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I admit that the ending was quite clever. It's just that I think certain parts went on too long. You didn't need to have that part go on so long. It's still nice to watch. The animation is quite good. I had no idea what to expect from this. I'm glad this was submitted for school!

It's just so ironic. With your Daily 2nd Place, you can't be accused of making something bad. The best part is probably the beginning. It just shows a lot of fluidity. That's great in a cartoon.

I loved seeing Peter the Pickle again. It's been way too long. I loved this because it's something all of us can associate with. We all have weird friends. We have weird stuff we do with them. Sometimes, we just don't understand these weird things we do.

Again, your voice sounds like an old friend of mine. The music is pretty cool too. I just like the consistent tone. The keyboard hitting was really funny too. You just don't know where the violence will come from.

I truly enjoyed this as well! I just like how realistic everything is played out. This really does seem like an actual funny review. I like how it's a direct continuation of the previous episode. It doesn't even have a numbered title! It's so nice to see this animation.

I am so glad you have that song at the end of every episode. It's so catchy! This seemed to be a good length too. A pity you're not making stuff anymore. Oh well, I guess everyone retires...except for Rabbi Blazo.

This really was a lot of fun. It was so nice to see Pengy in the audience. You really had potential for this character. It helps that the song is so much fun. I really like that Blazo intro. It's just a nice little touch.

It helps that this guy is so likeable. I'm not that familiar with this song. You'd think I would be. The animation is pretty slick in this. It's just a feel good cartoon.

I liked this, even if it wasn't great. The best part was the cutaway gag with the Cat in the Hat. Too bad that didn't happen to the Mike Myers version. I do think the animation looks kind of shoddy. It just doesn't add up to much. Yep, I remember "Numa Numa" too.

The voices are pretty good. The colors aren't bad. I like the idea of it raining acid. I noticed the subliminal message in this. It's right after he mentions this website.

I didn't find this to be as good as the first one. It was still quite enjoyable. The hamster is as funny as ever. I notice the Censored bar disappears briefly. There's a lot of middle fingers here. I thought the teacher was kind of annoying.

Maybe that was the point. I really do like Pengy. He's certainly the most likeable character here. Nice voice. A bit too long, but it's still nice to see most of these good characters again.

I remember first watching this back in 2000! Yes, I firmly believe it was on another website before you put it here. It really does look pretty dated. It's still a great cartoon. I just love how these guys have such distinct personalities. I don't think I've ever even been to Hampsterdance.com before.

I always heard it was annoying. The voices were spot on. I just noticed Terrance's PETA pin. Kind of ironic, when you consider PETA is heavily against the use of animals in entertainment. Lil Pengy is pretty charming.

Yes, it's been so long since you've submitted something! I'm so glad you're still around. It's too bad this was less than a minute. It would have worked even better as a trailer. It's a shame you wouldn't do more with this. It's still great for what it is.

I appreciate the animation being as good as ever. It's great how you've created something new. I love how you put the TM in the title. While short, it works well as satire. The creativity always works.

I believed this mostly deserved the praise that it's gotten. It's simply great to see this awesome animation. You manage to tell so much without dialogue. I guess it was a little too long. It's still a great cartoon, though. You really know how to set yourself up.

I didn't realize Nim was that small. Yes, I figured out that was the main character's name. The music was amazing. I just appreciated all the hard work and effort put into this. A little late for winter, I suppose.

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