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This didn't seem like anything that special. It was just you firing over and over. You didn't get much of a defense. Well, the wall was nice when it came up. I guess the music wasn't that bad. The graphics could probably use some work.

The colors probably needed some shading. I have played much better games like this before. They have had more style. The sound effects weren't bad. I just wanted something more in this.

I didn't like the controls in this game. Of course, I'm playing all of your games. They were all on your old website! I thought you were just not able to do much, except fly around and get destroyed. I even got worse the second time I played. I guess the graphics weren't bad.

The weapons seem to follow me! I would have wanted some means of defense. You'd think a hoodlum would have some! It's too difficult to enjoy. Oh, and I went to Church today.

It's hard for me to say that much about this. I think I am slowly learning how to play Blackjack. It's just that there are so many of these games around modeled after it. I guess it's well designed. I was able to get somewhat far in this. It really doesn't need more than what it already is.

The sounds aren't too bad. In fact, they're probably better than most blackjack games. It just doesn't have anything that unique. I guess blackjack players will like it. I'm unfortunately not one of those.

It's great to be able to review something right after another entry in the series! I believe this was in fact better. It wasn't as much of a problem with how you had to power up that one weapon. You get easier weapons right at the beginning. While I'm still not sure of the actual limits of this, I appreciate the whole thing. The music is even better.

I don't think the original one had sound effects. These work much better. Even the way the enemies explode is cooler. 1.5 is kind of a weird title. I guess it's just because it's that similar to the first game, but still better.

I do like this game, but there is a big problem with it. I don't like having to command all those different machines. I would have liked it if they were automatic. Yeah, I guess that would have been a bit too easy. I'm just not used to seeing this in a defense game. The music is quite good as well.

Sometimes, I just kept clicking above me to destroy below enemies. The graphics are fairly decent. The title's pretty cool too. You certainly get your money's worth. It's worth checking out.

I found this to be a good game. What I did not understand was the fifth level. I thought I was away from that explosion. It is a game that's really kind to you. I was able to get across the first levels pretty easily. I thought the CGI wasn't bad in this.

The name is pretty cool too. I found the music to be okay. I like the little screams when you die. Yeah, might as well have fun when that happens. It's still hard to understand those arrows.

This seemed too difficult at first, but it did get a lot harder. I think the best part was how you could wait before another attack. The graphics were quite good in this. It somehow reminded me of gamezhero. You are, of course, wonderful in your own right. The effects are really good too.

I just like zapping stuff. I'm glad Nikola Tesla is becoming more well known. He may have been better than Thomas Edison. The music was wonderful too. Blue's a great color as well.

Well, I appreciate how it was a game about making people happy. Then again, I wasn't too happy playing it. I think it was a bit too difficult. The graphics didn't seem like anything out of the ordinary. It would have been better if you just had to avoid the dark clouds. Instead, you turned them that way.

I was at least able to get more used to the gameplay. It just didn't do anything for me. The music is probably the best part. I do like things that are in high spirit. I would not recommend this.

I thought this needed a lot more detail. It looked like it was just a bunch of shapes that came off to a certain point. I understood how to get points. It was not rewarding at all. It really hurt that there was no sound. That's really noticeable in anything here.

The colorings weren't good at all. Nothing seemed to have real shading and it looked way too old. It really got hard with the level that had four of those red holes. It just does not add up to much. You need to have more detail and more variety.

I am very sorry, but I could not get into this very well. I really don't care for looking at the previous entry. I didn't think it was too well detailed or anything. It's not terrible, just not for me. The music reminds me of "Crash Bandicoot". Is that where you got it from?

I managed to collect one egg. It just seemed like it took too long to get really good. At least other people enjoy it. The colors are fairly good. It could be a little less cartoonish.

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