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DUDE, this is the longest flash cartoon I have EVER SEEN IN MY LIFE! You say this goes on for like thirty minutes, but it's a lot more than that! This thing goes on for a whopping FOURTY-ONE MINUTES!! I guess the only reason this hasn't gotten more views is because it just seems to never end. At least you are getting the recognition you deserve by it having such a high rating! I honestly had no idea where this thing was going!

For the first ten minutes, I was a bit bored, because it didn't seem like anything special. As the longest flash cartoon I've ever seen, it played just like an actual movie, with its drama being built after that time. Unlike Sonichu, you've created a Pikachu video game hybrid who's actually cool. Loved the part at the end where you were talking about how it didn't make sense. I think the second longest flash cartoon I've ever seen is "Super Mario Bros. Z Ep 7" which was forty minutes long. This is a monumental achievement!

Pienkaito responds:

Wow, thanks for the praise and your time for writing this review.

I'm not quite sure why, but I think you reminded me of LittleKuriboh. It's just that he proposed to his fiancee online. I know that didn't work out very well for him, but hopefully, you've truly found love. While not as good as some of your other stuff, it's still great to look at. It seems like there's always something moving in this cartoon. You look like the Team Fortress 2 guy now that I think about it.

I love how this has such a cheery feeling to it. We all wish to impress people we know even if we disagree with what they think and certainly a fiancee would qualify. It's great to know you are getting on in life. It's something everyone can admire. I hope you have a great relationship with your fiancee.

Zeurel responds:

I proposed a year ago, this is jus a little something to show at our wedding in 2 weeks time

I thought this was awesome! It was easily the best of the "Incident" series you have ever made. It seems like you're always getting better with animation, like how the blood spurted out in a more colorful way. It just seemed more realistic. I don't know much about guns, but I thought it was cool how a lot of detail was put into them. Hey, someone actually lived in a Madness cartoon!

I guess Hank and the boys aren't so evil after all. This could have easily been another full episode in the series. I think it may in fact be longer than some of the previous entries. No, I was not able to keep a total count of how many guys died here. You just get so absorbed in it you don't care much about counting. You will never lose your style, buddy!

It's amazing how you've gotten so many awards with this series. Not a single bad episode have you ever made! Anyway, I thought this was really cool because of the animation as usual. I'm thinking that the NPCs (if that's what they are) were supposed to represent the Native Americans or something. The best part was probably when the one guy mentioned Rene Descartes. I honestly don't think I knew how to pronounce that guy's name.

Good thing I'll always remember it was him who said that phrase. It's cool to have a pig in this. Every one of these seems to ends on a cliffhanger with more enemies approaching. A pity I can't remember these characters' names well. It's still a great series.

Falconer02 responds:

Thanks alot, man!

I thought this was really cute. It's really impressive knowing that you are not just making a new cartoon every week, but that you are making one that always wins an award! Daily 5th may not seem like much, but there's so many submissions, it's pretty impressive. I really liked how you kept up the great style of animation. My favorite part was probably when Hanky turned into Twilight Sparkle. It reminds me of my first pets.

I used to have goldfish, but they died so soon. I think the oldest one only lasted for like nine months, but I didn't use an aquarium. It kind of makes you wonder where you'd put a giraffe. I guess I shouldn't be asking you something, because every episode has an audio call. You just have a nice little system here.

I never played the original games or any of them. I really loved the animation in this. It's just great to see such high quality and contrasting styles. I really liked how the woman with green hair seemed to have a much more cartoonish design than Pitt has. Some people (like the creators of "Captain N: The Game Master") don't even know that Icarus is not the name of the main character. It was a bit hard to get some of the joke, but still really good.

I especially liked how everything had such vibrant colors to it. I appreciated all the goofy voices. It seems like it's been awhile since I've heard of SonicRocksMySocks. It's always great to see old friends. It's fairly short, but fun.

I really loved this cartoon! It has some of the best and most dynamic animation I have honestly ever seen on this website! It's great because there is always something going on. There's something in the background like how Jesus appears on a piece of toast. It's weird how a flash animation has only one person credited, who's a voice actor. I had no idea this was going to be that good.

I love how there are so many references in this, like the paintings in the house. The transition effects are fantastic and the jokes are great. I hope you keep on making more awesome cartoons like this. The voice work is fantastic as well as you really seem to get what these characters are acting like. There's strong emotion in their voices. It isn't too crude or anything, so everyone can enjoy it!

I think this might not be as good as your previous installments, but this was still really nice. What I really like is how you have this crazy style of animation. Dude, every celebrity died in the past couple of years. Anyway, it was great to see Beebo back even if he didn't do much. Of course, cats really don't do that much except meow and stuff. It was funny to see those dumb looking cartoon characters get stabbed and shot up.

Come on, they just look so stupid they deserve it. The voice work is as good as ever. It really did make you wonder who the killer was and I wasn't expecting Patrick Swayze. I praise the nonsensical nature of this, always good in an NG submission. I don't know who most of these live action faces belong to.

fabulous999 responds:

Politicians, serial killers, random strangers. I just pick random pictures of people usually.

I wasn't that impressed with this cartoon at first, but it really did get better. What I like is how you randomly have Charles Darwin show up. Then some guy gets his head bitten off by a gorilla. Even though gorillas are herbivores, it's a great gag. I wasn't expecting to see that guy's penis when he showed off his trenchcoat. I really should get to know your stuff better.

It looks like this website might be the only place where you can have interactive movies. I'm sorry about what happened to your own website. When the guy pulled out the gun, I thought he was going to kill himself. Silly me, it makes far more sense to kill someone else! I hope you continue to make great cartoons.

JoeCartoon responds:

Stay tuned! And thank you!

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