It's been awhile
It's stuff like this that makes me glad Bush is no longer President. Most of it was fairly well done, but I didn't like it how there wasn't a lot going on. It's just that even in mundane flashes, I expect the artwork to be better. He just didn't seem well defined in this. I imagine he probably did say something like this with all he had. It makes me glad that we have captured and killed Osama bin Laden now. The funniest part was probably when he pulled out his "Presidency For Dummies" book.
They make so many of those they're bound to have one of these. You could have also been better with the voice acting, as there didn't seem to be much emotion in it. Overall, it's not bad, just needs to have more unique qualities. You could have defined his facial features more, especially his eyes. There were a lot of these parodies around, huh?