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This is a nice game. I just like it because it requires so little thought to operate. I just played a game where you did nothing but type. This was a lot better than that because there were more designs. It may not have been that creative, but there were tons of different things to choose from. The music really set it along well too.

You would be surprised at how motivated you can get to play this game. This reminds me of another game where you had to do something like that for an hour. I forgot its name. I even think the name is pretty cool.

This reminds me of the educational games about typing I used to play in class. I was so good at them. I didn't think this game worked because it was too simple. You needed sounds. It's hard to hate this because I'm so good at it. You could probably tell that from the sheer number of reviews that I have written.

It was just a bunch of letters coming up over and over. There needs to be more variety, more of a purpose. It just didn't do it for me. There's nothing offensive or anything about this. It is too bland for my taste.

This is a good game. I think its strongest point is probably how straightforward the gameplay is. I like this aerial shot you use. I also appreciate how you just have monsters come after you over and over. It's a tad different than the standard zombie stuff. Not that I wouldn't always want to play a zombie game.

It helps that the music is really good. I'm starting to notice that more in games. I liked how it was not just the same mutant. There were also a lot of interesting things you could collect. This was a good game.

Well, it's nice to reference Zidane with nothing about his headbutt. Honestly, I think that's only what people in the USA know him for. I think the sounds and everything else synched up well. What I didn't like about it was how monotonous it was. I'm not much of a sports fan, but I would have liked it if you were on the field. An actual game would be nice.

It doesn't seem very rewarding. I guess the graphics are alright. This is pretty popular for not winning any awards. Then again, Numa Numa Dance didn't win any. I guess people who are more into these things should like it more.

Soccer was probably the competitive sport that I was the best at. I truly enjoyed this for being original. I think its strongest point is how you use the controls so differently. Normally, it would be that you use the ball to avoid everything. Instead, you have control over the obstacles. The music is also pretty good.

As someone who isn't a fan of sports games, it's probably just as well this isn't like a soccer game. I like how the obstacles all just disappear. It's fun to look at, for some reason. I like how it just goes on and on.

I'm not a fan of RPGs, but this was an exception. For the most part, the CGI was good. There were a few parts where it seemed to stick out badly. It's still quite impressive. It seems to be something that's pretty unique from other RPGs. I will probably never be motivated to get that far ahead in it.

It seemed to have just a good layout. I like how you advance and have a nice amount of space to move around. You really do not know what is going to show up next. The interiors are probably the best. It helps you have such a cool title.

At first, I was quite confused by this game. I thought there was no way to kill the enemies. I don't even know how to fully upgrade. For the most part, it's still a good game. It mostly works because of how unique the design is. I like how it works well in its simplicity.

I just think it has a very good spirit to it. I like how easy it can be. Well, I managed to get two acheivements so it's easy enough. I really don't know what's going on here, but it's pretty good. I just wanted to say that I like this game.

I didn't see how this was that unique or anything. I'm glad I figured out to collect the diamonds that weren't red. I wish the explosions could have destroyed the meteors. It's still not that bad of a game. I don't have that much to complain about in terms of graphics. It's pretty nicely paced.

I like those gold diamonds that are worth 50 points. Wait, gold diamonds? You could have had a more creative title. It was nice to have a game that required so little thought. I get bad feelings about saying that as it reminds me of "The Phantom Tollbooth".

I admit that I'm mostly turned off by this. I can tell it had something to do with Lord Of The Stars. This seemed nowhere near as good as it was mostly just you doing the same thing. There was some variety from when different insects came. You at least took damage (or something) when you missed them. I appreciate the music.

I thought this would be about the Mario enemy. Well, it isn't spelled the same way. I think it's well drawn, it's just not a very good premise. It's nice how you still have the same good graphics. It just doesn't add up to much.

I found this to be an okay game. I admit it is pretty weird with how you can't jump with this. At least you get medal for that. In fact, it seems like you get a medal for every type of death. I admit, that is kind of motivational! I thought the graphics were just so-so.

I do think it's funny to fly and jump using farts. It's just funny to hear those sounds. You could probably use some finer details. I think this is pretty enjoyable for a quick play. It's just not something I'd want to go back to.

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