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This turned out to be a lot more interesting than I thought! The best thing was how unique the gameplay was. It seemed a little familiar, but was mostly completely different. It was nice to see these graphics. I'm glad I got some easy medals. I was seriously afraid at how big this game was.

It's amazing how complicated it is. Everything has to be done just right. I'm glad to have come by this. Uh, Happy fourth of July? This seems like an RPG, which are mostly Japanese.

Foumart responds:

Thank you! I'm glad you like the game :)
In fact I really haven't played the Japanese rpgs, only a couple of them: FF1, FF tactics.. but as a kid I was fed up with the predecessors like Bard's Tale and Ultima, especially Ultima IV!
I hope one day to expand Dungeon Screener into a complete adventure with quests and decent story, covering the same aspects Ultima IV had in terms of morality, justice, sacrifice, honor, and even humility. I think a game could have great positive impact over players and rpgs can get really close to player's hearts.

Is this an actual kid's book you made? I admit that it's kind of weird. I mean, it mentions euthanasia at the end. It's still a good book. I never thought of not buying a pet from a pet store. Isn't it the shelter's fault for euthanizing them? I don't want to get into politics.

I do like the message you're sending. I love how this is based on a true story. The little sounds are very adorable. It seems to be the right length for a kid's book. You do miss having the arrow on some pages.

Munguia responds:

Yes Ericho, this is a real book, it was published on South Africa and California 3 years ago, the sad part is Oscar dies so Joanne ask me to do the illustrations of his memories. Pet shops are like concentration camps for dogs, check my animation from 2008 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VQye0_qglaA
Thanks for Playing and comment

Wow, this may very well be the most epic point and click adventure game ever submitted here! I was amazed at how vast this was. You could get an entire screen’s worth of supplies and still not get a medal! It’s massive even by your standards. I should have realized this given how brief the previous game was. The sounds are all recognizable.

You have to look closely to catch the blank pages to collect. Don’t get the puzzle answers mixed up! I could spend all day with this, even with the walkthrough! Die hard fans of the genre must play this. I’m not one myself, obviously.

I liked this because I could understand most of it. The easiest thing is that you just keep on going to the right until you see the cake. Maybe I'm used to it, but it's easy to understand the pattern. You just go to the box and put in Red Red Green Orange Yellow Yellow Blue Orange. Why isn't the music automatic? I didn't even need to use the walkthrough.

I am getting more skilled at these. There weren't many things to click in this. Give the bread to the duck who will have a volleyball behind him. Give the vollyeyball to the two girls. Two medals without guidance!

That was rather odd. I’m pretty sure it was just a single game that went on for ten seconds. I thought that maybe you would show a lot more, but that was the joke. I mean, the game itself is really nice. It looks just like Mario! The blue shadings give it its own style.

I seriously wonder how far anyone’s gotten in this game. Hey, world record holders can go pretty far in ten seconds. Yeah, I can’t recommend this. It works well for being so strange, though. You can always change the directions on some games already.

I am so glad I was able to understand this. It was much harder than I thought. It's one of those games where you have to just think about every single factor. The music was quite nice. It's weird how such a simple design can be in such a difficult game. I had no idea what would appear next.

It didn't need to be any more complicated. I had to time everything quite well. I guess I haven't done that in awhile. The hardest level was the last blue one. I didn't understand how you could stop moving on the second green arrow.

Onefin responds:

The last blue level, harder than every single orange and red level XD Somehow I just can't imagine that

I liked this game! I was really impressed by the graphics. Everything looks so nice and smooth here. Thank you for all the easy medals! You have some pretty good mobility here. It’s easy to understand the whole level.

I even like the voice acting. I felt like this mentor really did motivate me. It could have been more detailed, though. I don’t like reusing some of the same stuff. It’s still interesting.

Frozennnn responds:

Thanks for the feedback glad you enjoy the game

Yes, that was indeed a decent game. I will however admit that it could have been better. It took awhile to get used to the grenade throwing. I couldn't seem to land it in the right spot. At least it was fun as always to kill some zombies. The sounds were good.

The graphics came off as pretty unique. These zombies really built up after time. I don't know why you would need to pause with a machete. You could have just not done that and use a knife that dishes out less damage. Why would you need to pause with a machete?

I'm really impressed. The weird thing is that it’s not so much the game itself. It’s the fact that you did all of this! It’s just great to see these fine pieces. Okay, they’re not perfect. It’s still nice that you’re so prolific!

I guessed you saved yourself the time of having to submit them all to the art portal. The music is quite nice too. I did quite well at this. It really did get harderas it went along. Your games don’t seem to follow that pattern.

At first, I thought you were just joking with how hard it was. I mean, it seems like an easy game. I guess it's just because the graphics don't have much detail. Boy, was I wrong! I was mostly perplexed at how it wouldn't stop going forward.

It seemed hard enough already. I got a couple of medals so that's good enough for me. I'll give it credit for at least being creative. Is this thing a key? I guess it was just shaped like that to tell you the direction.

makehimanoffer responds:

it's a key yes. there was this thing where you were supposed to be opening doors. when you finished the level essentially

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