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Wow, I loved this! I think it was because it was done in such high spirits. The animation was absolutely flawless! Everything moves so fluidly. I don't seem to remember these characters, although I think I've seen them before. It's wonderful to see these original personalities.

The voice work is awesome. Every single character is so much fun in this. This deserves its high score. Yes, you will win Daily Feature! I'm so glad you're still around. May you make more stuff with these great people!

It was great to see something by you. I was disappointed at first because I thought the first part was the whole movie! Boy, am I glad it wasn't! The animation is as wonderful as ever. It's great to see these characters with such unique designs. The first part was probably the best.

It does seem perverted at times. I just enjoy learning so much about this main character. I really do feel bad for him. The voices are great too. The boss guy is pretty funny too.

I really do love this because you have no idea what's going to happen next. The colors are as, uh, colorful as ever. It's just a very pleasant cartoon. The other ones seem to have more conflict. This was just nothing but fun. I was surprised that there were no end credits in this.

It seemed too short that way. These guys had so much mobility. It's exactly how cartoon characters should be. It's neat to think how high these numbers will be. There should be something special for the fiftieth one.

This was nicely animated and generally enjoyable. It was great to see these movements. It was weird not to see any sumo wrestlers in this. It just could have been longer. The single joke you did was pretty funny, though. I just like how natural this is.

It's just a guy fighting off animals. You don't need to be elaborate or anything with it. The colors are so nice. I like the quote at the beginning too. It's good for what it is.

This was good, but it could have been better. It was rather nice to see this animation. It looks like you really have changed after all this time. I guess if it was bloody people would accuse it of being like "Madness Combat". There's too many imitators of those already. The music is great.

I like to see how things get worse. It was nice to see these little guys going around everywhere. Was this a parody of a PSA? It seemed like one at least. I'm glad I don't work at a construction site.

NCH responds:

This was like a very old work done back then for some inter school safety animation compeition. The animation got me first place lol.

I feel sad while watching this. It's just that I don't really follow the story or know the characters' names or anything. I can still love it for what it is. It's a great piece of art you've made here. Black Bart sounds like something from "The Simpsons". I guess Bart's not a common name.

It's great how you keep this tone. It's just so nice and light. Even the darker parts aren't so dreary. It's always nice to have such cute characters. I don't seem to be following all the numbered parts.

I admit that this was pretty weird. I do like the setup though. It's always nice when you see a movie set up like a movie. That should be more common here. The movie within in seemed pretty nice too. It was overall fine.

It was just a bit too short. It didn't seem to amount to much. I doubt you could ever get your money back from a movie like that. Eh, I guess I could try it. The animation was fairly good.

It's weird seeing as how this same song is used in the other episodes. I still enjoyed this. It was just really nice to hear the full song. I don't think that's something you've done before. The animation is as nice as ever. You pronounce his name differently at times.

It's weird to hear part of the song when you click to repeat it. He's just a nice happy character. There are two few rabbis out there. The transition effects are good. It could just be a bit longer.

I feel bad for not liking this more. I guess I just felt it wasn't much for parody. It's still generally funny and nicely animated. I just love those costumes! It was great to see most of the characters in this. I like the idea of taking lesser known characters and making them important.

That's what Expanded Universe is for! I don't think he was much of a character. It's great how you give individuality to the Stormtroopers like the movie. The music was awesome! It's hard to go wrong with it.

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