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I knew it would turn out violent sooner or later. To its credit, it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I guess if I was more into the games, I'd like it. I still feel as though you really did capture the spirit of the games. Oh, I just now noticed RicePirate. It's nice to hear from him, literally.

The animation was wonderful in this. I felt it was just the right amount of detail. I'm glad you mentioned why it was in the Comedy-Parody section. It seems like most cartoons here are in that. While I didn't think it was one of my favorites, I still loved it.

Well, I think this really did deserve the Daily Feature. It's certainly the best Madness cartoon I've seen for this year! It really was unpredictable. I had no idea the janitor was going to be a badass. I guess it should have been more obvious with that title. The artwork was great too.

You really did seem to want to make this as well detailed as possible. Really, the characters did have unique designs. That's hard to do in this series. The effects were well done. It's just good old fashioned killing!

I admit I was a bit disappointed with how there wasn't any shooting. There were still lots of cool deaths, though! I really do appreciate the animation in this. The use of CGI was just fantastic. It's the kind you should see more on this website. It was also nice to have them in flesh colors and faces.

It's a more realistic approach to the genre. Happy Madness Day 2014! Sorry I'm a day late. I still think this is worth watching and the music's great too. My favorite part was probably when the cars went around the construction site.

It's kind of weird how Yotam and Fantasia are part of the Lazy Writing series. Well, you can do whatever you want, I guess. I felt there could have been more animation. Everyone else seemed to just be standing in place. You look so different than on the title screen. The animation's good too.

Slice of life stories can be good. I think my favorite part was the rape joke. Yeah, I'm sick. I'm glad Fantasia got better. Who says thirteen isn't lucky (with this Daily Feature)?

Well, I couldn't associate with that as much as usual. Yeah, I...didn't have many friends as a kid. I was never one to argue. My dad is really athletic, let me tell you that. He's 60 and he still works out! He'd win against any dad, I bet.

Seriously, it was great to see you back. I love how you go through the stages. I rarely got in any kinds of arguments. I was...you know, I really should stop telling you my life story. Then again, you're doing the same thing.

Well, the animation was quite good. I just uh, didn't quite understand the last joke. What did Mr. Potato Head have to do with anything? I admit, he looked good. It just didn't seem to really go anywhere. Still, I love "Toy Story" and anything related to it.

The voices were quite good. The setup was pretty strange. At least Buzz learned his lesson. Why'd he say "again"? Wouldn't he know this from the previous time he did it?

M4KBOT responds:

Yeah, him saying "again" is a reference to when he falls and breaks his arm at Sid's house in the first film. I guess he just didn't learn his lesson and is too cocky to turn down a chance to impress Woody.

I just loved this. The main reason is because I see all of these people who are asking me for money in stuff like this. I have given out a little bit here and here. It's not just this website, EVERYONE's doing this. I don't have much of my own. That's probably the main reason why this is so awesome.

The animation is great. You are such a brilliant source of satire. We need more like that. Oh, and the animation here is fantastic as always. I love how the voice changes. You've captured the spirit perfectly.

I love this cartoon, because it really does capture what this crossover is. The creators of "South Park" say they got phone calls from people at "The Simpsons" saying they hate "Family Guy" even more than they do. Why did they do this? Did Fox force them to? I guess it wasn't Matt Groening himself who said he didn't hate it. The animation was fantastic.

I love how you make fun of these dumb, pointless scenes. This whole thing is nothing but a sellout. The voices were actually pretty spot on. Everything moved so wonderfully fluidly in this. They all deserve to die at the end.

Wow, this is deranged even by this website's standards. I still have to love this. I mean, I had absolutely no idea what would happen next. Hell, I had no idea what was even going on as I watched it! The animation was really good. I knew something would come out of that penis head man.

That would be the worst superhero ever, Penis Head Man. He grows penises like tentacles. The music was really good too. I remember the intro, but not the other episodes. I don't remember them being this insane!

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