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When I saw the thumbnail, I thought it would be some bad live-action video. It really wasn't that much better. I can understand why this was submitted on August 15th. I'm not going to rip on you for that, I've been there too. The animation wasn't bad, I suppose. I don't see the point of this.

The news reporter is a procastinator? That's it? I guess it did create somewhat of a surreal sense of humor, but not a chuckle. There's just nothing of note here. Don't make something so short go on forever.

It's great to see this series back. It really is dark humor when you think about it. This still doesn't answer any questions, not that they ever will be answered. The animation is probably at its best. Suddenly, the part in 6 where he eats himself makes more sense. Of course, he didn't seem like a clone himself.

At least he got to be happy. At least, that's the kind of emotion I think he has. I don't see how the puppet seemed to come alive. I knew horses wouldn't do that to someone. Or did they?

I have to admit that I'm somewhat disappointed this is not an infinite loop. That seems to be something you're more well known for. Still, this is a great cartoon. I think the main reason it works so well is because of how unpredictable it is. It really is inspiring to see all this random stuff here. I thought I would have to freeze frame it to see the stuff he got it.

I'm glad it shows up shortly afterwards. Why would you want to avoid a naked woman? That's the best thing you could ever find! The animation is as great as ever. Well, it was RicePirate who did that.

It was strange, because this didn't have anything to do with New Year's. I saw Santa Claus, but that isn't really about New Year's. I couldn't even see how he was that important to the plot. I did appreciate how good the animation was. It helps that I can really connect with these characters. For the most part, they even get what they want.

It's nice to have such a happy series. It seems weird to have all these voices when none of them are comprehensible. I don't think this is Russian. It's not even Thanksgiving yet! Now we're two holidays ahead of ourselves!

Another fantastiac episode! Seriously dude, your stuff should be in the top rated of all time. I think the main reason this is so good is because you just keep on giving joke after joke. It's not just random pop culture reference, but stuff that makes sense with what's going on. I love seeing the frustration in every character's eyes. It helps that the animation is so good.

There are just always jokes going on in this. You can always expect the timing to work perfectly. My favorite is probably the bit at the beginning about where they're going to eat. The way everyone comes together is so brilliant. Dang, I am officially a fan of this sweet series. LeMarion really does care about his parents!

Well, I can't really say anything that bad about this, because it was fairly well done. It helps that the music is so freaking awesome. I hadn't even seen one Lock Day 2013 submission. It's great to know you guys are still out there. Granted, you're not one yourself, but the tribute is nice. I just love how high spirits everything is.

You can always refresh the page. I admit that my only problem was that it was a bit too long. I still found it to be quite entertaining. It was quite unpredictable. They really do have distinct voices.

I thought this was a pretty good cartoon. What I didn't understand was what these guys were supposed to be. I thought it was worms because Bernice was pink? I appreciate her Southern accent. I must have gotten too used to that living in Florida all these years. The animation is pretty good.

I didn't think Kevin was even listening to Jeff. Not that it really made much difference. Jeff's pretty dumb for making that picture. Maybe he just wants to be featured on the Rule 34 website. Okay, I'm shutting up now.

Well, I don't think it's as good as everyone claims, but this is still pretty freaking awesome. The best part about it is probably the animation. Dang, it looks gorgeous! It's nice to have such a good satire about male gamer games, if that's what you want to call them. The voicework was fantastic as well. People are just obsessed with hot women in games, you know.

I just appreciate all the exaggerated body movements this has. Everything is just put out of proportion. I think that's what makes a good commentary on something. I am fortunate enough to have never spent any money on something like this. I doubt I ever will.

I was pretty amused by this. While not a favorite, it still worked quite well for its humor. I knew SOMEONE was going to be dead by the end of this. I'm glad it was him. It's really interesting to see how you manage to show facial expressions through helmets. I assume that's not their actual faces.

My only complaint was that there seemed to be a bit of a problem with the audio. I think it went a bit too fast for me. I should have known that this was inspired by Monty Python. It works well for its length. It's certainly worth checking out.

Dude, this is seriously one of the best cartoons I have ever seen in my entire life! I think the main reason it's so awesome is because of how fast paced it is. You have done something that no other stick artist has been able to do. I have never seen stick figures that had so much personality! While they did not speak, you really were able to make great and likeable personalities for them. Apart from all this, it's just a wonderfully pleasant cartoon.

Seeing the early version was like too cartoons in one! I loved how it went beyond anything you've ever seen before with how they rebel but get caught in the end. You still don't get the sense it was pointless because you see the defeated enemies. It's simply a fantastic use of camera angles. I am so glad to be introduced to someone as amazing as you. May this cartoon live on forever!

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