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This is a pretty nice thing. I liked how you had a bit of trivia now and then. It shows that you want to make the game educational. A pity I can't seem to get too far in it. The medals are worth too many ankhs! I really liked how the graphics were so good in this.

The music seemed pretty stylistic and moving. I really like the transitions. As with other good games, you have no idea what's going to show up next. I liked all the details put into everything. It's worth checking out.

I was truly impressed by this. I think my biggest like was how every level had something different to it. You were always able to make something new and creative. Most of the time, I was able to figure out how to beat it. I'm not that much for puzzle games, but this was a nice exception. The music was nice and steady.

It's amazing how complicated of a world you can make with a fairly low amount of detail. I think I have played stuff like this before. I hope you are motivated to make more games. You are truly unique with your work. While not a classic, still great.

Sandamnit responds:

Wow. This made my day!

Thank you for the vote of confidence on future games. I do have a few ideas floating around, but nothing concrete yet.

This was quite an enjoyable game. I liked how there were always new things going on. You just didn't know what to expect. I also really appreciated the graphics. I think the more CGI stuff really boosts its enjoyment. Glad to be the first reviewer in over a year! It's sad to see stuff like this loose popularity over time.

Everything is just so well organized. I can recognize most of these songs now. It probably could have been a tad more colorful, but still really good. It's another optimistic game. I just like all the little things going on here and there.

While it definitley had its downsides, I did enjoy this game. The strongest parts of it is probably how easy it is. Of course, I do always want something more challenging. Then why did I say that? Anyway, it was great fun to see the character die at the end. That really was unique for a game like this.

I like the different kinds of characters you can choose from. Granted, I don't think there's actually a difference between them, but it's nice. The two M's are a pretty nice touch. Too bad M&M have that trademarked, same with Eminem. The graphics could be a tad better, though.

Well, I thought this was going to be really great. It wasn't as good as I thought because of how difficult it was. I guess all games in this genre are going to be compared to Angry Birds. BTW, that was actually a ripoff of a game here, Defend the Dungeon or something. I really liked the graphics. I'm so glad you made something new.

You are such a talented guy you should submit stuff here more. I like how you just explode your enemies. I don't know how to work well when you're in the air. That is really the hardest part here. It's definitley original.

Dizimz responds:

That's a kind review that I appreciate the goal really was a angry birds meets meatboy kinda game.
I enjoyed making it, Im glad you enjoyed it. Truth be told, I must have accidentally released this early but apparently I published this last night OOPS!

Ah well it's out now and Im trying to put out the fires as they are so to speak.

Thanks again!

For the most part, this game was pretty good. What I didn't like about it was how it didn't have good graphics. It really does look like something from years ago. While it got repetitive, I still enjoyed this. It's mostly because it's rare to see a game where you kill people like this. I like how they explode after a few shots.

I doubt any number of shots could make a car truly explode. Well, the gas gauge might help. The sounds and everything else seemed authentic. It helps that Valhalla is such an awesome name. It doesn't really apply to anything here specifically, it's just cool.

I thought this would be in the first in the "Trapped" series. I may in fact like this more. I'm not much of a point and click adventure game, but it was nice. Yes, that was meant to be in reference to the quote about the Bible stated here. I thought it really did have some good gameplay. I shouldn't have been expecting to find anything too good in the toilet.

I love the voice you used and it's quite familiar. Sadly, I don't think this guy is here anymore. It's nice to have a game that's easy to understand, but not too easy itself. At least this guy won't make his room dirty if he's trapped there. I can see why this has so many views.

This was quite a mediocre game. I guess a game like this should get three stars instead of two and a half. It works truly well for being mediocre. What I was confused by was how simplistic it was. You did basically just shoot the same fish over and over. It did get faster, which was nice.

It just doesn't have that much that makes it stand out. I guess there was nothing wrong with how the fish were designed. They just didn't do anything but swim. They could have done more, like being able to dodge or if they did here, do it better. How could a gun work so well underwater?

I found this to be a really cool game. What turned me on the most about it was how well the graphics were. I got a true sense of uniqueness. I will say that it does get a little repetitive. It could also use some more music. It reminds me of similar games, only easier. It's still good.

I just liked how you had a lot of mobility. There was really a precise way of understanding everything and you got a clear shot of it. I think you had to shoot the big machines right in the middle to kill them. I don't think shooting the lower parts did anything. The bombs are cool too.

Well, I thought this was a good game. I did have a major problem with this. It just has the same enemies come on over and over and the levels are too long. I at least think you deserve credit for having something that does flow well. I could clearly understand everything that was going on. It proved to be challenging.

I liked the little blood that was everywhere when you shot. Didn't see any wounds on the enemies themselves, though. I imagine stick figures can't have that much detail. I thought the sounds were pretty well done. A pity it takes so long to get upgrades.

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