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While not as good the previous entry, this was still great. It's really interesting to be introduced to all of these new pokemon. There were just so many of them, I think I lost track after 500. If YOU can seriously recognize all of them, I appreciate you. I liked how there were a lot of different art techniques being used. You used a Digimon game music in a pokemon fan flash, you traitors!

The best part is probably the dynamic between Teejay and Gardevoir. If fighting pokemon could talk, that's probably what they would say. I'm not even familiar with the new gym leaders now. I didn't know he'd get a new pokemon here. There's always something going on in these cartoons.

teejay-number13 responds:

I'm still working on learning some of the new pokemon as well, since I didn't get into B&W as much as the previous games. The gym leaders are fan character entries for a gym leader contest I held. So they are not from the games.

I was truly impressed by this! I can't believe that I never stumbled onto this awesome series before! I think its strongest point is how by allowing Gardevoir to talk, you really create a true sense of bond between pokemon and trainer. I haven't seen the other episodes, so I have no idea how that came to be. Rina-chan was absolutely flawless as usual. I love this because it raises some interesting topics about the pokemon world.

Are there people out there who kill pokemon for their fur? I recall an episode of the anime where a poacher appeared, but that never really got into much detail. Every pokemon fan should love this. In fact, it's so awesome, anyone who's a fan of anything should love this. I'm so proud that I managed to get past the first time. I've never even played those games before.

I was surprised at how unpredictable this was. I think its biggest strength was how well it went from theme to theme. I think my favorite part was probably at the end when you actually went soft on the poor guy and turned him into a taxi sign too. Now that's true love! There's a ton of stuff that doesn't make any sense at all in this cartoon, but it's still well done. It's mostly because the animation is great and everything is so stylistic.

There's just an infinite number of things you can do with a pencil. By that, I mean in every way, on paper and in this cartoon. I liked how there was no dialogue except for funny sounds. I doubt if you'll ever put dialogue in your stuff. I guess that makes it more appealing to people who speak different languages.

Well, that was rather anticlimatic. I was actually seriously considering Flash to tell us all about how to do Flash. I at least have to give you credit for having some great animation. Of course, you're never someone who disappoints in areas like that. The voice work was great as well. I guess it's kind of nice knowing that I'm better at drawing than Flash himself.

I have no idea how to draw anything on the computer outside of Paint.net. I thought you were going to have another Flash guy show the rest, but it ended right there. I liked how it was punctuated with numerous periods at the time. What a strange world. At least it was something unique.

Well, it's unbelievable that this thing finally managed to end. What's even greater is that the story itself is not ending, just stopping. I highly doubt you'll make more, so it's good to just end everything on an ambigious note. There have been so many of these cartoons, I doubt I can remember any of the story. I can still recognize this for having fantastic dialogue and action.

You guys all went out of your way to make each and every one of these characters unique and unforgettable. It doesn't even seem like a Madness cartoon, but something new in its own right. I have been an avid fan of this series since it begin. I still think Xero looks like Sasuke. Oh, and ht extras were fantastic as well. May this story live on in our hearts and minds forever.

I actually found this to be a really funny video. It's probably mostly because you just have so much stuff going on it. I love how it just rapidly changes from scene to scene. I appreciate all the funny voices. I don't know how they were done, but they seem to be different than the normal ones used. The police officer's voice was really funny too.

It's nice to see such great animation. You have a good way of using static, so that it isn't annoying. I like how this is in a series that takes its time. You seem to know how to go far enough with a joke. The funniest part was probably when you announced that you were a delicious breakfeast treat.

Dang, this cartoon has been on the front page for the longest time. Anyway, that doesn't change the fact that it's a great cartoon. Wait, why would it, what am I saying? Anyway, it's great to see such awesome animation. While not as good as, say "Pikachu On Acid" it's still fairly watchable. It really puts a whole new perspective on the world of pokemon.

There have been cases of stuff like that before, but not in this way. Of course, the video games and manga are probably just as bad in terms of promoting animal abuse. And you thought PETA knew about video games. I was really hoping the little Squirtle would make it out okay. At least he wasn't beaten to death.

I have to say that this is a really well made cartoon. It keeps reminding me of Deepak Chopra. I have never actually read much of him, but my mom is a huge fan of him. I really liked the graphics in this. At first, I was afraid you wouldn't have sources cited. While you technically didn't in the strictest sense, you did show some nice clips.

In fact, this seemed to be a different kind of cartoon altogether. My favorite part was probably learning about the spherical things at the end. I guess you can look at this more like philosophy than science or for that matter, pseudoscience. The animations are nice too. I bet poxpower hates you too.

This was going to be a five star cartoon, until you suddenly had a bunch of kittens die. Seriously, that ain't funny! Anyway, what I wanted to mention was that it was great to see Death with some new friends. I know he appeared in previous cartoons of yours, but I don't think the others did. I didn't even understand what the others were at first. It really helps that the animation is so fantastic.

I liked how they all have fairly unique designs. The funniest part was probably when Death mentioned that no one cared about them with all the new medicine and stuff. Well, everyone dies eventually. Famine has a funny looking hat. I'd like to see more stuff with these guys.

Sexual-Lobster responds:

fuck cats.

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