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I didn't know what to expect of this. I think the best part was how the gameplay was layed out. You could really go anywhere you wanted with this. It could have had better animation, but still enjoyable. I really liked the music and sound effects. I just think it got a bit too repetitive.

You went to the same guy for every battle. The yellow guys reminded me of the alien from "Alien Hominid". What's that thing's name anyway? I am surprised there was not a Skip option at first, but it came up eventually. Seems like you would have one on a cutscene instead of a tutorial.

Yeah, this could have been so much better. The graphics look really old. 2006 gave us a lot better looking games. It's also a bit too simple, as it's mostly just you shooting your enemies over and over. The sounds are at least authentic, but when there's nothing unique, it's hard to make enjoyable. It's far too bland.

I suggest having a lot more detail in the trees, soldiers, and everything else. You need to have some shadings to go with the simple colors. I've reviewed so much stuff it's easy to see how well that works. I guess I could learn more about the controls. I just have to say skip this one.

I was originally not that much of a fan of this game at first, but it definitley got better! I think it's because there is just so much going on. At the same time, it isn't cluttered or anything. It's just how a game with this premise should look. The music and sounds are really good too. I'm glad you can shrink down with the same colored arrow.

It even had a nice mysterious tune to it. While not Daily Feature, 2nd Place isn't bad. I do think the graphics could have been a bit more detailed. It really is the kind of game that gets you eager to keep on playing. The name is pretty cool too.

This is another really complicated game, but I thoroughly enjoyed it! What I liked most about it was just how you played it as ou went along. It's the best idea to just keep on firing when you're in a tight spot. Good thing you get more as you go on. I have played most of the other games. This seems a lot different than the other ones, maybe because it has medals.

Thank you for making a game I was at least able to get one medal with. It's been Hell the past couple of games. I don't know what these robots are. Sorry, if there's no medal for it, I'm not looking at the cut scenes. This is a very nicely done game.

io3creations responds:

I'm glad you liked it :)

Yes, this one is quite different. Sam will have many different types of adventures :)

It's painful to like something you are not able to get a single medal in. That being said, this was still tons of fun. I really liked the quality of this. Everything was so nicely put together and organized. A pity I'm bad at nearly every point and click adventure game. I couldn't care that much, because it's such a wonderful game.

I was amazed at the sheer amount of things I was able to pick up. Granted, it would have been better if I could actually know how to use any of them. The music and sounds were really good too. You really need to look at everything here. While I'm bad at it, it's still very nice.

Well, I understand that most people liked this, but I really did not. I have just played too many games that were like this. The graphics came off as pretty shoddy to me. It's not bad, it's just average. I guess I may have standards that are too high upon the thousands of reviews I've done. I didn't like the way it was just green blocks put on each together.

The noise the main character made got a little annoying too. I did think there were some good designs. It just doesn't come off as anything too special. At least you won a Daily Feature for it. Not for me.

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