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When I first came across this, I thought it was a defense game. When I found out it wasn't, I truly had tons of fun playing it! It's one of the most creative games I've come across! I especially love how wonderfully everything is presented. You get a great sense of being in this adorable place. The colors work perfectly.

The music is great too. It's great to have a game where you make your own rules. Of course I figured out how to freeze my enemies. How do you think I was going to get that medal? This is an extremely addictive game. I appreciate all the hard work and effort put into it!

I enjoy playing sudoku, or at least I have. I am never able to get very far in it, because it's so difficult. It's just so easy for everything to mess up. It's kind of like a board game version of the Rubik's cube. With all that being said, this is still a nice game. It has really everything you would want in a Sudoku game.

It's just that it's so hard for me. Hey, I finally managed to find KWAS71KCK on a review! Too bad mine will take him off the page. The layout is nice and easy to understand. I remember when I first did it, it took me an HOUR to get one game done.

This is the first game in a long time that I have seen medals on. I was actually afraid that this site no longer had any of them. I've seen a "Gangnam Style" parody with him before. This is still freaking awesome. It's mostly because it works so well for how utterly insane it is. When he reveals his final form, there's a neat trick to beat him.

You just have to go behind him and he'll never come back at you. You also used some awesome music. I was in no way expecting something as cool as this. It's sweet how all of your firing is automatic and you don't even have to press anything for it! I'm back with medals, baby!

This is one of the best games you guys have ever worked on! I think the main reason I liked it is because it works so well as a satire of yourself. You rarely see self satire that well done. It's great how this game goes on forever. There are of course limits with the enemies that come. It's just that I never seem to die in it. Putting this in two player was a bad idea.

I'm not quite sure how the community version works. The sound effects are done very well. You don't what kind of enemy is going to show up next. I like it when they're all at the bottom and you can slay them all quickly. You do need plenty of space for that. I hope this gets popular!

This came off as a tad disappointing. I originally thought it would be a game where you fought. I guess the ArmorGames logo just comes that way to me. I appreciate you doing something original. Games like this don't need to be detailed that way. I kept thinking the title was a reference to "Metroid".

It certainly didn't seem like that game. It's nice to have such good music. I don't know what the red dot is supposed to mean. If I get it, do I get more health? It's still good for a maze game and it can come off as shocking when you lose.

I thought this was a good game. What I didn't like about it was how I stayed in the same place the whole time. I appreciated how you had both a sword and a gun at the same time. You usually don't see a mixture of those things. The sound effects are quite stylistic too. I just like how you have a lot of freedom here.

It's fun to shoot at guys before they even fall down. The notion of a wizard using bling is really cool. I know the "ed" is meant to stand for edition. Someone should make a joke about guys named Ed with that. Like I said, it could have been spread out more.

I thought this could have been better. I just it was just because the other games were more about learning. That's weird, I'm normally not into tutorials. I think it's just that this game was a bit harder to play. I couldn't understand why the space button made me jump instead of the W key. It still is a decent entry in the series.

The music gets a bit too montonous. I'm stuck somewhere and I know I can get out of it. Well, duh, how else could I get through the game? He still moved pretty fluidly. It's interesting to see this game progress.

I thought this was just a mediocre game. I didn't really understand a lot of the appeal. I was unable to even know how to play it at first, but I realized it's more of a typing game. It seems like the quality isn't that good. It's just that I expect more from an X-men game. The fighting should have been more direct.

Maybe I've played so many games I've lost patience with some of them. I think the music was pretty good. You did put a pretty unique spin on the characters. I appreciated that. You should go into the action sooner.

I didn't really care for this, because I thought it was too freaking difficult. The thing that annoyed me the most was how you had to do certain things to just move around. In the end, it just didn't seem worth it. I do appreciate the graphics. Another thing I like is how awesome the title is! That is seriously one of the best titles I've ever seen in a game!

It's admittedly interesting to see how you can advance in this. It just doesn't work out well for me. You should make a simpler version of this. At least you managed to have fun with it. I should be used to harder games by now.

This didn't seem like anything that interesting at first. It really is a lot better than it looks. It's mostly because you have taken such a simplistic idea and made it cool. I admit it is pretty hard to avoid all the stuff that's trying to kill you. I also love how the sounds are from the Mario games. That's used when you collect coins, not stars.

It was interesting to see how you could manuever around everything. It was pretty easy for me to figure out to avoid those. You could just go on top of them and the level would end before you could die. It's just so fast paced. I appreciate the creativity.

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