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I didn't think this was quite as good as the first game, but still very nice. My favorite part is how you get to be hooked up to the ceiling. I like how when you fall too low, it looks like you're going into Hell! It's the little things that make it worthwhile. The premise is quite simple, but it works well. There are just so many varations you can make with it.

Everything works out wonderfully in this. I had no idea there would be so many levels in this. It's nice how you have more than one level to advance onto. I just think this overall format is cool. While not as good as the Boxhead series, still great.

This really is an interesting game. I'm amazed at how you got Weekly User's Choice without winning any other award! I was quite interested on exactly what was going to show up next. I appreciated the designs. The music was great and quite uppy. It's simply an enjoyable game.

I guess I like how you have no idea what game you're going to do next. The levels of difficulty seem to vary. It's interesting to have a game that goes like that. While not that memorable, still very good. Congradulations on your strange lone award.

I thought this would have something to do with Ask Jeeves. I guess I should know "Jeeves" is simply a title many butlers have. It was weird how it suddenly turned demonic. Of course, that was fairly unexpected. I did like how everything was arranged pretty clearly. It was even somewhat original.

While it isn't that memorable, it does have some stuff going for it. When I think of games of volleyball, I think of bikini women. I wouldn't have wanted to see these guys scantily clad. Well, admittedly, by male standards, they're not that bad. Yeah, I'm shutting up now.

Well, I can't say there was anything that bad about this. It seemed like the main problem was that it was just the same background over and over. I can't say it was that bad, because I'm fairly good at it. I just thought it would have some humor in it, like your cartoons. The music was pretty good.

I guess it wasn't mean or anything, just rather dull. I got a score of 660, which I imagine is pretty high. I don't know the difference between the yellow and green balls. The drawings aren't that bad. It's quite mediocre.

I didn't care that much for this game. I admit that it's somewhat of an interesting premise. I feel so bad, because I'm usually good at these keyboard games, but here I freaking sucked. I did manage to get a bunch in a row. I did lose a lot in a row, too. I seem to be on a lot of streaks lately.

At least I'm consistent. I was expecting to see some wizard in this, but no. That was a disappointment. The game is so fast paced it's hard to keep up. I do like how it does really keep you on your toes, so I'll give you that.

I appreciated how original this game was. It reminds me of that new poorly done CGI game where you have to do heart surgery. There's a pretty funny video of a game failing to do that. I think you probably did in fact do your research. I don't know much about wound cleaning myself, but it made sense to me. If anything, you tried to be realistic.

I wasn't sure what the numbers on the side meant. It was weird to always lose points no matter what you did. At least, that's how I think it meant. The music was really good too. A pity no one uses arrows anymore.

I couldn't get that much into this game. I think the animation is just mediocre. In fact, the whole thing is pretty mediocre. I couldn't really understand the gameplay. I just played two people at once and there was no competition. Maybe this game was meant to be done with two people.

I guess the format is somewhat original. By that, I mean it's something not often seen on this site. That host likes his hair. I couldn't get any of them at first, but then I got a bunch in a row. It doesn't add up to much.

Wow, I was quite interested in seeing just how well I could be hidden. It was really interesting to see everything constantly move. I know that might not sound very engaging, but it was for me. That music is so fitting for a security game. While the graphics weren't much, they didn't really need to be. What I liked was how complex it got.

You really had to specifically study all of the actions and know what was going to come up next. Everything is done in an organized manner. I like the prescence of passcodes. It's not just straight through, you have to unlock certain parts. It might not make sense, but it's good.

I hate to say it, but I think this had a lot of problems. Well, it did get better when I was more used to it. I have no idea how to get ahead in terms of the tutorial. I'm pressing A and D for everything and nothing works. Good thing I can just pause it. The artwork in this is actually really good.

I'm starting to recognize Evil-Dog's style. Strange, I would think Halloween would be a good time for a monster to be out. I really like the long claw design. It's something I've always been fascinated by. It's still playable.

Evil-Dog responds:

tutorial? press D when it says press D, press A when it says A, etc? not sure what you mean, PM me if you wanna discuss further

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