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It's about boxes!

I had no idea that you could have so much fun with a game that was just a box getting to an area over and over. Word of note, the brown boxes will kill you if you hit them. The green boxes are fight but will be a hazard for you if you can't get rid of them. The coolest thing about this had to be how you could still win if you died! Once you touched the flag you could advance to the next level even if you fell of the screen! At first I was scared and immediately hit the "Next Level" button.

I am glad you made something so convienient. It took me awhile to understand exactly how it worked and I guess I should have read the author comments. It was interesting how colorful and lighthearted everything was. For some reason, it reminded me of the game "Enough Plumbers". I guess the structure with the blocks looks similar.

What a game!

I find it quite impressive that you managed to come up with a game this massive! That's quite of a downside because I have little idea how to advance. At least I can say right now that you go on screen to the upper right and then go to the next part of the island. You look around until you find the stick in the middle of the green pool. This can be used to get rid of plants in your way. I was impressed at how much detail was in this.

I guess I like the character design because he resembles my own avatar! Something about blue eyes and blonde hair, I think I'll stop talking about that. You really had to look around everywhere and it takes a long time to get everything organized. If you have a lot of spare time, you should check this game out. It's decent as far as RPGs go.

It's hard

This can be a frustrating game especially on the level with the watermelons. The best part is being able to zoom in on whatever you are shooting to be precise. Even then, there are times where I swear I am hitting the watermelon and nothing happens. The best part is probably the sound which is quite authentic. I guess I am not the best sharpshooter out there, but I would recommend this to more competant players. It's interesting how there's a wide variety of places and objects to shoot.

I especially like how cool the menu screen is. All of the actions are represented by these neat little icons that look so CGI. The text and blood red background is very nicely done as well. What better way to relieve stress than by shooting stuff? Of course, if it's hard it will probably only end up giving you more stress, you know.

That was hard

I guess it was kind of embarassing to play this because I scored fairly low on it. At least I can appreciate it for having a simplistic design and a simple structure. I got a score of 114 and the record is some guy with over 6 million points! I think that's Chuck Norris' secret identity! Anyway, the music was fine in this even if I did not really notice it. The tests were not that hard to do or understand but were hard to get high in. I'd think the higher scores have pointer fingers on fire.

The one that I did best at was the one where you had to just click the two yellow parts over and over. You really don't need to pay any attention to the screen just use the same areas. I find it funny how you won an Underdog Of The Week Award as well as Daily 3rd Place. Well, I'm one who sticks up for the underdog so I was happy to review this. The length was just right too.

Very interesting game

I would give the people hints but they could always just use the walkthrough. The best part of this was how utterly unpredictable it was. I had no idea what was going to come up next and how the game was even working! Thank you for including the hints and of course the walkthrough as previously mentioned. You could put in some more interesting things like more graphics. This is of course a game that does not need graphics as it's a good puzzle game.

It's quite original and that is something I always look for in submissions. Puzzle games are either easy or hard for me and this one was pretty hard. That's the main reason I did not enjoy it as much as I thought. It took some real thought to come up with the different levels. It's kind of like Sudoku, only not as hard (still hard).


Nyan Cat is slowly becoming the world's greatest Internet meme! I just loved every moment of this fantastic game! I think this is probably better than the previous game that was submitted because it allows you to go out and get a better sense of adventure. There were even a wide variety of characters in this, such as Tac Nayn and the aliens. I thought maybe you were supposed to get to the top of the screen, but you did not. I assume this simply never ends like the original site.

I hope very much that this becomes the first game on this site you made to win an award. It's joyous just writing this review as the music never stops! I loved all the ridiculous powerups there were like the Superman one, rocketship, crack, etc. Now this is an addicting game and it's great to have achievements too. He slips on the pink stuff.

Nice little game

This game was fairly fun to play because it had a really simple premise to it. The weird thing was that it was still really hard to get ahead! The coolest thing about this was probably being able to richochet off the wall. You really had to work on your aim with this game. It was harder than I thought, because it seemed like you would get a new set of bubbles after awhile. Instead, everything just constantly goes into the same thing. If you're skilled with this, I greatly recommend it.

As usual, it was nice to know what was coming next. It was weird how the bubbles appeared red when you were close to losing the game. I guess it helps, it just comes off as a bit weird. Still, the music is really nice and it's good to see such an inspiring sounding song. It's fun to just see the bubbles swirl around.

Great game!

I am quite surprised that this does not have a higher score! The really cool thing about it was how the graphics were just fantastic. This seems to be as good as any side-scrolling game you would find on a professional video game. The only complaint is that it was a bit hard to control. I don't know why, but I but flying while I was jumping and I still don't know how to do that voluntarily. The sounds were extremely cute with how you bounced on everything.

The thing with the bosses is that you have to keep on hitting them and do not waste time to wait for them to jump again. It was just sweet how you were able to rack up on health by jumping on enemies' heads. I knew I died at least twice while I still had the 1 life left on the screen. I guess that's a good glitch. The music is great and one of the your best submissions ever!

How strange

If there was anything that annoyed me about this it's that it was very incomprehensible. I really didn't know what I was supposed to do outside of hitting everything. I seemed to advance through all the levels so I must have done something right! Anyway, it was weird with how there were so many things going on. I had little idea what was going to give me a good combo or not. The sounds were pretty cool whenever you hit one of the objects. I can't dislike it, because I did well at it.

Surrealism can work for a game but it could have been more detailed. What really turned me on was the different variety of levels. You had no idea what was coming up next due in part to how incomprehensible the game was itself. You have certainly provided me a unique gaming experience. I guess the title was supposed to come off as a variant of the word "Neon".

Still pretty good

The thing I did not like about this was that I have seen most of these illusions before. Now, that is no way your fault and I appreciated the effort put into this. I have always been a fan of looking at optical illusions. The sad thing is that there are few new ones for me to find because I have seen so many. Of course, I am getting off topic and I still have to praise you for an interesting submission. There were ones I never saw before like the "Liar" face.

I am glad I was able to find out how to put music on. It's interesting how we can play mind games with ourselves. I think my favorite would have to be the ones at the end. Sure, they put a strain on the eye but as stated before, I am used to looking at optical illusions.In case nobody can see it, it says, "No Sex Causes Bad Eyes" on one of them.

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