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This is a good game. What I like most about it was how good the designs are. It was fun to see those aliens get shot and stuff. My only complaint was that there seems to be some glitch. I can't stop firing. That really annoys me because I just keep on firing until I run out of ammo! It might just be something with my computer.

I appreciate all the good stuff. I like how there are inventive ways to kill the aliens. They seem to have big foreheads like the Martians from DC Comics. I like how you list all the instructions. Yes, I got some medals.

SeethingSwarm responds:

Thanks! Glad you liked it :) ...the thing you mentioned about the fact that sometimes you can't stop firing is something I can't do anything about on my end. It's not the game. It might have something to do with your browser, flash player or your computer or something else entirely. What happens is that Flash player doesn't realize you have let got of the fire button so it just keeps shooting. I'm not sure if this is a problem with Flash player itself or if it has something to do with the processing power of your computer and the amount of programs like games, internet browsers etc running on your computer at the same time.

I found this to be a good game. What I didn't like it was how the graphics weren't that good. There could have been more variety. It's pretty nice to see how you just keep on firing. I love the way the bloodstains stay on the screen. That is truly fun and unique!

There's just a lot going on here. I like how fast paced it is. The stylistic music helps give that vision. Even the title is cool. While I don't have that much to say about this, it's worth checking out.

I never noticed this. You submitted this on 666! I hope that was intentional, if not, then you're really lucky. I like the creepy atmosphere presented here. It's rare you see a remake of an older game, especially one you made yourself. I like how you have a good sense of direction too.

There are a wide variety of things going on here. I don't know how the marijuana is going to help. I would imagine that would probably just make you hallucinate, which is similar to dreaming. I liked the graphics. It looks a tad dated, but still good.

I quite enjoyed this game. Its true that you should never judg a book by its cover. I was afraid ths was just going to be too bland, but it ended up being really cool. Like many great games, the sheer unpredictability of it makes it fun. My only complaint is that it takes a bit too long to restart a level. I like the music too.

It's just great to have this large screen which gives you so much freedom. You truly get a sense of being able to move around. I'm glad it's not just the same obstacles over and over. Variety is always good. I didn't play the previous episodes.

Yet another great game from you! It's just fun to see what you'll do next. It's kind of strange, because I didn't understand it at first. It was weird to have a game where you just stayed in the same place and kept firing. Of course, that made it a tad easier. The music is also wonderfully done.

Is it just me or are the credits and info getting shorter? I can still recognize this style. This at least managed to win some kind of positive award. The music sounds better the more you listen to it. I'd like to play more games done with your graphics style.

SilenGames responds:

Thanks for comment!

This should have a higher rating. What I really found enjoyable about this was how good the atmosphere was. You do know how to make stick figures attractive. Well, the creator of Dick Figures wasn't too bad with that either. Everything just comes off as so real here. The drawings are all wonderfully done.

I like how there are so many little things going on. One example is how when you put your mouse over a button, red sparks come out. There's fine detail all around. You are such a talented game creator. I didn't even recognize this as a point and click adventure at first.

This was a truly unique game. I really liked the music. I thought it wouldn't be that good because I'm normally not that good at these kinds of games. It really did give you a nice open space to explore. At the same time, it wasn't a game that just went on forever. You had a good understanding of your surroundings. I liked the graphics too.

I liked how well you showed the perspective in this. I had a feeling I couldn't go beyond the statue. It was a bit hard to tell exactly how to pick things up, but I got better with it. I like how you leave footprints. This is really an original concept.

While not a great game, I still found this to be good. I think it's mostly because of how it's interesting to see how the upgrades get better. It doesn't seem like much at first, but it does get more interesting. I appreciate how it's done in a simple manner, but is still complicated. You have little idea what enemy is going to show up next.

But yeah, it does take awhile for it to get really good. It's still worth playing. I like collecting all the little white pieces. Sometimes I'm too busy doing that to even pay attention to shooting the enemies. Automatic works the best as expected.

I found this game to be just mediocre. It struck me off as weird with how it didn't have any music. At least there was sound. I was confused at first by the gameplay. I think it's something other games do better because they show you how far you can go. This just needs some labels.

I admit that penguins are really cool. What I don't understand is how the ice is presented. If he can't fall through it, it seems like a waste to draw. Well, you're allowed to have your own ideas. I like the use of two P words.

Oh, yeah, I get this more. I admit that it isn't like a lot of other trivia games I've played. I do prefer those more. I still found this to be pretty enjoyable. It truly was done in an original format. I don't think I played the original.

That's a first for me. I guess you could have put more visuals into it. I was surprised at how greedy I got. Then again, these might just be things I don't know much about. Eh, I'm probably the biggest fan of trivia out there!

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