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Very deep

I do not recall a time where I picked up a hitchhiker for any rason. I guess it's mostly because I've feared they might be crazy or something. This is one of your best dramas, because of how realistic everything is portrayed. I think this probably is what happens to hitchhikers. I have sometimes wondered why they don't just go out to the next town. It's because the highway is simply so long and us travellers would know that.

It seems like it takes forever to get to the next town and I'm in a car that's going as high as the speed limit can go. It's also great how every character seems to be designed differently. I wish you could tell me how this guy became a hitchhiker in the first place. A silent character is a great way to show depth by facial emotions. The colors are as lush as ever.


While this isn't one of your better ones, it's still pretty noteworthy. What makes it good is how well you set up the final punchline. You really have no idea at all what is going to happen in this. I find it hilarious that this was included on the "Drama" genre where it seems like a cartoon about people getting poop on their necks would be more comedy. Of course, it did seem fairly dramatic at first. I'm amazed this didn't win any award!

It's always cool to create works based on real things that happened to people you know. It just goes to show what a crazy world we live in. The animation was good in this one. I find it funny how it takes the guy a couple of seconds to realize that there is poop on his neck. I think I've only pooped in the woods once in my life.

It did get better!

With each new year, there's a steady improvement in the quality of your animation. This is better than the original because the animation is better and so are the voices. I always found it funny how Sauron himself rarely appeared in the series. There's no better way to make fun of it than to feature him. I'm not sure if that his armor or part of his body. The extra features were funny, especially with how you explained how it went on.

I love the part in the trailer where Wayne says it's unlikely the trailer scenes will be featured in the third movie. As I recall, none of the parts of the third movie have any scenes from the trailers. The movies were how I was first introduced to LOTR. It was also the series that made a huge fan of the series and caused me to read all of the LOTR books. The funniest bit is probably the part with the sock puppets.


Well, it's weird that you would do something about Australia for an English class. This could have been a lot better, but I still appreciate this. The reason is that it is always good to have educational cartoons on this website. I hope you do well with your project. It's just that this doesn't do so well as something that is entertaining. That wasn't the purpose, so I guess you presented what you were going to do pretty well.

You could have had some more music or maybe some buttons to move ahead or backward. I knew very little about Australian currency before this. At least I am now more knowledgable in some area. "Cobber" sounds like a pretty weird name for a kind of currency or anything else, really. I hope everything goes well for this in real life.

Another weird submission

I sure have stumbled upon some pretty weird things lately. I think the strongest point about this was how good the animation was. The characters all look so three dimensional or rather, they don't. It's weird to see how this kid grew up to become insane, seeing everything turned into wood. I knew there would be a joke about getting splinters at the end. At first I thought the sherieff's name was a pun on McGuyver.

Upon closer inspection, it really isn't like that at all. The best thing about this was probably how authentic the Old West style felt. I was thinking you'd make something more graphic, but this makes it work better. The characters just seem to have really good emotion in this. I am glad to have viewed another one of your great cartoons.

Sexual-Lobster responds:

cheers ericho.

That was freaky!

Wow, I certainly had no idea what to expect from something as ridiculous as this. The animation was really good, but what really made it was how bizarre it was. There were just all sorts of crazy things going on. I was thinking it was going to degenerate into a porn flash with all the hot women. I am glad it did not. I think the robot in this looks familiar, like he might have been used in the show "Ugly Americans" or something.

The music was quite funky and it was a beat that I could get used to. You truly had no idea what was going to happen next in this bizarre submission. The toast flying out was probably my favorite part. It's been so long since I saw a Robot Day flash I didn't even realize they had a custom logo. I thought it was the one for Pico Day at first.

Great artwork!

This was a really cool submission because it had some really fine artwork! I am all too familiar with the "Minecraft" series. While I have always admired the way they are animated, this was a different kind of animation that really fit the tone! It's great to see so much detail put into everything that's still fairly block shaped. I was able to find some Easter Eggs, but not all the medals showed up. I realized this was because not all of them were medals.

In case you're wondering where the blue pick ax is, just click it when he first appears to fight the enemies. I didn't view this as much as comedy as I did action. It sounds like the "X-Files" theme song. It's so great that ZekeySpaceyLizard is still working with other people. I guess he quit doing stuff on his own, but he deserves some work here. That green dinosaur is cute.

Very different

I am used to "Team Fortress 2" submissions being extremely goofy and non-sequitor. This was actually a nice exception. It seemed to have a lot more of a plot than most submissions. It helped that the animation was simply gorgeous and did the characters justice. I imagine that it's hard to capture the essence of a CGI character in 2D animation. TF2 was one of the few series that didn't have a popular entry that wasn't CGI.

It's great to knwo that you make all different kinds of flashes. I wasn't expecting anything to hapen with that sandwich at the end. Of course, you have to have that in for a little bit of humor. The sounds were great and everything was really high paced in this. You're the kind of artist who can work with all kinds of artwork.

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