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Fairly interesting

I think this submission is good because it had that new really cool intro with the dog and stuff. It also has arguably the best animation in cartoons like these. For whatever reason, the animation style reminds me of Joe Cartoon. While the story was incomprehensible, there was still a good amount of effort put into its creation. I thought it might be a loop at first, and I am glad it was not. It seemed like more work and effort was put into things like this that try to have more of a story.

Of course I will leave a message

I think the best part about this is the animation all around. What is really impressive is that while you have a pretty mundane story overall, you still throw in some really cool effects. I do think that the weakest part of this is that it is pretty short. Granted, this was longer than a lot of other stuff, but still not much. I am just looking for more of a story instead of just a few brief gags. It does not help that what you do have is not that funny, but then again, that might not have even been your intention.

20 second, really?

The big problem with this is that twenty seconds is simply not enough time to tell much of a story at all. I failed to see much of a punchline or final gag with this one. It was interesting to see that setting, because I think it was reused in one of your games. I have little to complain about the animation itself as it is fairly decent. I just think that things like this should be bettered released as part of a compilation. When there are things so short, throwing them all in one submission is a great way to save space and time.

He is flexible

It seems as though you created a pretty good character here and it is pretty nice to just see him flex and literally flow throughout the cartoon. I am guessing this is an infinite loop as well. The weakest points was that there was just not that much going on at all. I do not hate animations like these, but it just seems so much more could be done with them. I doubt this is going to become a series or anything. I guess it was not too bad with how you showed off your creativity with a single character.

It is taking off

It is nice to see this series take off, even if it is not the best thing that you worked on. I feel as though I am starting to grow with these characters as much as I can at least. I should not be complaining about the low sound, because I can just increase the volume on my computer. The best part was probably the first gag with the bird hitting the screen. I think the voicework in this is pretty good as well. All of the characters seem to be pretty well designed and it is always nice to see variety in that.

Burn CD?

This was one of your better earlier works, mostly because of the animation. It really seemed as though everything just had a special part to its color scheme. While it does not go through a lot of backgrounds, the single one you have is really cool. The chair, disc, and everything just has so much depth to them. I think I may have been missing out on the punchline of this one too. It was a little funny to hear the computer talk in such a silly way even if I could not understand what it was saying.

He is not dumb

This one worked a little better than your previous one because it was simply longer. The main problem is that I was expecting much more of a simple punchline. I admired the animation, particulary with how the body frames were used. It was weird to just have to send him to school like that. I guess you were trying to create a slice of life story, but even as that it is quite boring. I guess some of us can associate with this guy, but it needs more character development to be enjoyable.

Where's the ending?

It is always great that people care greatly about the environment and all that stuff. I think this was better than your "Litter Bug" cartoon because this one focused a lot more on statistics. While not the most entertaining, it at least gave out some interesting information. I also liked how the voices seemed to work well. It truly seems as though it was cut off at the end as it just ends so abruptly. I wish there would have been some more detail about what we as individuals can do to save energy.

It is unfinished

It is weird how there were so many people that were helping you on something so short. It was a little difficult to even understand what the characters were saying. Seeing as how one of them appeared to be Mike Tyson, it is at least appropriate. The strongest point is probably how well the animation is! I do seriously think this could be put on a professional network as it appears to be more detailed than anything you have done before. With something so short, I can certainly understand why you would feel unfinished.

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