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This was a pretty good game. It didn't have that many parts that were that unique. On the same note, it didn't really have anything wrong with it. Maybe there could have been more detail with the enemies. It's pretty fun to just destroy these things over and over. 15 levels sounds like a good enough number.

It's nice to have all these powerups. A pity you don't keep them when you go to the next level. For the most part, this was good. While not great, the sounds were fairly good and fit the style. There didn't seem to be any problem with the synching.

I did not care for this. There must have been some way to fix up the pipes to play this game better. I appreciate how it is kind of original. I don't think I've even ever had beer. There just didn't seem to be a lot of detail put into this. Wait, this was submitted on Clock Day and has over 100K views despite not having to do with it?

That's truly impressive, dude. You should have put some music in it. I guess the drawings themselves aren't that bad. It's just a game that doesn't come across as very rewarding. Maybe it's better drunk.

I ended up enjoying this more than I thought I would. I think it's biggest is how there's a lot you can do. I especially think the idea of racing against yourself is cool. The graphics are fairly good. I didn't like it how you seemed to not be able to race other competitors. I must be missing some feature.

It could have used some music. I just thought it was pretty fun with a game where I didn't always lose. Yeah, I'm not good at these kinds of racing games. In fact, I'm not that much for racing games period. This turned out to be pretty good.

I found this to be a pretty cool game. Now, I do think it's a bit too simple. It actually is pretty well detailed with what it makes of itself. It's even kind of cool to see how the pointer explodes whenever you get to the edge. I have no clue what those little holes are for. I just played a golf game, so I'm thinking it's something to do with golf.

The music works pretty well too. I like how it's pretty easy to understand. It doesn't get to the point where it talks down to the player or anything. Now that I think about it, few games are like that. I'm just thinking more of kid's media.

This was a truly cool game! It had been a long time since you had submitted games here. While it wasn't educational like some other games, it was still great. You've probably made me enjoy golf more than I ever could in real life. Okay, I am rather fond of minature golf. I think the music is also rather cool.

I appreciate you being so creative. If only I could tell which of the planets are ones that don't make me go "Boom". It's cool to have a golf game with things to collect. The stuff with the planets reminds me of "The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy". Very well done.

Well, the game was itself very well done. Its main flaw was that it was pretty much impossible to beat. I find it kind of stupid to be killed by just falling too low. I don't want realism in video games! I do, however, love the overall format. It's just as good as the previous games.

It's not as good though, because it's so hard. It's interesting to see all the little obstacles you have everywhere. It took real creativity to make this. Too bad I don't know how to use my jumps on the second level. Help?

3kliksphilip responds:

You can slide down walls by holding down the arrow button pointing towards them- try a running jump at the far right wall, and thanks for the feedback!

This game was more enjoyable than it seemed at first. I guess it was just interesting to have such a basic premise. I'm even surprised I was that good at it. I don't think you can made a combo go from one level to the next, as that was when mine ended. Even the name was cool. I think the music also helps make it interesting.

This guy kind of looks like Pac-Man. Come on, that HAD to be the intention. It's easy to get distracted by how colorful it is and die. I'm glad I don't die when I don't get a combo. Of course, you can always make new ones.

Well, this was pretty good. I guess I just didn't like how there wasn't that much to it. You just shot your targets. That being said, it still managed to do a good job for what it was supposed to do. I'm not sure what the title means. Maybe Logun is the name of the character I'm playing?

I admit that the "Deadeye" is a really cool title. The graphics are pretty decent. I assume any game gets harder no matter what difficulty you put it at. The sounds were pretty good and authentic. I just liked the easy understanding of the gameplay.

Apart from the fact that the game isn't that well detailed, it's impossible to win. When the monkey head throws that cracked rock at you, you can't dodge it! I've tried, it's a homing rock. I wish I could beat this. Thank you for the medal of looking (or not) at the instructions. I liked "National Treasure".

Of course, the sequel wasn't that good to me. I did like how it was at least an original idea. Nicholas Cage is pretty easy to make fun of. I think the music also works well. It really isn't my kind of game.

swishcheese responds:

Try shooting the cracked rocks when they appear. Thanks for review.

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