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I didn't find anything to special about this game. It seemed like it was just you pressing some symbols. I guess a lot of games are like that, but this was rather dull. It's kind of a lazy portmanteau. Then again, I guess it's not quite one of those. I've never raced horses in real life.

I wouldn't really want to. I've at least ridden them. You needed more details. There wasn't anything too terrible about it. It just wasn't much in general.

I was impressed at how much I could get into this game! It really is fairly addictive when you get right down to it. I love the sounds. I noticed how it got harder with more colors added. I thought you would beat the game when you got all the cubes down. I should have known better.

The levels were just determined by what you were doing. I do appreciate how fast paced it is. You get used to it after awhile. Then again, it only gets harder. The music was nice as well.

While I'm not a fan of RPGs, this really was quite good. I thought it was great to see these graphics. You seemed to have fairly good mobility too. Everyone seems to have a unique design. It does take awhile to truly get into the game. I thought the music was fairly good.

The colors work quite well. I do wish it would move faster. It's not that good for me to get really involved in. I could certainly see why other people would like it. You deserve your Daily...2nd Place.

Well, it's a standard zombie game and I honestly really like that! The best part is probably how you can tell when new enemies are coming. It doesn't have the best variety, but is still good. I think you can see the damage the enemies take. I appreciate how you can see them from a distance. While not too unique, I still liked this.

I like how you see yourself reload. I had no idea bats would take more than one hit. I guess they're vampire bats. Hey, if you have zombies, might as well use vampires! The music's pretty good too.

I did not like this game, because it didn't seem even possible to play. All I could do was collect these dots and I died easily. There was one that seemed impossible to get without dying. The only good part was how you didn't have to recollect them. Hey, that's a funny way of saying "recollect", huh? The graphics weren't well detailed.

It was just some squares and stuff. You need to have more shapes to them. I guess I can see how this was made in a short time. Then again, I've played better in this time. I don't even think it keeps up with the theme well.

I really did enjoy this game! Its main problem is that I don't think it can even be beaten. It's just you have to destroy the portals the enemies are coming through. It seems like that would have made a good game in itself. You didn't have to have the mirror theme. It is hard to believe this was made so quickly.

It really is well done in terms of graphics. The enemies are even pretty creative themselves. The sound with the gun wasn't too bad. It did get repetitive. I'm just glad to have played it.

Dang, another dare thing? I actually liked this. My only complaint was that it was quite difficult. It just doesn't come off as a very rewarding game. I really like the music in this. It shows great concentration and peace.

I guess it fits the tone with the simple shapes. I was still pretty amazed at how this game moved. It really doesn't seem like it was made in a short time span. Then again, hard games are like that. I recommend it.

Aww, yes, I love a game that's so promising. I knew it would be too easy to just light people on fire with no obstacles. It was a pretty interesting game. It's mostly because it's just so cool to see people be on fire like that. Or at all, really. I just love how you scream.

I guess there could have been more space to run. Then again, I don't question where these guys come from. I didn't even notice it was a stick game. I guess I'm just so used to those already.

I really did like this game a lot. I can see why it won Daily Feature. The best part about it is probably how sweet it is. I had no idea you could make zombies like that. Well, there was that one movie. Then again, the other person wasn't a zombie there. The music was wonderful.

I'm glad I was able to just zombify some people. I actually tried not to. They might not have liked it. Simplicity works so wonderfully here. It helps that I love zombies in general.

Well, it really annoys me how the only medal is beating the whole game. That's a LOT of levels to take care of. Of course, it seems too easy at first. That being said, I really do find this to be a fairly unique game. It was kind of a funny joke with that whole "miner" thing. Other people like it as I do.

It gets pretty frustrating as I keep making the same mistakes. Sometimes, it's just because I want to beat the level and I go too fast. Another ParagonX9 song? It was pretty good. I don't think the children ever explode.

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