View Profile Ericho

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Well, that was really nice! My only complaint is that I do wish there was more info on the levels. I'm highly ranked myself! This was pretty educational. It's sad this website is always losing popularity. I'm still here though!

I guess you can just look at my profile for my data. A pity there isn't a rank for reviews. I'm the third! Then again, I see stuff being deleted all the time here. The music was great too.

I'm always annoyed by the medals in games like these. Luckily, I got one just for starting the game! Well, you had to click some stuff, but it was easy all right. The graphics look great. Everything is so nicely detailed. The music is wonderful as well.

I thought they were vampires at first. I guess we're just used to seeing Edward Cullen's face. Well, that's in the past now. The atmosphere is great. Even the mouse has all these unique actions.

Muja responds:

Thank you a lot, and glad you had fun!
I think that an easy medal at the very beginning is a good way to engage the players, so I'm happy you liked it!

There was a glitch in this. The sounds from the previous parts kept repeating. The sound was off. Still, this was a pretty good game. It actually did show you how to care for your emo. You didn't just outright kill it.

It didn't need color. Emos don't want that! It was fun for a quick play. There could have been more ways to hurt it. The music is good too.

I admit this game wasn't the best. I still enjoyed it. I think you should have had more health. I still liked most of it. You can move pretty well here and there. The sounds are nice enough.

There just isn't anything that unique. I think the animation could be better. Still, ninjas are always awesome. This represents them very well. You have a good number of techniques.

Wiesi responds:

Hey Ericho! Thanks for playing and reviewing!

Abobo was my favorite because he was the only one I could beat. Well, I did manage to do some damage to Thunderbird. The animation style is very nice. I could recognize it. I didn't know how to beat Wart. I couldn't even throw stuff at him.

At least I had fun with this. I thought it would be a game where you played the boss. You were the one fighting the hero. That would actually be a really cool idea. Please do that!

Well, this is a really strange game. I admit to being stuck on the level with the tall red line. It's not a thin red line of course. It's hard to even critique this. You just have to know how to get past it. It's mostly confusing.

I can still appreciate how creative it is. The music makes great atmosphere. I don't remember the other games. Well, maybe it's a tad familiar. Some bits are more obvious than others.

I was surprised at how fun it was. It's mostly because it got really hard. It still had a lot of creativity. There was just so much going on. I didn't get very far. Well, one medal is all I need.

The music and sounds were pretty nice. I especially liked when the big guy dropped the toxic waste that killed everyone. I wish there were more of them. I liked how you could set up fences. I'm still not good at it.

This game was just okay. I admit to being confused at first. I mean, all I did was just move my cursor and I immediately died. I soon got the hang of it, though. The music was very nice. The eyes were too easy.

Wait, why was that medal located on the far right? It's impossible to get the other ones first. The third boss was the hardest. There were just too many red spots. It's nothing too memorable.

I am one of the most prolific reviewers on this website and even on the Internet! I am proud to be such a huge fan of this website!

Age 35, Male

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Joined on 9/21/08

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