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I really did enjoy this a lot more than most people did! I think it's mostly because it takes awhile to get into. When you do, it's a lot of fun! Yeah, I admit the graphics could be better, but it's still worth checking out. I especially loved when I got so close to my enemy.

You didn't even know what effect the weapon would have. I just love these games in general. This one was easy to understand. I'm glad to be the first person in six years to review this! I want to spread the word.

I really do like these kinds of games. What I did not like was how it was pretty unfair to you, the player. I couldn't get a lot of ground in this. I couldn't jump or anything. That being said, I still think it's pretty creative. The music's nice as well.

There really are some creative things here. I like all the weapons you use. You never even thought some of those things could be used like that. The graphics are nice as well. I do recommend this.

I'm fairly certain I have played the second part. It's hard to keep track nowadays. I actually do enjoy this game, because it's easy to understand. I even managed to get somewhat far into it. It was interesting to look for all the hidden stuff. Two acorns doesn't seem to do it for the raccoon.

Isn't that more for squirrels? Then again, raccoons are omnivores. The music wasn't bad. I think the animation and graphics were actually pretty good. You get used to it.

selfdefiant responds:

Thanks, you are right. I try to do my research before making someone do something, like feed a raccoon. I would fell bad if someone thought it was ok to feed a raccoon acorns if it wasn't really something they might eat in the wild. That would be dangerous on my part. People learn a lot from games, I couldn't live with myself if I was teaching people to do things that are wrong.

The free mode was easily the best. I didn't even understand how to really grasp arcade mode. It seemed like it was too difficult. I didn't even know how to advance! All that happened was that I kept on drawing but I never got to 100%. I like other games like this better.

I really am no good at drawing like this. The music was fairly good. It does get a bit annoying as this review goes on. I wouldn't recommend it. At least it's popular.

This is a fairly standard game. I think the best part about it was how simple it was. Of course, that didn't necessarily make it good. You really lack detail in this. I thought you had to click on them again to explode. Instead, that was just coincidence the first time around.

The color with the mines isn't bad. It's just that there's so little happening here. It should make more of an explosion. It's easy to make those cool. Nothing noteworthy here.

Sadly, I didn't find this as enjoyable as most people. I did manage to get used to it as it went on. It was pretty nice to learn that I could move around. It's a lot more complicated than you, the player, might imagine. I think the graphics could have been better. I know I've seen these guys before.

How come, when one is defeated, they all get locked up? The other ones didn't do anything! The cartoonish sound effects make it, though. You seem to understand how to make a game like this. Maybe someday I'll like these.

I thought I would hate this game. Looking at it now, I think it's just mediocre. I was angry by how you could only add to the colors on one side. It was interesting figuring out you could change. If only you could go on top. There still wasn't anything that special about this.

It was just you changing and erasing colors. There's nothing that original about it. The music isn't bad. I guess if you're bored you can try it. There are so many more creative games out there.

It's hard to really say anything that good or bad about this game. I really did appreciate how I managed to win the secret medal. I'm quite proud of it. You do get rewarded for your hard work if you get it. It's just that this game wasn't that much. It was just you collecting acid.

I was a bit confused by how you lost. After awhile, I thought if you got acid in all three places, you lost. Now, I'm fairly certain it's three at any time. The music was fairly good. If you want a challenge, play this game.

This was better than I thought. I knew it would be too easy to have more than on life. It does seem fair to me. I did have a problem with how it didn't have much variety. Well, at least it was easy to understand. I compliment that in games too much. The sound effects are really cool.

It's nice how precise it is. You know when you've made a critical error. I don't see what this has that much to do with exploring. I have played games that used the theme better. While I wouldn't recommend it, it wasn't bad.

Wow, I was amazed at how much I could get into this! I just kept playing until I died. I do think it could do a bit faster. It's still a wonderful game. You have no idea what monster is going to show up next. The sound effects are fantastic.

I can understand why this won Daily Feature. The spells were great too. I got to beat the first two levels on my first try. I knew my luck wouldn't hold out forever. It's just wonderfully done.

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