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So many songs

The best thing about this was probably hearing all those cool Simpsons songs. Granted, I am actually not a Simpsons fan myself (though the movie was sweet!), they were great to hear. It actually seems as though you have improved in terms of graphics. The best example of this is when you show the level with Apu's store. It is also fun to go around and shoot the other Simpsons characters. I like how Maude turned into an angel as she is now dead.

In fact, that was actually because her voice actress demanded more money. I like the menu where Homer's eyes follow you the entire time. The graphics with him look quite good as well especially with how his face has a CGI feel to it. My biggest complaint is that I do not see the point of this being about Easter. At least I had a great Easter.

Aprime responds:

Hahaha, I can't remember why I bothered making an easter version.. this was made a good three years ago.
You can go check out version 4, which came out last month.
There are more levels and much better graphics
Go and review that, I enjoyed reading your viewing

Thanks for the review, dislike the 7 though... LOL


A bit hard

The thing about this game that was difficult was the gameplay. The tutorial seemed a bit confusing. I know that I killed all my enemies, but I think I accidentally killed one of my own guys. At least I had fun watching those guys get shot over and over. I find it humorous how a rifle would be able to miss at such close range as the person does not seem to move at all. There could have been some more detail in the background.

I liked how you put in a whole lot of songs for this game. It shows that you wanted to create a specific mood for each thing. Besides the background, the graphics are actually quite nice. It's especially cool to see the players/characters interact across the board and attack each other like that. It seems a bit hard to use the knife, though.

The #1 Top Score!

Okay, I don't know if there were even any other people who played this game recently, but I did great at it. I actually managed to get the #1 spot with a score of 21,000! What was also cool was that everything in this was so simple. All you had to do was time everything on the golf hole perfectly. If you can do that once, just repeat the process until the end of the game. It is too bad it is not that popular, but I thoroughly enjoyed it. Yes, it was mostly because I was so good at it and there was little competition.

I was thinking that maybe you could press some other keys to put it in the right direction but just the mouse works fine with me. I like how smoothly the golf ball just flies across the screen. The graphics are nice and are really as good as any other golf game. I am guessing the scores are judged daily, as I doubt no one besides me has won over 5000 points. It's a good game for me at least.

Pretty colorful game

While I generally do not like point 'n click adventures, this was still fun because the artwork was so good. I was hoping you would be able to shoot the zombie cats and stuff. Now that I think about it, I would never want to shoot any kind of cat! Here is a brief walkthrough from how far I got into the game. On the first screen, just do what the directions tell you to. On the second screen, click on the traffic light to make it green and then you can click on the dog to make him go across it.

Oh, first you have to knock the trash can over. On the third screen click on the orange box in the corner and then click on the purple key you find inside it. It will open the crane operating thing and then click on that to drop a load on the cat. On the fourth screen, click on the wooden box in the bottom right hand corner and then click on the hammer. It will create a board for you to click on and then click the dog.


Well, thank you very much for creating one of the most incomprehensible games I have ever stumbled across on this website. What's amazing was that everything was simple and complicated at the same time. You died if you touched one of those darker shaded gray blocks. At first I thought they vanished after awhile, but apparently they stay the same the whole time. The other goofy thing was that I had no idea where I was going. I was thinking that maybe I took a wrong turn somewhere?

I doubt I could ever beat this game without a walkthrough. I do have to give you points for being creative, because it certainly took a crazy mind to make something like this. It gets so meta with how you question what you are at certain points in this. I kept thinking I had some power I was not using or something. You made my head spin with this mad game.


That is really all I have to say for now as this was probably the biggest game you have ever worked on! The only thing that it lost points with was that the games were just too hard! The ones where you turned into the smoke monster were practically incomprhensible. You had to time everything just perfectly and keep changing over and over! I still have to give you a lot of credit for making such an awesome game. The coolest thing is that there are so many things going on.

I am glad NG is becoming more aware of the infinite My Little Pony meme. Everyone just looked great in their ridiculous representations here. It really makes you realize all of the crazy crap that has been going on in the world lately. It's about time I played a game that showed Osama bin Laden dead. The cutscenes are totally worth it.

Good to have this back!

It's hard to give this a 10 because it is mostly a retreat of the first one. That matters little to me, because it's just so cool to see this stuff back! While there is not much action, you have shown that you do not have to make something elaborate to make it good. The opening cutscene is also nice because it makes God sound so cute. He already looks cute on the menu screen. The cool thing was that you had no idea what was going to come next.

If you really wanted to get every element down, you just had to combine everything with everything else. I had no idea that alcohol played a role in creating life! Well, I doubt that is scientifically accurate. This, however, is not about pure science but having a good time playing this game. Congradulations on the success you have gotten with these games.

How do I dodge?

Wow, this has to be one of the craziest games I have ever played simply because of all the dead babies! I have heard of them being used before, but this is ridiculous! The best part is probably how there are so many of them and it's easy to get a lot of kills. The thing that did annoy me was that it was simply impossible to dodge the fire blasts. I do not see any key telling me how to do that. I doubt I can and that's why the medal is hard to get. The graphics are still wonderfully done, though.

The coolest music was easily the pokemon remix. I never thought something like pokemon could make you pumped up to kill storks and blow up babies! At least the weapons were really cool to use. You had to be as spontaneous as the game was because there was little idea as to what was going on. I'm not sure if the killer whale counts as a space whale.

A pirate's life for me!

This was fairly fun to play because it was interesting to see the nice designs these ships had. The thing I did not like was that it was pretty hard to follow. It seemed like you just did the same things over and over and you had to make sure you got the upgrades. I still have to give you credit for having an easy medal and a unique sort of gameplay. It's probably the first game I've ever played where you could skip the action scenes! I was thinking it would turn into an RPG but it did not.

Granted, I am not a big fan of RPG's, but it would have been interesting. The drawings and graphics are nicely done and I like how there are so many elements in the gameplay. You can see visions of the ship coming forward and some white balls that float around the other ship. It's hard to understand, but I do not really care. I learned that you do not have to stop on the ship to attack it.

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