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I don't think the medals are working. I looked for stuff with my flashlight and nothing happened. I guess it’s too specific. First, you go in the house and then go the left to get a scroll. Then you go to the right and turn the light on. The combination is white green black on top, green black white in the middle, and black white green on the bottom.

Go downward to pick up the hammer. Go as far left as you can. Go downward. Use the flashlight to get the key. Or you can just look at the walkthrough.

At first, I didn’t care for this because I thought it would be too easy. It actually ended up being a lot more difficult than I thought! I really have to recommend this game because of that. It’s a shame your games have so few views. The designs are pretty nice. I like how easy this is to understand.

It does comes off as a little bland. There’s not much going on. Still, it’s more of a puzzler than you would imagine. You should probably have more music. Please be popular again!

I certainly found this to be a lot of fun! I think my favorite weapon would have to be the one where you track the enemy like a tractor beam. It was just so easy to hit your enemy. I liked how there were always new weapons. There didn't seem to be that many upgrades. The music was great!

You had to be so sharp with those. Everything goes pretty fast. You just don't know which direction these guys will come in next. Even when there's only a few of them, they rusht towards you like mad! On the second campaign, it's best to get out of the middle.

I am not a big fan of these games. They’re just too simple. I still appreciate what you do with them. At least I could find one genie bottle. It’s weird seeing as how there’s genies in this. I mean, it seems so mundane. The music is pretty good.

The voices are quite nice. There are fairly fine details in this. For people who are fans of point and click games, I recommend this. Well, I recommend it to most people. It was just never my thing.

I have never been a fan of point and click adventure games. I actually really did like this game's layout. The CGI is fairly good. I like the idea of working in a small room. It comes off as more realistic than most of these games. It's mostly because it's literally three dimensional.

Well, blocking the door didn't stop the monster from coming in. At least I tried! I couldn't seem to grasp a lot of stuff. It was still interesting. You guys always have a variety of games.

This game ended up impressing me. It’s probably because it was so nice and colorful. Then again, most of your stuff is like that. I was a little confused at first. The sounds were really cute. I like the idea of sentient dominoes. A pity they can’t do anything.

It’s really straightforward gameplay. The music is bouncy and fits the game’s tone. I am quite good at this. It gives you a lot of time to come up with something. It’s quite playable.

You seriously made this in only a week? I’m really impressed! I just love the gameplay. I’m a bit stumped on Level 4. Well, literally. It does feature a stump that turns into a tree. I like the little box shapes.

It reminds me of Cuboy. I wish they’d make more of those. It’s a cute game even with all the blood. I mean, the layout is just nice. The music is pretty dramatic too.

Vogd3 responds:

yes, a week, but with more simple graphic. Later the graphics was improved by Animogo

You really did have to go through the tutorial. I was impressed at how complicated it was. I don’t even see how you guys can make such complicated games in such a short time. It’s amazing!

I am recognizing the graphics more. You could call them an art style. I thought the guy with the fork and knife wanted me to press X. They looked like an X! The colors were at least nice and bright.

It’s interesting to have a game with so many minigames. It did seem pretty out of place for this kind of game. I don’t know why you’d want your pet to do all this stuff. Well, it doesn’t have to make sense. The designs are fairly cute overall. I was confused by the lack of directions.

There was a nice amount of variety here. I just wish there were more clear instructions. I haven’t played a game like this in awhile. The Tamagotchi like stuff just kind of phased out. He is pretty cute.

You made a lot of game this series. I enjoyed this even though it wasn't great. The music was very soothing. I've been noticing that more and more with these games. The sounds are quite nice. I like the orange cloud medal.

It's by far the easiest to get. The little cartoon faces are quite cute. I never thought of upgrades for clouds. It's a pretty fun little game. Don't let the cuteness fool you, it's quite hard!

FlappyB responds:

Thank you! We continuously work on improving the game, with smoother gameplay, visuals and controls. You can update an app, but not a Flash game, that is why we release our improved game as a new edition. Download the app if you want continuous updates!

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