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Woah, that was one bizarre cartoon. For the most part, I guess I'm going to say I enjoyed it. It was just completely insane with how ridiculous it was. You said you couldn't draw and I guess that's technically true, but man, do these cheesy drawings sure make it look good! It still looks like there was a lot of effort put into the animation. The guy with the gray hair looks like Sephiroth.

It's just funny to see how stupid these morons look. It's hard to feel much sympathy when they get beat up, because it's so fun to watch them do that! I know little about the Kinect. I guess I'm glad I'm keeping up with recent video game technology. There could have been some better colors, but that was besides the point. The point is this was insane and good.

rambojoe responds:

Yeah, have always like reading your reviews here on NG.

I don't see why people don't like this that much. I admit myself that it's completely nonsensical, but that never stopped stuff like animutation being popular before. Admittedly, those are better, but this is still fairly nice. I thought something about eating puppies would be a lot gorier. Not that I am in anyway saying I wish it was gorier. This is good just the way it is.

I don't know if this was supposed to have any deep meaning or symbolism, but I doubt it. It reminds me of those Spongmonkeys. It's rare you see someone in modern times using that. It's nice how no two images appear the same. If they were the same, they're probably so ridiculous, I wouldn't even notice.

I can understand why this won Underdog Of The Week. It is certainly a unique cartoon, but it makes little sense. It seems to be a polarizing contradiction in itself. On one hand, the animation isn't very good and the voices could be better. On the other hand, it does have pretty impressive graphics sometimes like when it shows the evil icon at the end. Congradulations on winning Movie Of The Year!

I had no clue you could win both the Underdog Of The Week and MOTY. Then again, this is a pretty crazy submission, it seems like it would make sense its results would be nonsensical. I don't even know which Internet Explorer I'm using. Eh, probably 7. This was a pretty weird cartoon, but worth watching.

You could have not made it an infinite loop, but it's still a nice cartoon. There have been so many Geico commercials out there, it only fits people would make fun of them. First, it was the Geico Gecko. Then it was the Cavemen. Then it was the money with the googley eyes. Now it's the guy who says, "Could switching to Geico really save you...?"

I'm glad to say that there have been commercials where the Geico gecko has been featured, if that's what you're talking about. He's easily the most popular of all the characters. That stupid Caveman sitcom pretty much killed off the cavemen. The animation in this could probably be better, but that might have been part of the point.

This is one of the strangest things you've ever done. I guess it might be strange somehow because it wasn't THAT strange in terms of things you've done before. I guess it's hard to explain. I was just expecting more jokes and wanted more comedy. It also seemed a tad too short for my taste. Nonetheless, it still manages to deliver the goods as the animation and voices are as good as ever.

I felt sad for that guy when he got shot. It was weird to understand some of this, because I thought that when the scene cut to him in the bathroom, it was supposed to represent how he was hallucinating or something. At least it shows you can make all kinds of cartoons. I don't quite get the opium joke. You can smoke anything, so you should be able to smoke opium.

Woah, I was seriously not expecting that ending! I guess all the guy wanted to do was spread Christmas cheer after all! This reminds me of the guy who used to submit an Xmas thing every year related to Madness. It only lasted for like two years. It's always great to have people combine two great things in one submission. I appreciate how you really wanted to spread holiday cheer to everyone.

In case anyone's wondering, I believe the body count was sixteen. I guess I didn't rate it higher because I'm used to seeing a lot more people die in a Madness cartoon. This was, of course, made around Christmastime and we shouldn't have too many deaths. It was pretty weird with how the bodies disappeared. Oh well, this is a nice cartoon.

It seems like it's been awhile since you submitted something. In fact, it really has been too long. I love this cartoon and think it would be great in its own right even if there was no game to it! The funny thing is that I was a fan of the original Stick War and even wrote online about it. I like how there's so much depth put into the characters. You would think it would be hard to give stick figures that much depth.

We here at Newgrounds have of course shown we can do anything with stick figures. The voice acting was great in this too. I really like how you're getting ready to tell an epic story. I hope the game makes it onto this website. If not, I will probably play it somewhere else eventually.

CRAZY-King-JAY responds:

Thanks - Yes we will deff have an offline version on newgrounds

It was cool to really answer people's questions like that. I now have no doubt that these are all in fact real. What's really cool is how you keep a weird flow of animation and effects the entire time. It might not be as well done as the stuff in your Pencilmation series, but it's still really cool to watch. I especially appreciate all the nice colors used. It's great because you never know what's going to pop up in this cartoon.

I guess it would be gauche for me to ask questions in my review. It's probably all the better, because I can't think of a question right now. It's nice how this is just intended to be a cute, harmless series. It could probably use some more jokes, but still very nice. See you next episode, I guess!

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