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I have to admit that I was turned off by how different this was. I'm not used to straight RPGs from you. I don't want to be biased, however. I think this was an entertaining game in its own right. I don't seem to recall the other games. It is kind of unique.

The music is really nice. It's always great when people have a lot of songs in their submissions. I don't know if there was a hidden astronaut token. I'm not doing well with medals today. Love the atmosphere, though.

JackAstral responds:

Thanks for playing!

I'm not gonna include golden astronaunt tokens anymore, just because I think they were kinda pointless

The stuff I make tells stories, so I only want people who are interested in the stories to be playing my stuff :B

You made another game like this, I remember! I still think this is a great game. It's mostly because it's easy and fun. I thought these guys might appear later. Instead, you have only one opportunity to kill them. Kenny stopped dying in every episode.

Why did he complain about it in the Coon episodes? I just love those sounds. It's cool to see all those wounds. I'm no more messed up than anyone else here. Lots of people have played this game!

This was more or less a typical game of yours. It was nice to see a shark. He probably is the first shark detective of any kind! It was really annoying with this at first. You had to read your assignment. I clicked on the piece of paper and it had this code.

I thought it would be too easy to simply put that code on the cabinet. It WAS that easy! I knew it would be harder than that and I was right. I had to click on an area very close to the sticker to leave the room. Now that's tricky!

Wow, this was quite annoying. The audio seemed way off. This has not aged well at all. Mr. T's design looks quite bad. I guess this was just what they had for Flash Player back then. It wasn't much of a game.

I don't know who that dinosaur was. This was done before there were hundreds of pokemon. I guess it was supposed to be Barney. There's so much room for improvement. It needed to have more of a story.

Wow, this was one weird game. It was pretty hard because it made no sense at all. I managed to make it to Level 14. It seemed like the whole thing was complete luck. I guess that was probably the whole purpose. I know that this is all about Schrodinger's cat.

Some of the cats were dead sometimes. You weren't allowed to see what happened. I know that whole thing. I liked the background music. It's hard to even become skilled at this.

I'm sorry, but this doesn't seem to hold up that well at all. I mean, it's just some animation that doesn't look good. It's too easy at times. It is pretty hard with the guys that have a lot of health. I like how you can replenish it. It doesn't look good by most standards.

The sounds aren't bad. I like how it's a clear cut game. Congrats on all your plays! I feel bad looking at all this old stuff. I mean, it's not terrible, I've just played much better.

I found this to be much better than your previous game. Well by "previous" I mean on the same day. I really like the sounds. It's just fun to play with a pig. I will admit that there could have been more detail. It is just the same thing over and over.

The title is pretty generic. I like how you can stretch the pig. You can always go too high. There's never any reason to go that far up. It works well for what it is.

I didn't really care for this game that much. It was mostly because it just seemed too complicated. The graphics were pretty good. It was interesting to use sheep. It's always cows that those guys steal! This was somewhat creative.

The music is pretty nice. It just doesn't add up to much. At least I could get back the first level. You guys should have easier gameplay. You probably have too many of these games now.

This did indeed have little point. It's still interesting to see what games were like back in 1999. I mean, it was just the same stuff over and over. It got a little hard. The animation doesn't hold up. I guess I was confused by the sex.

There was no point and it wasn't even graphic. Well, there has to be sex of some kind here, it's the Internet! I guess it was fine for its age. Wow, something on the Internet 17 years old!

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