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Dude, my computer is frigging messed up. At first, I had no control whatsoever of where my body was moving and when I did, I couldn't advance to the next stage. When my body was in control, I WAS able to advance. Anyway, I do find this to be a quaint game. I think the best part about it is how simple it is. You really did waste time with fancy stuff here. It's just a nice little slice of life game.

You don't see many of those nowadays. I think the artwork is good. I managed to figure out the controls well or at least the ones I could. Makes me wish I could make pancakes like that. I should have more of them.

I think my player must be too fast or something. I couldn't get anywhere in this game. I wasn't even sure when the title sequence ended. I will give you points for having a hot girl in this. She's probably the most attractive CGI person I've ever seen here. Everything just went too slow for me.

I tried using lower quality, but it didn't do me much good. I still have to praise you for having good music. The controls just don't do it for me. It is a pretty original concept though. While not something I'd play again, still innovative.

This game honestly wasn't that hard to understand. You told the instructions pretty clearly in the game itself. I have played many adventure games that have like dozens of things to them. I was originally complaining about how the radar went too slow. As the game got harder, I didn't care as much. No, I didn't read that about the space bar.

It's interesting to have a game where you can go at your own pace. You get the sense of racing against the clock, but still having some control. Even the name is cool! This reminds me of the games where you had bounce the ball to collect all the points. The dots just look the same.

I admit that it was pretty cool to ride that bull. There is just a big problem I have with this. It's just the same image of you riding the bull. I don't even know if you can pull the fuse out once you get it lit. Well, I guess it's better than a game where you die automatically. The drawing is done pretty well.

You do know how to create an intense environment. I guess it gets more complicated as it goes on. I appreciate all the cartoonish stuff you work on. It's what you're most known for, besides porn. I think the appearance holds up well after these years.

Wiesi responds:

Thanks for your review!

Here is yet another game where there's a point that I just can't get past. It's on the second level with the dirt blocking the entrance way. At least I got a single medal. For the most part, this is a good game. It did take a little bit for me to get used to the controls, but it still worked out well eventually. I like how you get the big picture of exactly what's going on.

It's the kind of game you can really take your time with. The graphics, while not great, are still good. The zombies aren't much of a problem at first. I like how the music makes you anticipate what happens next. I like the little gold pieces you collect.

ThomSip responds:

Try reading the helpsigns, they explain a lot. In the second stage you open the way to the exit by throwing a crate against the "dirt" which blocks the pathway.

I was pretty confused by this at first. I was able to realize that you just had to collect the powerups and the game played itself. It has been too long since you have submitted something. I hope this is popular on the Appstore. I don't understand what the first level was for. Actually, I don't even know if that was a level at all.

The graphics are as good as ever. The best is how you don't know what's going to come up next. It's nice to have such good mobility in the game. The sound effects are cool and they sync up well. It was fun to play this.

I was pretty confused by this. That's never stopped me from liking...ah, I've said that too many times. Anyway, it was weird because it didn't seem like I could even die in this. I don't see how using the mouse would be so much easier. Okay, upon playing it, it makes more sense to me. I think it is a pretty cool idea.

It's just hard for me to figure out which bubbles are good. You certainly know how to make a game last. The drawings/graphics are pretty nicely done. It's strange, but it works fine. I guess that is what plankton looks like.

This game is really fast paced, but I certainly enjoyed it! It's just a game that has such high spirits in it. I appreciated how 3D it all worked. I guess we should just call that CGI from now on. It's interesting to find things out like how you can go from one end of the screen to another. I didn't even notice the time it took you to reload.

I was just having so much fun with it, I thought it was your health! The music in this was freaking awesome too! It could really get you pumped up and looking for more adventure. It's just nice to see these models move. The music just gets more and more triumphant.

I thought this game could have been better, but it was still decent. What I like about it is how you do a good job of getting the big picture of what's going on. You can really understand the situation you're in. It is a bit annoying having enemies you can't kill. Good thing you have so much finesse. I think I have played other games with this character.

I just think it has a cute layout. I appreciate the little sounds of doom you make when you die. Dang, that sounds so wrong. There really are a lot of (literally) colorful enemies. It's an interesting game.

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