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Very cool game!

I am surprised that this did not get any medals because it's very stylistic! The best part about it is how well the stick man moves around. He just has so much finesse and you rarely see that in games. At first I thought I would not like it because it was too easy, but it got harder as I went along. The coolest thing was how everything was synched up in such a specific way. You had to really wait for the right moments to move on with this.

The graphics are quite brilliant as well. The green teleporter thing at the thing especially gives off a really good glowing aura around it. My favorite kind of blocks would have to be the orange blocks because they really help you. It's not just because orange is my favorite color. The sounds are authentic as well and the music moves it along.

AmazingAdam4 responds:

If by medals you mean prizes/trophies then thanks. If not then I did put medals in the game but I believe they're still being approved so you'll have to wait and see. Thanks for playing and glad you enjoyed it.

Very different

While I recognize Jimp's work, it seemed to remind me more of the stuff by The-Super-Flash-Bros. This is awesome because it is simply an idea that is so original! Man, imagine how much work it is when that thing throws up. I love the really goofy and cheery animation and sounds. It contrasted well with the more dark tone of experimenting on an animal and stuff. It's so much fun to just glide around and bounce off of the blue stuff that looks like bubble tape. It makes you realize how cute giraffes are.

Here's what most of the newspaper at the end says. Today, military police discovered the remains of the missing giraffe experiment that shot out of a building at high velocity, overcoming a solid wall and drawing heavy fire. Experts onsite are unsure what caused the explosion as the animal was under heavy restraint and had no real way of exiting on its own. Continued on A2.

Fairly unique game

It was a bit hard to tell what the objective was, but easy to understand after awhile. The really cool thing was that there was a lot of detail put into it. At first I didn't know why I was touching the up things, but then I realized I did that to get points. It's also pretty hard to even die in this game. You still give us a lot of oppurtunities to improve ourselves so I thank you for that. There could have been maybe some more clear directions, though.

I liked the really upbeat music that was playing the whole time. There was even a cute sound when the laser touched you and you were weakened! It seems like the kind of game that has enough achievements to get medals. It's fun because you never know what powerups and positions the laser will take. Thanks for the arrow giving us a heads up, though.

Lots of fun!

I have always been a fan of games like these and this is no exception. The thing that really works for this is how it wasn't too elaborate and just had everything it needed in order to be good. The music was nice and suited the game well. Another cool thing was how you never knew how some stray bits were going to fly off and kill an enemy. I think this may be the first game like this that I have played where you had to stop someone from being killed. It kind of makes you wonder why the guy is out there in the first place.

This is still tons of fun as even the people make funny noises as they die. It can be hard to aim something. I think you have to specifically point your mouse to a part of the construction as hitting them directly would be too easy anyway. You do not know how there are going to be tears in the construction too. The levels are all around quite unique.

Fairly addictive

I am proud to be the first person to review this game. I think it actually has a good chance of winning Daily Feature, you know. What makes this game fun is that there is such a wide variety of enemies to shoot at and it goes on so long. It got a bit confusing at times, like with how you could not collect some of the powerups at times. It's still a great game because it has some really cool music and a great sense of adventure. The backgrounds are different in most levels encouraging you to move forward.

The best thing is probably the easy controls. With the upgrades especially, you have so much mobility to go anywhere you need to. Some of the upgrades appear to be automatic while others you have to pause the game. You can get a really clear view of everything around you and what is coming towards you. I don't think I played the original.

I didn't vote zero

It is always interesting to see what a person can do with their webcam, but this was really lacking. What mattered the most was that there was just so little detail in this. If you wanted to show us tricks, try to make them a lot more of a game. I tried to see if I could change things with the mouse, but to no avail. The drawings themselves were not of good quality either. It seemed like some of the times there was nothing on the screen.

I believe I do have a webcam, but I am not sure if I have ever really used it. At least this works if you have an actual webcam. What you could have changed was the song that was being used for this. There might have been a mute button or something and I am sorry that the computer I am currently using does not have a webcam. It did seem some to the imagination.

I love Nyan Cat!

Well, what can I say? This submission is probably the best that has ever featured the one and only NyanCat. The only thing I did not like was that there was an advertisement every time you had to start the game over. It was just so adorable to play this little kitty cat and watch him fly over the Earth with that rainbow behind him. Even the happiness bars were cool. When he accidentally ate vegetables, he got this really angry red look on his face.

He should learn that vegetables are healthy. This is probably the closest I'll ever come to looking at Nyan Cat the longest time. It looks exactly like the original version and it has that great little sound to it. They have given us so many crazy cats on the Internet that I love so much! The picture of him at the end is realistic and a bit creepy.

krangGAMES responds:

Actually, while veggies are quite healthy for PEOPLE, Nyan Cat is of course a pop-tart kitty. He derives his nutrition from the sugar and wheat found in such wholesome foods as lollipops and cupcakes. So, from a Nyan-perspective, this game is a strong advocate of a healthy lifestyle! :D

Glad you liked the game :) The voice-acting is courtesy of my girlfriend (with the pitch cranked waaay up, of course), and the game-over art is by Kingaby, here's the deviantART link: http://kingaby.deviantart.com/art/Nya n-Cat-Timelapse-204841126?q=boost%3Ap opular%20nyan%20cat%20timelapse&qo=0

Not a bad game

What I liked about this was probably how simple it was. At the same time, that seemed to kind of take down the quality as it didn't look like it had the most effort put into it. This is still entertaining because it is fairly unique. I was afraid it was going to take multiple hits to get rid of those blocks. It only looks like that at first and trust me, they go away after awhile. The dinosaur is at least a cute little creature who looks like he's having fun.

What I also liked was how there was variety in the kinds of blocks used. Some of them were not even blocks and looked more like eggs. It was interesting to find out how they were different. I would have also liked it if it was not that difficult to get the cannon to aim correctly. You could have maybe put in some more colorful music.

Tons of fun!

I am so glad to see that you guys are back and making new submissions because this was just so much fun! The coolest towers are easily the fire ones. Call me morbid, but it's entertaining to be able to fry your enemies with fire like that. I also love the little shrieks of pain they make as they die. Wow, I need to get some counseling. What was also great was that the graphics were simply fantastic and everything moved so smoothly.

It can be hard to even know what kind of path the enemy is going to take. You have to look closely where the openings are so you get as much damage as possible. The other powerups like the fire burning were great too. It's also really kind to you as it lets you advance even if your gem is out of the container thing. I am so glad you are one of my favorite authors here.

Not that hard

I really did not find this game to be that difficult so it was a lot of fun for me to play. The only thing that was annoying was that when I was on the pink sticky stuff, it was hard to get off. Every time I tried to, it just kept reattaching itself in a new location. At least this was a lot of fun because the colors were bright and the music was nice. I also loved those little things that made you whirl around everywhere. I would think this game would just frustrate me but it didn't.

This is the kind of game where you have to have a lot of mental activity to get past it. I guess the "goo" part could prefer to any of the weird parts of it. What's also cool is that this game has a really simple design but can be very hard. Once you get past the second level, you are really prepared for it. It's the first game I played from this steak website too.

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