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It takes awhile for the action to get going, but it is worth the wait! I especially love the little card game thing you have in the middle of it as it is just so fun. It was interesting to hear the guy at the beginning because most people probably have not seen the other entries. The graphics in this are really good and it is nice to add in some humor. This is pretty much the "Super Mario Bros. Z" of "Chrono Trigger". Sure, it does not have the most views, but at least it does well with the ratings.

Clovis15 responds:

This review contains quite possibly the nicest thing anyone has ever said about Chrono Trigger Unglued, it is an unbelievably immense honor to have my adopted work mentioned in the same sentence as Super Mario Bros Z.

It deserves its praise

When this series started out, I had absolutely no idea that it was going to take a turn like this. I think the most adorable (and heart wrenching) thing is the poor little porcupine. I love it how the tough looking bunnies end up becoming good in the end. This series will always hold a special place in our hearts and minds as it wonderfully changes its tone. It is amazing how much character developoment you can get with no dialogue. It is not often you see a series of music videos told as a story.


I only saw one of Naysu's flashes here, so it is great to see him with more stuff. Seriously, everybody did a really good job here with all the different sketches. I found it funny how the one with the best animation had a fart joke in it and that was it. I am starting to understand why Omochao has never appeared in any adaptation. Knuckles at the end is so freaking funny as he makes fun of the whole Easter Egg thing. I think my favorite might have been the one where Sonic lost his virginity.

He's got a nose!

The best "sketch" is definitley the first one where everyone goes crazy over a nose. My second favorite would probably the one where the cake gets injured. I think this is the first time someone besides Weebl made a cartoon with the "fullscreen" option. This was cool because everything was so nonsensical and unpredictable. It is also fun to observe how good the animation was even if it was in black and white. It is also funny to see how everyone is so calm about the alien bursting out of his chest.

What sticks

I think this was one of the lesser entries because it did seem like it was not adding that much that was new to the table. I kept thinking that I could use my scoping vision to shoot people in the game. It is just that the animation is a bit primitive, but still good overall. I thought the intro was the entire cartoon and the rest were just biographies at first! Everyone put a lot of effort into this considering that it tried to be realistic in its game representation. There are lots of cool things like the sparkles over the kill count at the end.

When was the last time I had waffles?

Music videos can simply never go wrong when they talk about breakfeast food. The best part in this was the animation, which was among PEAB0's best work. It definitley gives a feeling of Spumco (the owners of "Ren & Stimpy") in its absurdity. There are definitley some disturbing parts in here, like the waffles that suddenly have sex. I think you used Gandhi because you had never used him before. I love the expressions on everybody's face as they face the madness that is this song.

Best was the elephant

I was impressed by this as it had the same goofy animation as always. I think it really manages to work for a parody like this because the setting itself is already fairly silly. The elephant was just so awesome with how pathetic and angry he got at the main character. Why would anyone want to perform dozens of tasks anyway? Hey, with the current economic crisis, I would do anything to get a house. The designs are really funny, especially with how the protagonist seems to have horns.

Perhaps your most colorful

While not the catchiest, this was probably the most elaboarate music video you ever made. A big plus is that it is not an infinite loop but a more traditional music video. I am amazed that this did not get more views. What is the most noteworthy is that you tried to create something that was realistic for a true music video, even if it was silly. I noticed posters for "Big Ass Badgers II" in the background. I could also not help but think that the main singer kind of looked like Hitler, and the cow costumes were great.

Definitley the best

While it is disappointing the next one is taking so long, at least you left us with this. It easily has the best fight scenes and the best animation. I have always admired this animation because it seems like a weird combination between regular flash animation and sprites. It is really just a hard thing to put into words. I could sense some "Dragonball Z" influence in here, not that this made it any less good. Speaking of which, I could not help but be reminded of Nappa by the strong bald guys.

MaxR responds:

Thanks, I try to make the next chapter better than the last. Whch unfortunately was why Ch10 was such a delay. I redid the whole intro fight twice before changing software and reworking the fight there. There definitely is DBZ influence in this series, but so was the original game (Little Fighter 2) where this game is from I think.

Funny all around

You will simply never stop finding new things to do with these characters as you can do nearly anything with them. I think the funniest part would have to be when we see the characters suddenly become muscular and then they just go back to being ordinary. The animation is as good as ever and there are tons of good jokes. I realize that Todd truly does look like a bowling ball with his two eyes being used in that way. It took me until now to realize that Tom had a seperate Newgrounds profile. I also like the "Million Years" joke.

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