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Playing this game reminded me of Caine's Arcade. Everybody's seen that, right? I just love that video. Anyway, it was interesting to have a game that was itself about games. I guess that's appropriate. The music was very nice.

It took awhile to load up the achievements. I had to wait before they were completed. I guess that was just them being built. I love how simple the game is. It's very sincere.

This really wasn't my thing. I mean, it was just a turkey in an RPG. I never heard of that before. Well, I guess I have to give you credit for originality. The graphics aren't that good. I'm glad there was some music.

I'm just not into RPGs like this. They need to be better looking. It's just boring. Well, you tried something different at least. We need to have more Thanksgiving stuff here.

Wow, this game just went on forever for me. I don't remember it being that long. I'm sorry, but that was frustrating. I named myself "Mybutt" again. I should trust rename myself that here. The music was still great.

I'm impressed at how much was going on. I must have been playing it wrong. I kept going to the same part over and over. Well, it was at least interesting. Just too strenuous.

I have no idea if this is scientifically accurate. This was still fun for what it was. I had no idea I would be removing a bullet at first. Some of the controls could have been better. I feel like I learned something here. The graphics are good.

Everything seems realistic. I just loved the game's atmosphere. I like realistic stuff like this. It shows how complicated everything can be. I feel bad when surgery is failed.

That was very odd. I thought it would be a really easy medal at first. Instead, that actually was the whole game! Well, it was certainly unique. I actually really enjoyed this. It's probably because of how good the graphics are.

I mean, it really is a beautiful looking game. The music is very graceful too. To think, you don't even have to leave your house to do this stuff! Yeah, I knew I couldn't get out with no new clothes. It's just a great looking game.

Marcgal responds:

Hmm, it's kind of surprising for me to read that you think that the greatest asset of this game lies in its cute graphics. Guess the choice of RPG Maker for its bundled graphic assets was right.

Anyway, if you think the game is weird, then I did my job right :)

Well, that was extremely strange. I thought I would have problems connecting, but I didn't. Instead, no one played with me. I guess they have problems with connecting? Well, at least it's not me. I'm glad I'm fine!

I can at least appreciate the atmosphere. I like how dark it is. The main character is fairly mobile. That can't be easy for a guy without limbs. Okay, it looks nice.

I admit there should have been more. I mean, there was no difference between the settings. Well, I guess it wouldn't work. Was it supposed to be realistic? I mean, Chris Crocker is so small. The animation's pretty good.

I actually heard that Chris himself regrets this. He no longer even likes Britney Spears. We all have stuff we're ashamed of. This was still funny. I liked the microwave one better.

Well, that was quite bad. I mean, it was nothing but a single drawing. I don't even have a working printer. Well, I wouldn't want to print this out anyway. I mean, I could just draw that myself. It did appear in the Halloween 2007 collection at least.

This was just so little. I guess it's just a tad unique. It's just too dull. You should have sound. Uh, Happy Halloween?

Well, I guess I can't complain about this being too hard as it's just like the original game. I mean, there's no difference at all. Problem is, I was never good at the original game. I'm even worse here. I guess if I was better, I'd like it more. It's the diagonals that always get me.

It's hard to get ahead. I can still appreciate how authentic this is. I guess more experienced players of the game should like it. It was fine for it. You have a pretty cool logo.

It was funny to hear Blockhead's voice. I just love these pictures! I appreciate all the information I learn. Then again, I can just review these pictures on the art portal. Wait, was this before the art portal? Whatever, it's still great.

I always want to learn about all the things such beloved artists have worked on. This was just very enjoyable. I thought it would just be me making art at first. I'm glad it wasn't. I'm not a great artist anyway.

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