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I couldn't understand the appeal in this. It was just Arnold being shot easily. It didn't add up to much. At least it was easy. You need to be more creative. You have of course made much better things.

Then again, with how easy it was, it was not entertaining. It was too short. I wish I could have heard his voice. Hey, you spelled his name right! I keep getting it wrong myself.

You certainly got the challenging part down well. I admit this game could be annoying. I still appreciated it. I have never played this game in real life. I've never even fired a gun. This does seem to be a pretty authentic representation of it.

I like how realistic it is. I just think it's a bit too redundant. It is just the same thing over and over again. It still doesn't need to be much more than what it is. I am satisfied when I get ahead.

These pictures are always impressive. I'm getting to the point where I can easily get the first medal. You simply go backwards and click on the bench. The silver key falls out and it's obvious what you do with it. I really was impressed by the music in this one. I'm glad it was automatic.

The fine details are really nice. These games just aren't really for me. I like how bright everything is. It just seems like people make games with darker atmosphere. I mean, this is haunted after all.

selfdefiant responds:

Thanks. It is haunted but not in the sense of scary. Sometimes haunted can be nice. :)

Wow, I think this was the first truly great game on this website! I especially appreciate how it's just non stop action. Yeah, the graphics don't hold up well, but it's still great! You get a clear understanding of what you need to hit. I admit it's hard sometimes. I can't tell which part of the ship you shoot.

I thought I was staying in the same place the whole time. Instead, it was obvious I was moving around. That only makes it better! The sounds are pretty good too. I love early great stuff.

Yeah, I managed to figure some of it out! It's pretty obvious you have to look at the graveyard. The combination for the chest is 74593. I thought there was some kind of error because there weren't four stratches when one was crossed out. The music wasn't bad. I still don't see why it's not automatic.

The designs were pretty fine. I have learned to just look at everything. Obviously, some parts are easier than others. There's just a lot of these you've made to experiment with. I liked it overall, as most of your games.

This is probably one of my favorite games of yours. Granted, that's mostly because it's easy to get medals. I am still impressed at how this was a unique game from you. I guess it was still technically a game where you did nothing but click. It didn't have pointing in it, I suppose. Dude, do you even sleep?

It seems like you submit a game with medals every single day. I realized that I had to click on the gold coins to get money. I thought you could just put your mouse over them at first. Clicking is fun when it's easy! I knew something was off as this had a lot more medals than usual.

I like how this reminds me of the "House Of The Dead" games. That was of course intentional. I like how the enemies all look different. Why does everyone hate this? Really, it's no worse than a lot of other games at this time. Well, it is pretty hard.

I'm just glad to see more variety. Even the title is nice. I admit that it is pretty difficult. It's still more creative than a lot of other games like this. It's genuinely enjoyable to play.

I managed to appreciate this game! I was confused by how hard it was at first. I thought the whole game would just be one level. I am glad there was more to it. The only downsides was how the artwork wasn't that good. That's to be expected in something from 2000.

It's still pretty easy to understand. I was afraid those red squares would kill me. I'm glad it meant the end of the level! I can't seem to go onto the next level. WAS it just one level?

MakeItSoGames responds:

Hey, you can play all 5 levels here:

I loved this game if only because I was good at it. Yeah, I had to look at the walkthrough. I still managed to get at least half of this done without help from that video! I'm so depressed over not getting any medals recently. I just needed some easy ones. Thank God for you!

The sounds were quite nice. The music set up good atmosphere. It was just so well detailed. I'm glad I learned to look closely at everything. You need to look at every single object hiding here.

Yeah, this was really lame. The artwork doesn't hold up. Hey, we got lots of great artwork from the Renaissance period from Jesus! The music was alright. It reminds me of all the anti-Pokémon stuff here. Pokémon is practically a religion.

I'm more offended by people making fun of that than Jesus some times. It's just the same audio. You say scripture tells you to give me all your stuff. It's called SHARING. I guess the whole thing isn't more offensive than anything Doug Stanhope says.

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