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I KNEW you'd have another game here. I admit this didn't seem to have that much with toons. I mean, all of your stuff is technically cartoonish. I still liked it. It's mostly because you have this really easy medal at the beginning. The colors weren't bad.

Do you use the same music? It's pretty nice. I guess some of your games are just easier than others. This may have been too easy. I still like it this way!

selfdefiant responds:

Thanks! Of course there will be more games! I named it toon because it's kinds toonish. :)
Yes the song is the same. I thought it fit well.

Happy Robot Day! I admit to being kind of confused as this had little to do with robots. Okay, I guess the enemies were robots. Well, not all of them. One was an eyeball. Was the eyeball meant to be mechanical?

I do appreciate how I could past the first couple of bosses. There was something different with them. It just got repetitive. Still, it was satisfying to play. It's just those secret medals, I guess.

I'm sorry, but I couldn't get into this much. I at least appreciate how it's pretty unique. I certainly had no idea what would happen next. At the same time, I can see why this has the lowest rating on Robot Day. It’s too complicated. There are just too many ways to die.

Now, I did appreciate the graphics. I like the design of this little guy. It just got annoying with how there was a closeup every time he died. It’s just depressing. Happy Robot Day 2016!

Wow, this has got to be the longest game you've ever done! It's just amazing how many minigames there were. Granted, most of them were really short, but still. I counted 12! Oh, I guess this isn't the last in the whole series. Why isn't this in the "Series" section on this website?

The music was great. I really did feel for these characters. It's long, but it's worth your money. It's great to have some resolution. I'm glad you used a wide variety of songs.

JackAstral responds:

Thanks for playing :-B

I don't think this holds up that well. It was nice for its day. The graphics just don’t do much. With all that being said, this is still a good game. I mean, it’s the same violence you’ve grown to love with shooting games. Those clowns are quite evil.

I like the blood effects. At least there was some variety with the enemies. I like how they have guns. I thought they were zombies at first. I’m just used to all enemies in shooting games being zombies.

At first, I was confused as to why the rating wasn't higher. This feels just like the original game! I now realize it was because it was mostly just the same stuff over and over. I'm still glad to have come by this. It really does capture the spirit of the original game. I don't recall the earlier entry here.

I don't know why you could make the picture bigger. This is the first time I've seen that on a game. Is that something new here? I'm glad it was easy to understand. It was pretty fun just to kill those guys.

Wow, this is the earliest thing I've seen here that has over a million views! Is this the first thing on the entire Internet to get a million views on the same website? If so, congratulations! I always thought it was "Blundercats". Anyway, the graphics in this weren't that good. Could you even lose in this game?

It was mostly the same thing with you shooting people. At least it could relieve stress! There was a bit variety in your victims. I wish they were showing a movie there. We really were nothing but shooting games back then.

I really liked this game! It was mostly because it was killing zombies in such a unique way. We need to do that more. I don’t remember the penguin in this. It’s a lot harder than you think. I could have sworn I hit one of those guys.

It really does have to be specific. Luckily, the visuals are great. The music is lots of fun too. You just know how to create good atmosphere. I just like hearing the ricochet.

I think there was a flaw with this. I had to get a headshot every single time. It needed more variety. The enemies all look the same. You think it's weird that this is 5 years old?! Now it's 16 years old! It reminds me of "House Of The Dead".

Then again, that's really the only zombie game I've played. I do love shooting up zombies. This just needed more variety. Was this the first game on Newgrounds? It's great to see how far we've come.

Wow, it seemed like you're becoming even more prolific than selfdefiant. I think you probably are better, hee hee. My vote was the last one this needed to be protected! Anyway, this was quite fun with how I got lucky a few times. I should know about more art. I guess there's only so much mainstream art.

You are quite a talented artist. It's great you use this same great music. I'm glad you know so much about art. You really have made a career out of it. I'm not good with those stars.

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