it's still great. The voices were spot on too. The animation holds up fairly well.

I was in fact disappointed that this had no dialogue. It was a music video if nothing else. I still appreciate how good the animation is. I thought I would hear Luis' voice in this. It's still fairly nice. The enemies look vaguely like stickmen.

The action was pretty good. It's great to glorify someone. It shows admiration. The music was pretty good. A little too short, but still nice.

I could have sworn this was animated by chulaid. It looks so much like his work! I just really enjoyed how dark this was. I had no idea it would go that route. Well, with the dynamite, I should have known anything was possible. At least everyone was happy at the end.

The animation was of course amazing. It's great to see so much going on. It was fairly short for something with scenes. It wasn't that complicated. Whatever, it was great!

I loved this, if only because it was something you made. Yeah, I'm biased, but I don't care. I haven't seen a cartoon from you in a long time. You're mostly just making games. I wasn't expecting Goku to appear. It was just great how this was all done in good fun.

It's great to hear this music. Everybody just looks so adorable. I don't think there was an FF game where Goku appeared. Some hack maybe? You're just such a great artist.

It's great to see you back! I love it when people name stuff after tropes. It's even better when it's something quite different than what you would expect. I should use that episode joke. I appreciate how good the animation is. You just have so much going on.

You don't know what silly pun will show up next. Everything moves so smoothly. I knew she'd stay dead at the end. It was just enjoyable. It's exactly what I'd expect from you and this series.

danmarkowitz responds:

Thanks a lot!

I found this to be truly unique! While you have the same tone, it's like there's a different animation style here. I always love people who can do that. I guess a lot of us can associate with this. A lot of us feel trapped. I just liked how psychological it was.

It's ambiguous as to what is real and what isn't. That's always impressive. The artwork was quite nice. The music fit really well. It's just a great ambitious cartoon.

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