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I didn't care much for this. The weakest part was probably the design. It was just some stick figures that were red and blue. It didn't have much else going on. I knew the spiked things were not going to be able to be killed. The music is actually pretty good.

It's easy to follow, I'll give you that. It just had nothing out of the ordinary. It's harmless and there's nothing too bad about it. There have just been so many better variants of this done. I think there is some distance going on with how long you hold the bow.

While not a great game, this was actually pretty well done. I did like the addition of the dinosaur to ride for this. Too bad the game ended when he died. You could probably do better with the graphics. It did seem a little too goofy looking. The enemies had some pretty good designs.

I must have been pressing the wrong button, because I wasn't killing the enemies at all. It was strange how that worked. You are in a pretty nice setting. Everything is pretty clear cut. While not that great, I appreciated this.

I admit that this was in fact a pretty innovative game. My only problem was how hard it was. At least how hard it was when trying to get a medal. It was a lot more strategic than you would think. I was pretty confused by it at first. Everything just seemed so random. At least I managed to do better when I figured it all out.

For the most part, I liked this. It had a truly original concept. Everything was put out very clearly. I guess you just have to be really fast to get the higher points. I got 56 at the highest, so close to a medal.

I'm starting to understand why this doesn't have that high of a rating. I'm really stuck on the third part. I don't think my crow can even fit in that crevice. It was a bit disappointing to have this not be a stick game. Now, I do recall you making similar stuff. I just wasn't really prepared for it here.

I think the graphics are really well done. Hell doesn't seem as fiery as I thought. Poor crows, they're always lumped in that category. I did find this game to be pretty playable. Oh well, Happy Halloween!

I thought this game was going to be a defense game. I saw a bunch of cool looking dinosaurs at the start, so I thought I'd be fighting them. Imagine my disappointment when I found out they were not. However, imagine my joy when I found out there was a heck of a lot more to this game than I thought! This really was great!

The graphics of the little symbols are so nicely done. It helps that I'm really good at it. The music is very nice too. I guess these collapsing games will never go out of style. Is that what they're called, collapsing games?

This was a pretty good game. I couldn't find anything wrong with it. Then again, I couldn't find anything that good about it either. It seemed like it was just the same enemies coming over and over. I did like the music though. I guess both Native Americans and the Irish can have the stereotypes of being drunk.

The Native Americans still have casinos, though! The menu was nicely drawn. I thought the aerial view took a little long to get used to. I do wish that your game not be so simple. It did work somewhat well with that.

I didn't understand this game at all. It took over a dozen punches just to kill one goblin. That made no sense to me. There must be something I am missing here. It can't be that difficult. I guess the graphics are...farily mediocre.

There must be weapons that I'm missing. I'm sorry, I didn't see how this was that popular at all. I guess there's nothing offensive about it, it just doesn't add up. The setting isn't too bad. Sorry, dude.

exotworking responds:

Thanks for writing a review, Ericho. I was 16 when I made this game and I used a mouse to draw, haha. You can actually get a weapon right at the beginning when talking to a guy (choose club).

I didn't really care much for this. The part that I found to be strange was how it was just the same zombies over and over. I thought I did everything I could, but I still couldn't advance to the next level. It's not something I'm very motivated to get further in. It did have zombies, which are awesome. Good thing it's October.

One of the looks like George W. Bush. Dang, it feels so long since he was President and thank God! You could have maybe had more ways to kill them. I guess the artwork isn't that bad. I have just played much better stuff.

This was really weird. The game just didn't seem to load for me and it was pretty unplayable. I don't understand the controls or really anything. The reason it was so hard was becasue I'm not used to you making games like this. There was little action at all or at least none that I could do. At least you tried something new.

I guess the graphics are pretty good. It just doesn't seem like something that works that well for you. I would prefer if you stick to your other kinds of games. It was hard for me to understand this. I can understand if others like it.

I thought this was a pretty interesting variation on the Fishy game. I think that's popular enough to have its own variations. I appreciate how good the music is. The designs of the aliens are pretty cool too. I was confused as to why I couldn't attack the enemies. Then again, I'm an alien, not a ship, which kind of makes you wonder what they're doing in space.

The music seems to be quite stylistic and well done. There was this one big problem I had. It was that I could not really tell what was smaller than me. A lot of them looked the same size. I guess it's same to assume those are too big.

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