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What a kite

This was one of the finest animations I have seen in awhile here. It was just great to see the gorgeous animation and make you realize all the beauty that could be fine in everyday mundane life. It was weird at times, but still one you should probably remember. Maybe someday I will be inspired to buy FlashPlayer and make my own animations. I am not sure if there was supposed to be any deep message or anything with this cartoon. It was probably just meant to show how fun it is to fly a kite and how nice birds are and stuff.

Fairly appealing

While the animation could use a lot of work, this actually came off as fairly decent to me. It was just good when everything got really blurry and stuff towards the end, with the black and white flashes. I felt as though there was real emotion put into this. It did kind of make me feel as though I was there, even if you did not come up with the actual audio (are you Henry Shirley?). Everybody has sorts of crazy road trip stories that are entertaining. Why would he be wearing mittens is a pretty good question.

Those slugs

You guys have obviously been making these cartoons for a long time now and it seems to show. I think they have gotten a bit better with each viewing. I imagine that in the story there will always be another who will take the place as I believe this is an infinite loop (wait, it isn't!). Of course, they appear to have infinite ammo so it won't be much of a problem for them. I hope you had a good Clock Day as well as a good Halloween. Next time, you should have more than a single loop as that is not that popular on Newgrounds.

Fro responds:

This submission was a long time ago.


Now this is what I call EXTREME ADVERTISING! I could not help but be reminded of HappyHarry's "Nicholas Cage Wants Cake" for some weird reason. I was not expecting it to go on that long, but I am definitley glad it did. There were just so many visual treats going on like the Cowardly Lion appearing with Courage the Cowardly Dog. As that was one of my favorite shows, I appreciate any references to it. My only complaint is that the resolution could have been a little bit better, but still AWESOME!

You're the undercat!

It seems like it's been awhile since I saw and reviewed something by you guys. I guess I just appreciate the Lock Legion so much, I want to see more. You really deserve this Underdog Of The Week Award, and it is definitley worthy of your legacy. I was thinking it might just be a cheap thing with stopping after the first sketch, (with the cat eating the other one) but it turned out to be better. You guys manage to be better than people like the Kitty Krew because you still put some effort in the cheesy stuff you make. Good job for beating the Kitty Krew on a kitten collab!

I love it

I think that this is in my fact my favorite series on Newgrounds ever. Just every episode is chock full of gag after gag after gag. It doesn't even try to put on a lot of elaborate and silly stuff, it's just straight out good humor. The animation is simpy fantastic and it is also obvious the voice actors team put a ton of effort into this. It's weird how you just randomly throw in random things yet still keep a story like the zombie appearing or the paper airplane that shoots people. I would just love to become a voice actor in this fantastic series.

You are tearing me apart, Bella!

I liked the reference to not just "The Room", but the flash game that Tom Fulp made. It took me awhile to even understand that the "Twilight" characters were the ones watching the thing. I was also impressed by how good the animation was, particulary with how the art shifted. I was a bit disappointed it was not longer, as it could have used more jokes. It was still good that there were so many voice actors to help you on this. I hope you had a happy Halloween and maybe even consider using me as a voice!

Above average, sort of

I was hoping for a "Batman" parody, but the closest it came to that was a clown villian appearing at the end. This had some good action scenes, but the main flaw is that the flash was at too low a resolution. It should have been smaller to get rid of the pixels. While I have not seen the first one, this seems to be a fairly decent cartoon. I enjoyed seeing some fairly new designs and some good old-fashioned action. The best part was probably at the end, with how Ronald McDonald was just standing there.

JetLong responds:

cheers, if u take a look at my comments in the first one u will understand y its low resolution

It was realistic

If you were looking for something realistic, then you certainly got it. If not for the fact that the numbers came out of the fish like that, I would have thought this was something for the Discovery Channel. The main weakness with this is that there is so little that happens. Next time, you should definitley at least add some music and make it longer. Maybe you could show better shots of the electric eel as he swims around. Real life is fascinating, but you need to make something so realistic more interesting.

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