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Wonderful cartoon! It's great that you made something based on your own life. I can imagine this happening to anybody. I have my own problems with college and the like. I'm not going to use this review as a way to tell you my life's story, though. I will say that you have great drawings.

I hope the Texas girlfriend worked out well with you. I love the name of this. It makes it seem like there's some epic battle in this. Instead, you showed us a battle a lot of us go through. This was quite insightful.

I'll review each and every one individually. I thought this would be a point and click adventure at first!

Fish - 10/10. This was the best, probably because it was the longest. I really did genuinely feel sorry for these guys.
Piggy Bank - 9/10. It really was quite tragic. I thought he was just going to smash the piggy bank, but it was so much more than that!
Cockroach - 8/10. Weakest, because it was too short. It did have a nice twist ending, though.

Merol responds:

It was short of becoming a little point and click adventure but I restrained myself.

Thank you very much for the individual reviews!

Aww, this would have been a five star cartoon if only it was longer! What a funny coincidence. I was just reading about whale sharks in Guiness World Records last night! They are unique creatures. I really appreciate how good the animation is. The voice work is flawless too.

The sheep here are just so adorable. It helps that sheep are so awesome. I think this is the first cartoon I've seen in 2015! It looks like we're off to a great year! Everything is just nice and light-hearted.

JoelOnToast responds:

Reese and her husband are Alpacas, but thanks anyway

Yeah, I was expecting some action. I still think this wasn't bad. I guess it's nice to know you are trying something new. I miss the ninja, though. Happy New Year to you too dude! It did have Christmas tunes.

Aww, those two holidays are too close anyway. The animation is quite good. This is probably the weakest cartoon I've seen from you so far. It still is in no way terrible. A bit too short, I guess.

Well, this was certainly adorable! I did, however, not think it was one of the best I've ever seen like most people. 4.65 is really high! I guess it just came off as a bit disorganized to me. It certainly seemed like it was making room for a sequel. Well, it is a series of course.

It's funny how Ichabod is himself a bird. Yes, I'm trying to remember these characters' names. The animation is freaking fantastic. The voices are wonderfully suited too. I'm certainly glad to have seen it.

Wow, this turned out to be awesome! I'm such a huge dork I recognized every single dragon in this! It is kind of a pity Smaug wasn't there. I just saw the last "Hobbit" movie. I was so disappointed he died so easily! Well, I haven't read the book.

I really like Spike being there. Yeah, I'm such a huge brony. The animation looked a lot like BarfQuestion. Well, I guess it was just the backgrounds. Weird how you won a Weekly 2nd Place but nothing else!

I used to think this wasn't that good. I do realize now it is a lot better than I thought. It's of course because I understand the title. The actual series name is "MINEcraft". It actually does end up being a nice takeoff of buddy movies. I guess they're not cops here.

I would like more Cactuar and Tonberry cartoons. You do seem to like cactus characters. Well, I guess the Creeper isn't really...you know, I don't know enough about Minecraft to talk about this. It's just a good cartoon. I don't know how I missed it when it first came out.

That's the best Christmas cartoon I've seen all year! I can't believe it didn't win Daily Feature or anything else! It's the highest ranked Christmas cartoon this year and for good reason! The animation is simply gorgeous. It has a great ending, and then a twist to that ending! You haven't submitted something here in over TEN YEARS.

It's certainly the best thing I've seen you work on. It's a miracle how far you've come over the last decade. I hope you had a very Merry Christmas! I wish I had seen this earlier! It certainly is short and sweet. You deserve the thumbnail for Christmas 2014!

zipzip responds:

Wow!!! You are so kind, thanks muchly! Thanks for all the love, but I was just one part of the whole animation team. THEY KICK ASS!!!

Well, the animation was good, but there wasn't much to it. I will say it was better than that Christmas cat video I saw. I guess I was just hoping this would have something to do with Christmas. Ah, too late now. I just have to admit it's extremely cute. There just needs to be more activity.

I'm glad it was just a sweet natured cartoon. At least these birds are nice, unlike that Alfred Hitchcock movie. Hard to say a lot about something so short. There's nothing in the least bit offensive about it. Hello again, Cyberdevil.

Yeah, this didn't have much going for it. It was mostly because it was just a loop. The animation itself was pretty bad. It was even too loud. I guess it's nice to make this statement. I mean, I fully agree with you. I guess you did submit it in November.

Thanksgiving doesn't have many movies or anything about it like Halloween and Christmas. I hope you had a merry Christmas. You really need to work with lines. Shading would be great too. The outlines are too thick.

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