What also helped in this cartoon was how slick the animation was. Everything just looked so perfect and so, well...ghetto. The way the characters move their mouths and everything is so wonderfully done as they are full of energy. Call me morbid, but it was funny to see him get shot at the end. It's not often that I hear the stereotype of black people liking catfish. Seriously, there's too many foods that are stereotypical for them.
The best animation is when the Captain fires his purple beams to make people ghetto. There was a great voice cast here and it's easy to see why Sapphire is so popular. It was also a really good time and didn't go on too long or end too short. I love how his signal is a watermelon. You'd think a white guy would never want a black guy to act like that.
The animation that you showed in the intro with the two characters was so good! It feels like you guys just wasted potential by having the actual animation be so cheesy. I guess that as a comedy flash it was supposed to be like that, but it came off as annoying. Some of the jokes aren't bad, but they're not executed well. When the "Finish Him" sign appeared on the screen, it looked like you made up a new letter. It was like an "O" in the middle of an "I".
You guys do look like you have a wide variety of other stuff. I would enjoy to see some of that stuff on this website. There needed to be a lot more shading as everything seemed to be a single color. Stuff by other people is silly, but they do have animation that flows pretty well together. It could have also been longer.
I'm glad I finally have a proper context to bring this explanation into:
You see, InfernoCPF uploaded Awesome Kombat at 07/15/08 and it was blammed because of it's low quality. Infact, you can see the original he created here;
[Remove the hyphen-minus' in the HTTP address that follows]
InfernoCPF continued submitting movies only to have them blammed out of the portal and eventually gave up on it; whenever you see that InfernoCPF had collaborated with me on a flash movie, it's actually his with maybe some of my own animation to enhance the aesthetic quality to make it more likely to pass, so that his previously blammed submissions could pass judgement.
However this time that is not the case; I created the higher quality material to serve as a remake/tribute to the original with content I created entirely on my own; audio and all. Suffice to say I only got about an 8th of the way there, gave up. I wanted to come back to it but I couldn't so I came up with the idea to simply combine our two abandoned animations together to make one eligible to pass Judgement and to make for our first actually collab; that is where we both contributed equal portions of the material.
In other words, the reason for the drastic change in animation quality is because the higher quality animation is overlaying the lower quality animation made 3 years ago.
I realize that it could be better, so I have future plans to enhance the quality even further by adding shading to InfernoCPF's animation and correct a few errors. Also the file size for each will be shrunken.
These kind of enhancements will also be applied to all of our works currently published under my account before we proceed with future projects; to commemorate the Newgrounds redesign by redesigning our own works in conjunction with the Newgrounds redesign. We hope to file swap our enhanced works just before the new redesign is applied to the site to minimize the opportunity people have of seeing it before the site is rebooted so it appears that the afore mentioned works appear to be a part of the sites actual redesign.
I have all of InfernoCPF's animations on my PC, some of which he never submitted. He and I have agreed that it's a good idea to continue submitting flash movies like this, combining our spare material together until we run out of shit we long ago abandoned. We're wrapping up unfinished works and reviving rejected business.
This is an interesting series for one that is rather mundane. I guess I really should stop with the whole "shipping" thing, huh? This was entertaining because everyone talked in their voices so well. They seemed so realistic in the way they said things. While not the best thing ever, it seems like you were trying to reach us on a realistic level. I recognize HotDiggedyDemon as using the Mickey voice from his cartoons.
What I would like is if you could put in some more animation to make it worth watching. With a girl named Fantasia I think you'd make a Nevernending Story or a Disney joke. The animation is still good, as everything flows in a very steady way here. It's funny how the characters swear so casually. One thing just leads to another with these guys and they do get a lot done in their conversations.
The most bold thing about this submission was the part at the beginning. You were showing awareness of the advertisement and mocking it. I don't think those things are automatically put up, but it's just a funny thing to put. The funniest thing was of course the deal with Yamachu. It really makes you realize how far behind all the other characters are. Yamachu killed no one in the whole anime or even defeated someone that I can recall.
It's also funny because it seems just like the kind of thing Goku would advertise for. The voicework was nicely done in this as there was eagerness in his voice. What also works is how the animation is good and it reminds me of some stuff by Egoraptor or even Tom Fulp. I love how stupid Goku looks with his big puffy cheeks.
Thanks man! I really appreciate your thought out reviews. And yeah, I was just fellin' a little rebellious, so I decided to write that little blurb by the ad. I hope they don't get mad at me lol.
I first voted on this yesterday and I had a feeling it was going to win Daily Feature. It just goes to show that something in lower case letters isn't always poorly done. This was great because it was just so simple and made you realize how much you valued life. The ironic thing is of course he only learned out how to value life as he was dying. At least he died happy. While this was a more funny than sad cartoon, I felt that it teached a good lesson.
It reminds me of the time I went parasailing. I doubt I will ever go parachuting, but the feeling of being up in the air is really cool. There was not a bunch of elaborate effects and shots in this, because it didn't need to have it. It was just a very down to earth cartoon. Now that I mention it, it's actually quite literally down to earth.
I'm glad I went in the right direction and I'm actually getting to people into both sides (serious and funny), and that my art style is pleasing. And yeah, some people fail to see how life can be great, they just give up on pursuing great things for themselves, of course it was an extreme case in this animation.
This was great because it had all the surrealism that makes your work so beautiful here. I had absolutely no idea what was going to happen next or why anything was happening. I am starting to think it may have been a test simulation. That is why the random guy in the labrotory appeared and shot the shark. It is funny to know that the shark's weiner was an actual weiner. I had no idea he was going to pull that thing out and it would have seemed easier to just put the right things in.
I admit that I felt some sympathy for the raccoon as it was watching the shark dying. You rarely see stuff like that in your cartoons. The music is as good as ever and it does a good job of adding to the silliness of the overall cartoon. There's just so many things to look at here. There's a cardboard sun, a shark growing legs, everything!
This was a very cool flash to watch because there was just so much going on. These bed bugs were going around literally tearing up this guy's body. Do not worry, it will not keep me awake as I managed to watch it at nightime. There could have been a bit more detail in the bedbugs but great besides that. I was unsure of whether this was from a professional band, but it was really from an independent contributor here. This song is really catchy and I see you going somewhere with this.
The weirdest thing was probably when the one bedbug was killing everyone. Granted, I want those bed bugs to die but that guy must just have very bad aim. The creepiest part is easily when they rip his skin open and dunk into it. I do think it's a bit too early to be talking about the 2012 Olympics. The best part of the music is those little toots that go on in the background.
We thought it would be a quick one to make coz the song is about one minute long. But ended up cramming more and more action into a smaller space. You live and learn. The creepiest bit for me is where they are flying through the air and land in his neck! Ta very much for the review Ericho
Now that is definitley the right way to show your kids why they should not take drugs. Just show them a really scary pooping homeless man. I think this animation style is familiar, as well as the audio. What I liked was how you made fun of that old commercial. I don't think I ever actually saw that on TV as a kid, but when I first saw it on the Internet, it was really scary. I love how stupid the kid is to think that's cool. Hey, if you're really high, you probably will turn into a snake monster like that.
It's just great to see satire used to those old commercials. At first I was thinking you were going to show him smoking crack but he didn't! I guess it's nice when something ends on a really optimistic note. I can understand how some people could comprehend that as being cool instead of scary. We all view things differently.
The commercial always bothered me when I was younger, because I was REALLY into Ninja Turtles in a big way, and the thought of morphing into a snakeman was really appealing to me. Of course, I was eight years old and really didn't have a source of crack at the time.
The closest thing to drugs that we had access to were Rockets Candy.
The best thing about this was hearing that Manwhore song at the end. Well, it wasn't the one I am more familiar with, it was actually the original. I am glad it was not just a blank screen because it looked like it was going to be that at first. What was not good was how this was so short. The sprite work is actually fairly well done. I like to see Bowser as a zombie but it seems like such a wasted oppurtunity to have him beat Mario so easily.
At least it did not just end with Bowser falling into the lava. I could tell you were trying to imitate "Super Mario Bros. Z" but it didn't come off that well. What you should have done is show numerous locations instead of just the single one. I think you have potential and you also managed to use good music. Mario looks good in those colors.
NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO!!!!!!!!!!!
sorry for the caps, it's just that this is my worst video of 6, and for some reason people keep finding THIS one=P
and like I said, really, nobody that's decently good at these is trying to copy SMBZ. Why does everybody assume that?
If you could, would you please check out the 2nd or 5th one of these? there much better
Thanks for the review though!
I doubt that something like "Family Guy" is intended to be taken that seriously at all. The weird thing is that I thought this was alright even if I did not agree with the statements presented. It's just entertaining to see how cheesy the graphics and everything were. I guess I'm wishing you a Happy Pico Day even though this was not Pico-related. I mean, I have to give you credit for putting in some original graphics. You rarely see Family Guy sprites of any kind.
I think that what happened in that episode was something I could explain. There's one part where Quagmire says, "Yeah, I date women for their bodies too, but at least I'm honest about it". Quagmire's main beef was that Brian tried to present himself as a intellectual above others when he was no better than anyone else. I do love how you used sound from MUGEN. You should see more references to that here.
This was made mostly for those who want to see Brian giving Quagmire some payback for beating Brian to near death on "Quagmire's Dad" and hitting him with his car in "Tiegs for Two." But I guess that could've gone better.