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So it starts!

I have always loved this series because it had some of the best animation out there, not to mention deep storylines and great voice acting. The only bad thing about this trailer is that it could have been shown in a smaller file size. It was just fun to watch this as an introduction to the series. It is always nice when people have voices in the trailer. It makes it seem more like a professional trailer. I am so glad you made this awesome series and I have been with you as a fan since the beginning!

Veggies need wedgies!

This was great fun to watch because I like to eat pork, or at least more specifically bacon. I guess you were including all pig related foods when you made this. It was especially fun to see it when the song really sped up which made it funnier. It is amazing how much you did with this, but I do think it is one of the longest of these loops you have made. I think my favorite part would be the recursive pigs eating each other. Yes, I am so big of a dork I even know what recursion means in this sense.

Now that's more like it!

I loved watching this, because it showed just how much you had accomplished over the years. I recognized most of these guys even if you did not even work with them yet. This works better than a lot of your other flash submissions because it has real depth to it. The splendid animation is also a big factor in liking it. The music was pretty good as well. I am glad that you seemed to be experimenting with a lot of things before you finally settled for things you would be more known here for.

Pretty funny

I was thinking this was going to be a retelling of a classic fairy tale, but it was mostly just a single joke. That is not to say that it was not enjoyable. The highlights were especially the animation, with the fairy's clothes having the best design. It was cool to show the aftermath. I kept being reminded of the fairy from "The Legend Of Zelda" at the beginning, so I guess I have been on the Internet too long. It did fine with its delivery, it just could have been a little bit longer.


I think this is the first time I ever heard about the title having a 25 character maximum on a Newgrounds submission. This was just so cool, because it was awesome to see Kirby's singing. I had no idea there were so many women in the "Chrono Trigger" series. There were so many cool effects like the spotlights that lit up the dim part of Kirby's nightclub (or wherever he was). It was one of the strangest endings I could have imagined. I love the "Replay" button that shows the Kirbys dressed as the characters.

You don't know anymore

I like your description, because you just do not seem to know yourself what to say about this crazy cartoon. It is not one of your better ones, because it really has no direction. I was just going on the forums talking about how everyone hated Justin Bieber. It was pretty undpredictable for you to actually show him in a positive light, sort of. I have to admit that it was extremely unpredictable and I had no clue what was going on. It is nice to see people making fun of Justin, so at least this had some crazy laughs.

So funny!

I appreciate the animation in all of this, especially with how cute Cat Face looks when his fur is all tense! It is funny how some of the drawings look like they were used with crayon. Cat Face just looks so amazingly adorable with his spy gear on. You can simply never run out of ways to make fun of Gordon Ramsay. It was also cool to see cameos by characters from previous episodes. While not the funniest of the series, it is always great to see two of my favorite animators working together.

I am one of the most prolific reviewers on this website and even on the Internet! I am proud to be such a huge fan of this website!

Age 35, Male

2719 E. 8th Street

Joined on 9/21/08

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