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I wasn't impressed by this game. It seemed like it was just you avoiding things. There was no music or anything. Everything moved way too fast. It was just too difficult to really care for. You guys have made better games.

Well, you're not making anything anymore. This is just way too basic. It's weird how that can make such a hard game. At least I don't have to worry about this. Let's leave it at that.

I didn't think this was that bad. I didn't even know what kind of game it was at first. I thought you were going to be directing something through the maze. The graphics aren't bad, but they do look a tad dated. The music's pretty nice. I guess I wouldn't recommend this, but it's not by any means terrible.

It is a pretty cute game. I like how you can change the color of your towers. I guess it makes sense with the title. The enemies and towers could be a bit more detailed, though. It's fine for what it is.

I thought this was a good game. It's been awhile since we've featured something on the front page like this. I thought the graphics were quite good. I'm glad I managed to hit stuff with the bat. My only regret is that it does take awhile to get interesting. It's still worth checking out.

The sheep remind me of pokemon. Then again, they've made a pokemon out of absolutely everything in existence. The music was nice and soothing too. It really is a pleasant game.

While I'm not good at these games, this wasn't too bad. You were courageous for submitting this on Clock Day! Then again, it has more views than the Clock cartoons I've seen. If you're a fan of point and click adventure games, I would recommend it. It actually does have an interesting twist on it.

I don't remember the other ones. I liked how it was continuing a story. I will say that the artwork could be better. It looks a bit too old. Thank you for the easy medal.

selfdefiant responds:

Thanks, the art is just my style. I've seen better but then again.. I like it. :)

It's weird, because I thought this would have something to do with the Klondike bar. If nothing else, I thought it would have product placement. It didn't. I don't think I even know how to play cards in real life. The fact that there was no sound hurt it. It didn't seem unique at all.

I guess people who are more in the game will like it more. It didn't do much for me. It's at least done in an organized manner. I'll probably never get used to these kinds of games. I hope you had fun making it at least.

I am sorry, but I did not like this game. At least there are some people who do. I felt that the CGI wasn't very good. It was even a bit hard for me to control. I think you should have just used the standard controls for this. You know, the WASD ones.

We're just used to those. I guess the work with the arrows is pretty good. It's another game that's just not rewarding. The sounds aren't too bad, I guess. There wasn't anything too unique about this.

Well, I guess my medals are working. I felt that this was kind of weak. I would have liked it more if there was music of some kind. There were no other sounds. I mean, it seems like you could have at least looked for some music here and asked permission. I couldn't help but be reminded of "Frozen".

It's probably the name Elise. Well, it did have some sound. The medals made a sound when they showed up. I think the drawings could have been better too. You have done better stuff.

Yeah, I have played Sudoku as well. A pity I'm pretty terrible at it. Even the easiest one took like an hour for me to beat and I still got some stuff wrong! I wished there was sound or music. There didn't seem to be anything that different about it. I guess it does make it easier for the game.

I'm just better off playing the real thing. I think it's still a pretty original concept for this website. I usually find Mahjong games more. The colors were nice at least. I can see why this didn't really catch on.

I admit that the game was pretty well put together. You lost points with how it was so difficult. It seemed like you just had to keep on firing and couldn't develop much strategy. I wasn't interested in it to go into bullet time. Yes, I know that would have helped.

The sound and music are quite good in this. It is quite dramatic when an enemy dies. There should be a medal for getting through the opening scenes. Then again, I'm not even sure if my medals work anymore. I would still recommend this even though it's not really for me.

I ended up enjoying this game, even though I couldn't get past the first level. The tutorial was a chore enough! I was pretty impressed at how detailed this whole thing was. It seemed to really want to take you into a complicated maze. I think there are too many cutscenes at the beginning.

I didn't even know that was a tutorial! It's amazing how big this game is. There's so many enemies going on. Those mud monsters are the most annoying. The songs and music are pretty good too.

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