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This was a decent game, but not that good. I think it's mostly because it's a bit too repetitive. I woudl have also liked it if there weren't so many enemies to kill. You do, however, manage to get some cool things to use like the tank. I mean, who wouldn't want to use a tank? The music also seems quite fitting.

For something about Doomsday, I would have expected bigger explosions and more weapons. You know, a machine gun or something. You could have also capitalized some of the words. Doomsday just seems like a word that needs to be capitalized.

I found this to be a really cool game! I do usually enjoy these kinds of things. What I didn't like was how it was a bit unclear on how to proceed at first. I know this doesn't mean anything to you at the moment, but Happy Clock Day! I think the sound effects are really cool in this. I just like the swish noise.

It's the kind of game where you just have to look at whatever seems to come up next. The more simple levels can mostly just play themselves. While there are a lot of combinations, it isn't that difficult. It's cool to blow stuff up. I was wondering where the exit was on that level.

GameBalance responds:

Try Orbox C, tho the NG version is kinda hard. The GamezHero has update. And the mobile has 120 levels with lots of easy levels at the begining.

I was hoping that you would be able to choose a Clock. You know, we are approaching Clock Day, after all? I was quite surprised at how this wasn't that detailed. I knew something at the top left part of the games page would have medals. I really lost it on the third level. I had no idea just dragging yourself on the floor could give you so much damage.

I knew there was going to be more to it than just like land mines. I thought you were supposed to step on them at first! I'm just so used to seeing explosions here. That's how it is mostly on the Internet. I think the music is pretty good.

io3creations responds:

I was going to add more characters, but forgot. I've added Strawberry Clock now :)

I have a few ideas for the next versions. Some are very similar to the ideas you mentioned ;)

This was a fairly interesting game. I think its biggest weakness, however, was that it lacked creativity. It just seemed to be the same thing over and over. You did manage to mix it up nicely with getting certain tiles in a row, or at least having medals for it. I also like the music. It's interesting to be able to test your perspective.

I like how you can see the new squares materialize in the background. You even see that when you're falling to your doom. I don't think things have to be flashy, but this could have benefited from it. People seemed to like it enough to get you a Daily Feature. Funny, I don't remember seeing this on the list before.

This game definitley has potential, but I find it to be lacking in some areas. It's mostly because the enemies are never ending and you don't even need to kill them. I don't get much of a sense of when the part of the level is done. It was also a bummer to not be able to pause when you're getting more points. There must be a pause button I'm missing. This is the first thing I can remember reviewing that has no author comments.

I have to give you credit for being different on that level! The graphics are fairly good. I really do like the character you control. You get to find out how to do moves and stuff on your own. It's interesting that way.

Godlimations responds:

I'm surprised people still playing the game. it's pretty old... well, thanks for the review anyhow :/

Wow, this was one of the most difficult games I've ever come across. It's just that it doesn't seem to have much purpose. The graphics also need work. I guess it was kind of an original idea. Of course, just because an idea is original does not mean it's that good.

I just couldn't get a hold of what was going on. The Practice mode said Game Over so it seemed like it was just a level. People are really going to find a challenge with this one. I have to praise you for that. It just isn't rewarding.

This was a really strange game. I'm probably only saying that because I'm no good at this. I had no idea he was in all of those other movies. I had really just heard of "The Goonies". I appreciate the unique design of everything. It's just that it's too easy to die.

You are given a lot of oppurtunities to correct yourself, so good for you. The disembodied voice is really weird. I like how Sean just flips around in such a silly manner. I just have so little idea as to why any of this is going on. It was a weird game and you might want to check it out.

PestoForce responds:

Thanks for the review!

I thought the overall premise was great in this. The problem I had was that it was too easy for you to get killed. I don't want to sound whiney, but it seemed like it was just one hit from most of these guys. It was a good idea to have that tutorial. I just wish there could have been a bigger space. Then again, that does make it easier to navigate.

It's a bit hard to tell where your enemy will materalize next. You do present everything in a pretty understandable manner. I think I've probably seen more explosive stuff. Some of your weapons actually backfired on you. At least you had easy way to get weapons.

I found this to be an enjoyable game. What I didn't like about it was the graphics. They seemed to be really low in terms of quality. I appreciate how simple the premise is. It's one of those games that you can play a long time and not really care. It just works so well with how simple it is.

Yeah, I've said that a lot of times in reviews before. It could have been more creative, but it was still playable. I like how you can customize the character. The music is pretty appropriate too. I don't know what the point of those platforms are, probably to make it bigger.

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