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Yes, I love games like this! It took me awhile to get the hang of it. I still really enjoyed it. I really liked how enemies fell into the water. Then again, I don't think that killed them. The graphics were really nice.

The game wasn't too hard. Happy Pico Day! Well, Happy Pico Day uh, 2017, I guess? Explosions are always cool. This is just a very nice little game.

Dang, you made a good game with such a simple premise! I'm especially impressed at how you changed colors like that. It was easy to get used to, but it was so creative. The music's great too. I think my highest combo was 13. I didn't even realize the color change at first.

I should have known that would be too easy. It's still very fun. I like seeing the Agnry Faic pop up everywhere. He should destroy stuff! It's a game that you can just play forever, granted you're good at it.

It's great to have Pac-Man games of any kind. This was easier than most of these games. Then again, there aren't that many Pac-Man games. I guess it's just hard to do a lot of variants of the character. I really like the graphics. It's fun just to see Pac-Man move around like this.

I do recall seeing a lot of newer Pac-Man games, but it seems like nowadays they're just forgotten. The original one is the only one most people are familiar with. It still holds up! Well, you couldn't eat the enemies. Dang bats!

I was very impressed at how much fun this was! I thought it would just be a standard game where you draw a line. You know, the ones where you just draw one and then push a button where the character automatically goes on it. Well, this character did automatically go on it, but boy was it unique! I just love seeing this detail. There’s so much going on every second.

The music was great too. It was pretty hard to avoid those spikes. Whatever, it had so much to it. I had to work hard to keep up with it. I liked all the different powerups too.

I guess I'm not interested in looking at the walkthrough. I keep forgetting that you can put sound on. I thought I would have to escape out of the cabin. I'm rather glad I didn't have to. It was still a pretty odd setup. This is a decent game.

Point and click adventure games are my least favorite kind. I guess I'm just dumb. At least I got to take a look at this. It's a pretty quaint little game. It's well organized.

I'm surprised at how difficult this game became. I thought it would be edutainment. Well, it technically is, but not like how I thought it would be. I love the sounds. You really have to be sharp for this one. My only complaint is that it's a little bland.

The only background is a pure white one. I can see why this has so many views. Well, in comparison to the other stuff submitted here. It's just fun. It does a lot with how simple it is.

drludos responds:

Hi, thanks a lot for the kind words! I'm glad you liked the game.

Out of curiosity, what kind of "edutainment" where you excepting at first?

Wow, I was impressed by how good the animation was. I admit it was a bit hard to follow with the kills. This was still a lot of fun. It's amazing how stick figures can give us such emotion. I didn't know I'd be driving at first. The music was great too.

I like the setup as well. While not that unique, still a great game. The atmosphere is set up so well. I did kind of have to mess around with everything to understand it. It's great to look at.

I couldn't get into this. I mean, it was nothing but simple text. I am not into these kinds of games. The sound's pretty loud. Well, you can at least turn it off. I didn't know that would be so useful.

I guess I'm not into dice games. It doesn't seem to translate well to a computer game. I guess this was at least something different. I didn't like how you had to go back after losing. It's just too easy to lose.

I admit that at first I really couldn't understand this. I still love these kinds of games, but there were still problems. Why couldn't you destroy the landscape? Were you able to move? It just seemed restrained. Still, I loved it.

It has all the action of a game like this. I don't know what this genre is called. The "Tank" genre? The artwork could have been a tad better . It's still a lot of fun.

Wow, this was one hard game. There were just so many things going on it. I ran out of money so quickly. I didn't even know how I was supposed to fight at first. Why did it let me go it when I had no weapons? It wouldn't when I had no plating!

Well, the music was great. I loved how it was a very challenging game. Of course, that means it was also very frustrating. Well, I would certainly recommend it. It's just a really difficult game.

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