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I did not like this, but I didn't hate it either. The music really is nice. I guess I was just expecting more. I guess it's sort of like an infinite loop. It made little sense to me. There probably should have been color.

The music was pretty good, though. It did seem to be in its own unique world. That still doesn't make it good. I've never heard of this song before. The title made as much sense as the actual cartoon.

I found this to be pretty good. I could imagine animals having conversations like this. I'm not sure if hyenas are Hispanic. The voices are quite funny. I admit that the animation could have been better. It really does look cheap at times. I think the length is pretty good too.

It generally made for a good conversation. I just wish it had more style. It wasn't that unique. The funniest part is probably the babymaker line at the end. I guess I am against doing that to animals.

It didn't seem that good at first, but it certainly got better. I guess I just appreciate how goofy this is. It honestly seemed like the guy on the other end was being entertained. Okay, it was 3 in the morning, so it couldn't have been good for him. This is still animated very well. Everything just looks so nice.

There wasn't that much movement. What was there was really good. I especially love this guy's voice. It's great how their faces express what they're going through so perfectly. Pretty short, but still great.

I was really impressed by this! I admit that I was expecting something different. I thought it would be like a demo reel. I wasn't expecting an actual plan with this. You have lip synching and the words being spelled out. I have seen other cartoons with this name.

I don't think they were like this. It's great to see StrawberryClock look so triumphant. Everything moves so fluidly. It's pretty standard for your cartoons. You have such nice bright colors.

Well, it was just one joke but dang, was it funny. You really deserve this high rating. The animation is absolutely fantastic. It's weird, because I have often thought the same thing. Well, at least concerning you. Makes me glad I wasn't a character in this, unlike TOME, hee hee.

I just had no idea what would happen. I love the joke you make about other people submitting so much crap. Quality over quantity! The title really does say it all. You are one of the few people who consistently make cartoons here. I love you for that, man!

I didn't care that much for this. It was still pretty good. It's mostly because it's fun to see these guys look so stupid. Everything is just laughable. The Claymation effects weren't that good. Maybe that was the point?

The title is probably the funniest part of the whole thing. Well, I guess it gave me exactly what I expected. It didn't even seem like the voodoo potato got hurt in any way. It was pretty funny to see them get hurt. The voices are funny too.

I like this new intro! I like it because of how it ends. I am glad it didn't say more. I felt like I knew it was going to say that he would die in 3 minutes. Well, I guess I have nothing to disprove that wasn't said! It was quite unpredictable.

Good thing they've now legalized gay marriage! Of course, I can't tell if these things are male or not. The random violence was nice. It was more creative than most episodes. It's as zany as ever.

I didn't like how it didn't all run together. I mean, the segments are pretty long. I'll just review each of them one by one.

Punch-Out! 8/10. Nicely animated, but not that interesting.
Kung Fu 10/10. Hilarious and I love the voices.
Super Mario Bros. 10/10. Wonderfully animated and unique!
The Legend Of Zelda 8/10. Not bad.

I didn't find this as good as a lot of your other submissions. Maybe it's because no one died? I guess the one guy did get kind of an injury. That seemed to cause some damage to his face. It was quite unpredictable. The final joke was quite funny.

I like the menu. This was the time you were always making new ones. I love how these are unique. While not that great, I would recommend it. Pinkerton's a funny name.

This wasn't one of my favorites, but I enjoyed it. I think it's because the animation is so good. Every character has a really unique design. They all have unique personalities and voices as well! It's just great to see them interacting. It's nice to have this good style.

I guess my favorite character is Little Bitch. It might be because he's the one I associate with the most. Wow, that's bad. Anyway, this is fun for a little cartoon. You really have a wide variety of animals here.

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Age 35, Male

2719 E. 8th Street

Joined on 9/21/08

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