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The animation was good

It was interesting to see how the series started out and it looks like it started out pretty good. At first, I was unable to see anything, so I thought maybe the flash had been removed. Luckily, I reopened it and saw it. The animation is really stylistic but it does look like it could have been made at a smaller picture for better image resolution. The sound did not seem to sync up well for me, so you should probably get that looked at. It was a bit hard to follow with the story, but it did seem like an original concept.

JetLong responds:

cheers, yes i dont know why flash does this to me, the sound is totally in sync on my computer but when i export it onto newgrounds it screws up! happened my other submissions too, wasnt happy.


Congradulations on getting such a high score on your first submission here, friend! You obviously have talent as I was very impressed by the style of this cartoon. It seemed like something you would see at a film festival. While a bit too short, it was great you did this for your class and I am sure you got the utmost credit for it! It was hard to tell what message the cartoon was trying to send to me. Was it about isolationism or maybe I should just appreciate it for exploring a person's fantasy.

Suncomes responds:

I'm always so surprised to see new comments on this post. Thanks!

Your right for the message. It's mostly about the fact that we're always a bit isolated, even in a big crowd. It was roughly my own understanding of "Message in a bottle" from The Police.

Also, thanks for the festival thing. This part of your comment touched me, really.
Hope you'll go see Rosie, my other one. Also, don't miss my next flash, wich should be posted during the following month.

Have a good day!

Great idea!

This was hilarious because it was a truly funny and original idea! Nipples really do in fact look a lot like chest pimples, I mean they have the aclera (whatever you call it) that pimples do. I was not that grossed out by this, even by the image at the end. Hey, men don't really need nipples anyway, except maybe for sexual simulation. I love how the guy is so apathetic over the fact that he's bleeding profusely. Another funny part was how the first guy changed his tone in midsentence.

I remember!

I was trying to think of whatever song you were doing in the background of the cartoon, but it was the "Hamtaro" theme song. I like that as much as the next guy and it was a cute show. I think this is one of the better things you guys have made at the Clock Crew. It helps that you were not trying to put a bunch of porn in this or anything. I guess there were some parts of it that were creative, but still not that good. I think it is funny how this was labeled as an "informative" submission, as I have no idea why.

Can tell it's quickly done

I like dinosaurs as much as the next person did (when I was a kid at least) but this needed improvement. It seemed like you were trying to recall back to a time where we were more innocent and had fantasies like this. I think the coloring is meant to reflect the use of crayons. Of course, with all the cynicalness out there, it was hard to tell if this was a parody or not. My advice is to make the images and sound more clear and try to have more of a story. You should really not try to put an animation together quickly.

Hey, daddy!

It is nice of you to win those awards, even though I did not find the cartoon that enjoyable. I guess the problem is that I was expecting everything to come along. The animation seems standard and I like how simplistic everything goes. For a moment there, I thought those guys actually did have the daughter over there, but it was a hoax. I wonder what they would have done if the dad had went along with the plan? If he gave them the five million dollars, wouldn't he then ask for his daughter back which they would not have, but then again they did not think it through.

It was alright

It was kind of nice to see one of these comic like cartoons with actual movement going on. At the same time, I am not used to seeing that kind of action and it is hard to get used to. Still, you obviously did well with the sprites. I would know a good Link sprite when I see it, as Kirbopher used one for me in the TTA series. There was a nice twist at the end with Kirby swallowing everybody. I just usually look for a fight scene that allows you to see all of the fight as it goes on and not just in panels.

Needs more work

This was very bad to me, because it had so little that was going on. It was nothing but a man who was ejaculating and he was colored yellow with these weird sounds and backgrounds after awhile and that was it. I guess it might work well as an experimental flash. If you guys do not want people to write mean comments, then you should try to take their advice. You guys need a lot of work with coloring effects and need more things going on. I guess the intro with the yellow cats is alright.

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