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I was really amused by this. I think it's mostly because it has such a cute tone to it. I appreciated all the little effects going on here. It just goes to show you don't need to be too elaborate to make a great game. I liked seeing Alex drink his milk. It works quite well as a puzzle game.

I imagine Daily 5th Place is better than nothing. Everything about it is nice, including the music. I really was motivated to complete the levels (again, through the medals). It's just a very cute game. I like this.

I just have to say that I did not care for this. I could not really understand the objective. The dialogue just seemed so wooden. I imagine you just need to work on it more to really get into it. I just did not find this engaging at all. The graphics weren't that good.

It seemed like something that was from a couple of years ago. I guess there's nothing offensive or anything about it. I'm sorry, it just has really nothing unique. At least it's easy to understand. I'm not motivated to go further.

This reminds me of when I actually did a report on Stalingrad. Maybe I could have used this for a reference. The one I did use (one with Legos) was better than this. I didn't understand why there were no green guys. I guess it was just my purpose to keep on firing. At least you could tell when there was going to be an explosion.

It gets a bit too repetitive. I do have to appreciate the sounds. While not informational, still not bad. I'm glad to be killing Nazis. Of course, killing Communists wouldn't be too bad either.

I got pretty unlucky with this. I managed to get everyone done by the time the fourth wave sign came up on the sign, but then I died. I don't think that's possible? Anyway, I was amazed at how difficult this game was. It seemed like everytime you broke something down, it flinged itself back at you! Those things were after me!

I still have to give you credit for having some really cool effects. I like how everything shined. It's not the most fun of games, but it did take some creativity. I always appreciate that. The music's pretty good too.

I'm not much of a sports fan, in both games and the real world. This was actually very nicely done. It was like you were trying to combine soccer with golf. I have certainly play golf games like this. While the graphics weren't that good, it was something truly new and innovative. You get credit for your creativity.

I like how there's always something new going on. You would be surprised at how different it can get from just the second goal. You just have nice effects here and there. I like how you're in this world of soccer goals. I don't know why it's there, but it's cool.

My top score (and my only one) in endless mode was 12,605. I thought it was really interesting how I was able to be so good at this without really liking the game. It was basically just the same thing over and over. I'm not complaining, I'm damn good at it! I now have all the medals except the secret ones. I doubt I'll go back for them.

I just thought it was interesting how you had such a good title. I'm pretty sure I'm a boy. The computer didn't seem to believe me either way. While not a classic, definitley worth looking into for the easy medals. Yeah, I'm that kind of guy.

Dude, there is seriously something wrong with this game. I get to a point where I'm on the fourth platform and I can't advance. I know I'm pressing the space button. It's just that I can't move when I get to the end of the platform. It annoys me because it seems like this could be a really cool game. I'll have to give you credit for that.

At least it's something creative. It just doesn't seem to be rewarding. For people who have more fun with this, congrats to you! I just can not understand. The designs aren't bad.

I did not care much for this. I think its biggest fault was how you the games themselves were a bit too complicated. Not to sound whiny, but a collection like this should probably have more simple games. I didn't think the graphics in all of them were that good. At least they were unique.

Everything just seemed too ambiguous. I like you guys' other stuff. Funny how something with Armor Games in the title wouldn't be under the Credits & Info. Dang, they're everywhere, aren't they? It's pretty organized, I'll give you that.

Sorry, but this didn't work out well for me at all. I think its main problem was that it just went too fast. I couldn't get the feeling of being able to slow down. There was too much going on. I do appreciate how it seems to be authentic to the Tomb Raider games. It's pretty easy to tell this was inspired by them.

The graphics weren't that good at all. Everything seemed way too old. It was at least somewhat motivating to see what would show up next. It has a pretty cool name. The mechanics are too silly to take that seriously.

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