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I probably shouldn't be liking this game so much. It really isn't that much different than most platformers. That being said, I really did like it a lot. I think the graphics were just really well done. I loved to see such colorful enemies. You really did not know what was going to happen next.

Yeah, it probably was a bit too simple. This was still really fun, because it was just something made in such high spirits. You just kept going on and on with the game. I guess the enemies are supposed to be tar that trapped dinosaurs. That's actually pretty creative.

I admit that while I'm not really good at this, I can't say anything bad about it. It does seem to have everything you would want in a game where you move from one point to another. The coolest thing was probably how you saw the stars in the background. It just gave off a positive vibe. The music was also really good.

I guess the quotes were meant to make the title look better. Now, you could have had more detail in this. While it's a bit too simple, it still works well with what it has. You don't need to have stuff that elaborate to be good. This was worth checking out.

I really got into this! I surprised that this does not have a higher rating. The best thing about it is probably how you manage to have more oppurtunities to kill your enemies. The purple pills seem to decrease in number after the first few levels. I just like the overall design. It gives you such a big picture to go out and explore.

I don't see how a single bee could hurt a bear. Of course, I have no clue what's going on in Pac-Man either. It looks like a giant honeycomb. This, to me, was a really nice, underappreciated game. Glad I could spread the word.

This was a very nice game. It's probably because I'm someone who has just drawn so much in his life. Yeah, I could never be good enough to submit anything here. I still appreciate the high spirits of this. It's just a very hopeful game. A pity I don't have much time to see what I've drawn.

I would have liked to see some comparison work. It reminds me of a Mario game that does that. Of course, then I probably wouldn't be as good at it. I typed "Look at review" for my comment. Pity I can't find the high scores.

I found this to be an incredibly cool game! I think the biggest reason it works is how simple it is. It's just another standard stick game where you destroy everything in sight. I don't know if the different colored enemies have different kinds of health. It's just wonderful to play.

A pity the tank can't jump. Of course, it's pretty much unstoppable as enemies are just killed by being around it! In general, they're not that easy to kill, because they're so many of them. I love the screams they make as they die. It's just all around fun!

I really liked this game. I think the biggest thing about it is how many oppurtunities you got to get beat the part of the level. I just like the sounds with how everything just went down. I think it's quite realistic. The graphics are also wonderful. While a tad repetitive, it's still worth checking out.

I just think everything worked out well here. I appreciate you doing something that seemed pretty original. Even though you have to go back to the start of the level, you still get your coins. I don't know why the faces are enemies. Of course, this doesn't really have a plot.

I'm just not a guy who's into RPGs. What I didn't like about this was how you basically didn't have graphics that were that good. I have just played other games that were much better. It seems like it takes too long to use your powers. I will admit that it is pretty creative. I appreciate how you can go everywhere.

I must have a dirty mind, because the doors look like penises. It is pretty easy to understand. The music seems most appropriate. I think this aerial view probably fit, even though I'm not a fan of it. It's just not for me.

I didn't find this as good as the first one, but it's still really good! Dang, this is the second game I've played in a row that involved toilets! That can't be good. I love how you have animation as good as the previous one. I don't know why there's this new character here. I liked not being to keep track of how many guys I had.

I didn't really care about how many died. It was cool to see the backgrounds. It reminded me of the third Mario game where things were being held up. Is this a play too? No matter, it still awesome!

It was pretty satisfying to just go and crap wih your body whirling around. It wasn't that well detailed, but it was quite fun. I love how you use the rage faces for this. You should see more of that around more. You really did have to think outside the box for this one. Of course, any game with that many levels is going to do that.

The music was also really neat. If you're going to poop, beter do it to some good tunes. I just had fun exploring. A lot of the things were just red herrings to distract you from how you really had to go. And I do mean "go".

Wow, this is probably the best racing game on the entire website. It mostly works because the graphics are so awesome. I used to think I didn't want future games and stuff to have graphics like that, but this has convinced me otherwise! The only problem was that there was no sound. I must have missed something? Everything was just superb.

I'm not much for racing games, but this is just awesome! It's just so beautifully shot and has everything you'd want in a racing game on an actual console. Everything is just wonderfully slick. I appreciated everything done in making this. Takes awhile to load, but that's nothing.

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