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Nice game

It is hard to hate this game because it has such a simple premise to it that really works. The coolest thing is that you have a lot of control over how the missile goes. Despite the website this comes from, this doesn't seem to be much of an actual defense game. If anything, it's an offense game as you go around attacking other stuff. It could use some more detail in the background but other than that it's good. It just goes to show that you do not need a lot of elaborate stuff to make a good game.

The music is nice and has a really smooth flow to it. It even helps when you are trying to sync the missile to where it's supposed to go. My advice is probably to keep the mouse as close to it in the beginning as possible. You are not able to change direction as I have tried that. It might have helped if you could control the position of the missile launcher.

Very interesting!

I was always a fan of zombie stuff, but I think there have been few where I was actually a zombie myself! Granted, I still fight zombies but it's something unique. What made this great was that it was just so addictive. You pretty much did the same thing of fighting these zombies and slaying them over and over. Something can be repetitive and work if it's good. Besides, as you are the player you can put your own variants and styles in the game.

The music was also great and should be appreciated by all metal fans. The sound was really tough and it sounded authentic when your sword killed stuff. There were many aspects of it, yet it was easy to understand. I also liked how you had a good sense of using depth and could move around all places. The different locations and enemies helped too.

Sweet game!

This was a really cool game because I just had so much freedom to go around and do whatever I wanted. It helps that it was really easy. You just have to keep on firing at the enemies and the powerups are great! I was thinking I might have lost at the end because it seemed too easy to win like that. What can I complain about getting medals? Even if the game was easy, there are always more medals for me to go on and get.

The music was pretty standard too. I was thinking that at the end you would evolve into a mammal of some sort. It seemed to be more like a really big bug at the end. At least you did not have much idea what was going to happen next, be it enemies or what you would turn into. I am glad I got back to this for the third NG game jam.

MrRandomist responds:

thanks, the game wasn't play tested much during concept and we didnt have much time to keep going....what we have here is pretty much it we had the idea to evolve as a bug which was what our theme was (although the lions where kinda put to the side).....if we did a part 2 or a sequel of some sort it would be great to keep the evolution cycle going into these hideous looking mammals.

thanks for the extensive review.

Nothing too new or interesting

This was not a game I am a fan of, because I am not really into those Guitar Hero like games in the first place. What I didn't like was how the graphics were not that good. Pixellation can work but not when you are so close to the resolution like that. It also seemed a bit too easy as the arrow keys came at me slowly. I guess that's a positive, but it didn't make me eager to play the rest of the game. At least you have a fairly good variety of songs to choose from.

Congrats on having it be easy to get a lot of medals. That is to be expected when you have so many of them. I hope you had a Happy Pico Day and hope you are glad to have your game submitted to the Pico Day 2011 collection. I could have sworn I heard of you before with that logo. Please try to work on more detail next time.

EventHorizon responds:

thanks for your advice and for your review

Needs work

It's not the worst thing I've ever seen, but it was fairly unentertaining. From what I know, you only have to press the bomb to make it blow up. I tried pressing other stuff and nothing seemed to happen. I guess the animation was pretty standard and it was fun to blow someone up who was so stupid. I guess anything would be enjoyable after hearing about Osama bin Laden being killed. I don't think I've ever heard this song before.

You need to have more interactivity. You should make it so that his body parts and clickable and do various things. I guess it was a good idea to have someone get blown up who was a swatiska on his arm. He is fairly unattractive and seems to be having these man boobs that stick out of his shirt. You could also put in more of a background.

Requires patience

This is a very complicated game, or at least a lot more complicated then you would think. It's hard to consider this a puzzle game because it actually does seem more like a platformer. The coolest thing was how good the graphics are. The balls look so CGI and I love the technique that shows up fly around. It can definitley be frustrating as you have to know exactly where to aim. Word of advice, do not try to bounce off the walls as there is rarely enough power for that.

I loved the goofy little sounds, especially how the balls plopped around. It could maybe have some more gameplay as it is not that detailed. It still does a good job of being complicated because you do have to use specifics to beat the game. I like how it gives you a lot of time to breathe between levels. It deserves its many views.

Name it!

I assumed this was going to be more about Pico characters, but it actually wasn't. What was really cool about this was that there was such a massive variety of people to choose from! It almost makes me ashamed that I did not do better with this. I'm one of the most prolific reviewers in online history for crying out loud! I can't really give any hints because to describe everything would take too long. Besides, what I could describe everyone would know already.

At least this had a lot of things going on and it was an amusing submission for Pico Day. I like the sounds especially the clicking ones you made when you got something right. It's a bit hard to tell the names of some of these characters as I'm only familiar with the series they are from. It makes it easier when the series is named after the main character. Boy, was this harder than I thought.

Quite a lot of fun!

This was really cool to play because you had a really original theme to it. The coolest thing was how you were able to let the game play itself for only for a few times. I kind of would have liked it if there were more enemies, but that might be a cliche. I liked the part in the opening about the honeycomb being worth a platformer game. If you can collect as many parts as that, I say it's worth it. What was also cool was the truly upbeat music.

I thought at first that maybe you would have to keep your cursor on the purple object to get across, but you don't. That is a very nice touch and is quite convienient for the player! Everything here just had a really colorful appeal to it. It's just the kind of lighthearted thing to play in your spare time. BTW, this is the first review I've written since I went to my graduation today!

Still a good game

I imagine it must be strange getting this Daily Feature award on Pico Day. This was still cool because it had all the features that made the other games so good. This is really a game where you have to go to the tutorial. While I was familiar with the gameplay, I was still completely lost with this. The best part was being able to speed up the action. If you are in a hurry for whatever reason, that always is a plus.

I also really like the graphics and the designs of the monsters that are attacking you. It's fun to just see the little sparks fly around and hit the enemies. Another nice touch was how you were able to pause it any time you wanted. The sound effects were nicely done, especially with the pouring rain. Those jewels are pretty.

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