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Looks nice

Well, if you're going to make one thing with no background or sound, this is the way to do it. Granted, it's still not good, but better than most submissions like it. I think my favorite part would have to be how the main character has a Tron like appearance to him. It's hard to tell what's going on, because there's no sound. Even if it was in a different language, and I couldn't understand the dialogue, I could hear the regular sounds.

It was kind of hard to see the whole way through, because not a lot happens. There just isn't much of a reason to root for whoever's in this. The animation is actually good in this, especially with the explosions. It's not bad for a test. I think that you should turn this into a full fledged flash, as I imagine it would become more popular.

How dirty and stinky

Well, I thought this would be better, but it just seemed to be too short. I guess the problem is that it was just talking about stinkiness. I mean, that is funny, but it seems like you would need more for a single submission. I am glad that I was introduced to this, because it was nice to hear what that word meant. All this time, I thought it had something to do with being a king. Maybe it's just being used in a different context here.

I did like the music that was used. It's pretty cool when you manage to have three seperate songs being used for something when you don't even have a flash that's over a minute long. Toilets are a good source of humor. My brother used to sit (and kind of still does) on the toilet all day like that. I hope he doesn't develop hemorrhoids.

RicePirate responds:

this will be the last single submission ... in the future, if i submit more, it'll be a compilation of words.

How unfitting

Wow, so unfitting music at the end of something serious or scary has been around since 2003? I didn't realize that this entire series was a flashback. It's pretty good because I forgot how it would end by the time the last entry came. It's amazing how few people make serious Mario flashes. Everything about this is extremely dramatic. You get a true sense of being in a dark world different than what you know of the games.

It seems like a lot of people have made flashes like this. Yours was one of the originals and the best. It's pretty cool to see how characters that have such old designs manage to show off their abilites so well. You know how to make something epic no matter what it looks like. I really felt sad when Luigi actually died.

Here we go again!

It is just so fantastic to be viewing this masterpiece! I am probably going to keep on asking you if I, as a character, appear in this and if I will ever be able to voice myself. Of course, I would review all of your works anyway. It's stuff like this that makes me pine for the old days when we used to hang out and do that stuff. I hope this series will now win the awards that it deserves. Geez, one entry had a review score of 9.99 and it didn't win an award!

It's fantastic to hear such awesome people like Kajet and CardGamesFTW. Celebrities on the Internet get to know everyone else, don't they? I finally found out how you got your name, Kirbopher. I had no idea Kajet's real name was Weston Durant, it's always nice to know that! Everything is just amazingly vibrant in this! Your old series was classic (058 was the first thing I ever reviewed and I'm one of the most prolific reviewers on the site) but this certainly looks promising.

I've wondered that too

I think I might have heard audio like this before, but it's really very well done. It is a question that I have always been thinking of. If rocks are strong enough to destroy scissors, then shouldn't they be strong enough to destroy paper? It's kind of a Catch-22 or rather, an avoidance of it. It's a system where you need to have different things that add up to each other, but they don't do it very well. I guess it simply has to be done to work in a game like this.

I loved your cute little panda avatar at the end. It was also great to see all of those fantastic pictures you showed throughout the cartoon. Your voice is just so perky in this and you get a great sense that you had tons of fun making this. There is just always something going on or showing off in this cartoon even if it's still images. Thank you for something so nice!

AntonyC responds:

You're more than welcome. ^^

I understand it

I have never played the games, but I think this is a reference to the series "Touhou". I just know so much about Internet fandom, I would be able to recognize that. What's really cool about this is how good the animation is. The funniest part was probably in the beginning when that girl's clothes were stolen. Pants (or skirt) isn't something I see get stolen that often. I am so glad this was finished!

The wierd thing is that it still looks as though it isn't completed. It just seems to end too soon and there's no reason why it shouldn't go on longer! You were really trying to inject creativity into this series. It's great to see how these characters play off their strange environments as well as each other. I'm glad to review this.

I am one of the most prolific reviewers on this website and even on the Internet! I am proud to be such a huge fan of this website!

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