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I loved this game if only because I was so good at it. I know enough about "Street Fighter" to get into hard mode. That was rather fitting. It was weird how one question was asking me the name of my opponent. It said the name right there! Yes, I remember quizzes.

I imagine "Test Fighter" is even harder. The sprites were very nice. I knew that Dhalism was the one who could stretch. I must have typed his name wrong. I was expecting you to simply be able to click the answer.

Originally, I wasn't too impressed by this. I couldn't even click anything! Then I realized you had to be more creative to kill the guy. It was too cool to just smash him. I loved finding out about all the new keys. The sound effects are great.

Maybe it could have used music. I still love this little thing. There's so much you can do and it only escalates. I guess sticks aren't really in anymore. At least we have the memories.

I still have the habit of naming my character "Mybutt". It's great when the game takes itself seriously. This is more of the same. While great, I could use a bit more variety. The games themselves aren't really that much different from each other. This is still very nice.

I love all the different songs used. It shows a lot going on. This was very fun for what it was. It's so long it's hard to keep up. You always have good animation.

I am pretty biased with this. It's mostly because I'm really good at this game. Puppy wore pants? And he was so surprised in the Halloween episode wearing them. That "Bam" sound does get annoying. I guess this should have been cruder.

The animation is as good as ever. Should I care it graphics here? Is there really a difference in a game? This was just fun with how simple it was. Then again, that also made it too easy.

I guess I liked how organized this was. It was still a pretty hard game. It got too complicated with that first puzzle. You know, the one where you change colors. The voice is pretty good. I guess this was something new for you.

Pirates are often fun. I'm probably more into ninjas though. The music's alright. I'll never get into point and click adventure games. At least I tried.

I really had no idea what this would be like. I'm so glad it was a space shooting game! I really do love those! RaidenX is one of my favorite games! There was one massive downside though. My computer's too cheap to handle how fast the game is!

Well, that's not your fault. The details in this are wonderful. The enemies are designed very uniquely. I was annoyed at how hard some of these guys were. It was like ten hits to take out one of them.

It was kind of hard for me to love this, seeing as how it didn't have much interaction. That being said, it was still enjoyable. The best part is the baseball one. You just have no idea what's going to happen next there. I love how his head bounces like a basketball at the end. Death by basketball?

Oh, there's too many sports to list. Shouldn't he already be dead by hanging? I also liked how the stick figure that killed him was always different. I don't know why. It's just a nice little detail.

It wasn't really that much of an RPG. I mean, it was when it just showed you getting new members. For the most part, it was just a standard adventure game. I'm actually a huge fan of one of these other games. I was surprised at how hard this was. I guess I was just trying to kill all the enemies.

Was that my mistake? The music is great too. It's been awhile since I've played a Bullet Hell game. It's great to get the big picture on this. It was so long I had to turn my screen size down.

This might seem crazy, but I actually really enjoy this game. It's crazy because the game is so hard! Well, you can get the hang of it after awhile. It's just that the medals are really hard to get. I miss the days where you only had to just try the game to get at least one. Still, this is awesome. I just love testing myself.

The arrows are the most annoying. Luckily, I get used to them too. The commentary is pretty funny. It's just a very fast paced game. Not the best detailed, but still very addictive.

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