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It's weird, because I was just reviewing a game that had the same premise. It wasn't on the main page, I heard about it on a private message. This is actually a really good game. It's mostly because it goes on longer than most games. I don't know why sushi and blockies are against each other. The sounds were pretty good too.

You do have a lot of strategy to devise. I don't really understand why there are so many enemies at once. I really liked this, because it was unique in that way. Honestly, it doesn't even make that much of a difference. If they don't get you the first time for a good plan, they won't do a second.

When I first saw this, I thought it would be a fighting game. This does work pretty well, though. From the title, I thought you would be able to choose from different characters from previous games. I wish. That would be an awesome idea for a new game! You guys have worked on so many it seems only natural.

I think the graphics and designs are pretty good. It does get fairly repetitive, though. You could have different backgrounds and enemies. It seems like I say that a lot in reviews. Of course, with literally thousands, it only fits I'd repeat some things.

I was confused by this game as I thought it was made by Mausland. I had it confused with Fafu The Ostrich game which Mausland made. I was pretty weirded out by the photorealistic bird shown here. I really had trouble with ducking the branches. I must just have bid timing with this. It was a pretty different kind of game, then.

There should have been a bigger variety of enemies. I couldn't even tell if I successfully dodged them at first. The blur was too ambiguous. I doubt lions would even want to eat an ostrich. They probably taste terrible.

I'm really learning to recognize this music. What I thought was cool about this was how it was a pretty unique game. True, avoiding games have been done before, but I think this was something original. You had to learn how to test yourself by looking at what was going on in the back. It's hard to tell when you're in the right zone. It probably could have been more detailed, but it's still nice.

I like how a lot of it is cartoonish, like when you die. You guys need to stop making games where it looks cool when you die. Of course, people will have that happen to them anyway. I thought you were supposed to control the scissors at first. That's what it looked like on the thumbnail.

I usually skip past all the scenes. As this was made in the time before medals, I don't really look at them anymore. I think the music is great in this. I really appreciated this game. It was interesting to see an early game from you or at least early by modern standards. I had a lot of fun with how the levels were different.

You really knew how to create atmosphere. While the figures themselves weren't as detailed as some of your other games, it was still cool. It's interesting to have a game where you learn it as you go along. Maybe it is better to not read the instructions after all. The artwork/graphics look up to date.

I found this to be a good game. What I didn't like about it was that it just seemed so complicated. There were so many things you had to do to get everyone and everything across. The game itself looks so cute and innocent, I had no idea it would be difficult! Of course, kids need a challenge too. It's a game worth checking out.

I like the cute appeal. The sounds are really good in this too. The music is also really cool. I like how cartoonish everything is made out to be. I wish I knew what these things were.

SeethingSwarm responds:

Thanks for the kind words, and yeah this game can be quite frustrating at times, but it's all about the challenge and cute factor. I have no idea what they are, just cute little creatures I dreamed up from my weird brain :D I worked really hard on everything, including the music and the sound fx, so I'm glad to know you appreciate the outcome :)

I thought this was a pretty cool game. It wasn't as good as the original, mostly because it wasn't as easy. Then again, it's also because I thought you'd also be able to fight an enemy that would transform into another. With the other one, it was more clear. It's still great to play as the Nyan Cat. You REALLY had to look out for the small enemies that flew at you.

They can throw stuff at you even when it looks like they're off the screen! The bosses themselves aren't that bad. It's always great to see internet memes together, especially when they're fighting each other. The music was pretty cute too. May Nyan Cat live on forever!

This actually was kind of a neat twist on the point and click adventure game. It seemed like it was impossible to get through at first, seeing as how I was all tied up. I managed to get better by just randomly clicking stuff. Hey, if it works, it works! I even managed to use the cable I found. The passwords is not "Kane", BTW.

I don't like games like these that much, but this was still decent. It worked because the atmosphere was just right. I especially like the high tech look of it. You're one deranged stalker to have red bars over the doors. I like the roses that are everywhere.

This was one wacky game. I couldn't really understand what was going on. In the first part, I couldn't get anything done by pressing the keys. There HAS to be something wrong with the computer I'm using. I still liked parts of it for being so freaking wacky. You always have to throw your sword to defeat the guys on bikes.

I wish I knew what these enemies or opponent even ARE. I got the trophy after losing. Was I supposed to do that? You definitley made something creative. This was just okay.

DBuck-Eye responds:

I think it's weird that you'd have issues with the race, but not the rest of the game, which may just mean I didn't explain the race very well... As for the enemies, the announcer says what they are, if you stick around for a bit :)

I think this had a pretty good premise. What I really liked about it was how you used the perspective flip. I do wonder why these birds are attacking those pigs. Well, there is a REALLY popular trailer that describes it, but this works well too. I think the artwork is good. The original characters in the game aren't that well detailed.

The sounds are pretty good. I like how crazy the birds sound. That one level I can't beat is the eighth one. I think catapult games are quite cool, especially ones that mix it up like this. At least I got past the first seven leves.

kikill responds:

Pig brains are especially yummy from the fat content? ^_^

There is a walkthrough btw, the question mark button.
All the levels are reasonably solvable, just need a bit of patience. ^^

I'm glad that you appreciate all those details, especially the sounds since I had so much fun recording them. ^^

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